
How to find an entry-level job after you already have a graduate degree?

Note: I asked this question in early 2009. A couple of months later, I found a great job. I've previously updated this question with some tips for whoever ends up in a similar situation, and now cleaned it up a little for the benefit of the fresh batch of graduates. Original post: In my early 20s I abandoned a great C++ development c...

Working as a software developer for a non-software vendor, pros/cons?

I'm moving (again), and this time the job is for a non-software vendor, actually a publishing company. As a junior I totally need to work for as many projects as I can in order to gain the experience level I desire. My questions are: 1- Will this job slow my experience improvements? 2- Is it totally bad? 3- Are there any advantages o...

How to improve programming skills: from high-level to sth more deep & technical

I need your advice on how to develop my programming skills. Though I am very curious about learning new techniques, I somehow feel stucked at the moment and would like to get some opinions on that. I hope the following description will help to illustrate my current situation clearly to you. I got interested in programming after writing ...

How to overcome unit test frustration?

I'm a developer and have very much fun at nearly all stages of software developent, from gathering requirements, deciding on language, libraries and tools, sketching the architecture to implementing. Even bugfixing is fun. Unit testing is not. Writing a unit test is not that bad, I can get over it. But the quantity of work involved in t...

How do I get domain knowledge to start programming for the finance industry?

I've seen a lot of job advertisements (contracts) quoting extremely high daily rates. I don't think I will ever earn anything even close to it without some experience in banking. Besides, banking looks like a good challenge with high-availability systems and big money floating around. As a bonus, I would probably know more about how to ...

How do solo programmers find people to mentor them through new technology?

I've been working at home for some time now and though I can often find answers -- and the occasionally terrific walkthrough article -- I haven't found a way to either hire or solicit the services of a "mentor." By that I mean someone who can: walk me through an implementation so that I understand what I'm doing, determine flaws in my ...

Looking for advancement and sanity advice for a Manufacturing Test Developer.

I recently got a job for a company that develops and manufactures high grade electronics (company will not be named for reasons that will become obvious). I was hired from being a floor tester to being a test development technician about 2 years ago with the clear intent of being a software developer. (I have next to no electronics back...

Where are all these entry-level jobs in Computer Science that I keep hearing about?

I'm assuming I'm not the only one with this question: Every week or so I hear about some new Industry honcho talking about how nobody majors in Computer Science any more, and how there are many more positions available than there are grads to fill them, despite the economy. So where are these entry-level jobs that I keep hearing about ...

Is obtaining CEH certification Useful

Hi StackOverflow, My friend and I were arguing whether having Certified Ethical Hacker certification (CEH) is useful for a developer. It would be interesting to know the opinions that StackOveflow users have on this topic. Here is our question: Would obtaining CEH makes a difference for a developer (a recent university graduate) when ...

My software company job is not what I expected -- what to do?

Six months ago I got a new job at a medium sized software company. Previously I had been developing software for a company as part of a small agile team, I enjoyed the work, it was interesting and I was passionate about creating a quality product but I left after a disagreement over money. The new job was not what I expected it to be and...

How would you deal with incompetent non-technical staff?

Sometimes a programmer (or any technical specialist) encounters a non-technical people who try to push some ideas that just are dumb. Most of the time it comes from the lack of their technical knowledge. Here are some examples from my experience: We put this huge image files on the main webpage making anyone who doesnt have extremall...

Do you think ASP.NET MVC skills will be in higher demand in the future?

There seem to be factors for and against this happening. For: Growing number of applications being implemented on a web platform Growing need for web apps that work on different devices/platforms, and thus, a need for clean, compliant XHTML code on the front-end Against: Plugins such as Silverlight and Flash becoming more popular,...

Balance work and fun

It is very hard to find a good development job where you can concentrate only on doing a job to your satisfaction, ignoring all the other factors. There is always a compromise required if you are working for money. Thus, I would like to work on my own projects which will be based on pure interest rather than anything else (like business ...

What kind of certifications/masters and also career path for an IT Consultant?

any idea anyone? ...

I've decided I want to become a programmer, but I have some concerns.. Or, What does it take to become a computer programmer?

I've been interested in computer programming since I was about 14 or 15 years old. I taught myself C++ (with the now-deprecated libraries such as iostream.h), and wrote some simple console programs. Just basic stuff, like a program to convert arabic-numerals to roman-numerals and vice versa. Time went by and I didn't do anything else rel...

Career in Informix

I am currently working as a MySql Database Designer (2+ years of experience, earlier in MS SQL) in Some Company. I am getting an oppoortunity to work with Informix Database in a big company. Will it be a good decision to shift to a new field? How's the career in it? Can anybody show me the light? ...

How do I get out of PHP development and into .Net development?

I have a B.S. in computer science and have been working as a PHP developer for about three years. I don't want to be a PHP developer and would like to move into .Net development. I don't expect it to be easy, but I am prepared to do whatever it takes to make it happen. I'm confident in my ability to learn the tools, languages, and des...

Facebook interview questions?

I have a phone screening with Facebook scheduled next week. What kind of questions might they ask? ...

Build a resume with only one real job?

So I graduated college and immediately got a dev job. I progressed through the ranks from Engineer I, Engineer II, to Senior Engineer. I am now looking for a new job. So listing my employment history on my resume, what is the best way to do this? My tasks didn't change dramatically, but I did get more and more responsibility with a few i...

What is the day to day role of a Security Analyst/Engineer?

I have heard a lot of buzz around security and CISSP in IT organizations, but I am not sure what this entails. What are the day to day roles of a Security Analyst/Engineer and what steps do you need to take to become one? ...