
What Should I Learn After PHP?

I am currently pretty experienced at PHP, and have wrote multiple applications in it. I know HTML, CSS, MySQL, and Javascript along with PHP. What is the next step in programming? (I know that there are languages like Perl, C, Python, but don't know exactly if they are Web Based, Desktop based, etc) Updated My Goals are to learn enoug...

First 30 days of new job (Update after few days)

I will be starting on a new job as an entry level programmer.I researched and found some important things to do like spending some time with boss,interacting with colleagues,managing expectations. Please advice me as to what my strategy should be in the first 30 days . Because in these rough market conditions without sufficient project...

Developer and Graphic Designer in one?

I received a BSCS two years ago and find myself bored in just doing development. I'm a good programmer from my what peers and managers tell me but I've always found graphic design interesting and know that I would succeed at that as well. I hear so many programmers say I have no design skill and I'm thinking, you know I have some design...

I want to be a professional programmer. But I'm afraid.

Am a just but a part 3 undergraduate of computer science. I would prefer to program. But I am always afraid I may not be competent.So far in school I have learned Qbasic, Pascal, C++ and Java but I cannot burst of developing reasonable software. What must I do to become a professional programmer? ...

Older Delphi Instructional Materials

There's a lot of old Delphi books available inexpensively. As a self-taught (advanced) beginner, it is difficult for me to know which ideas are still relevant and up-to-date, and which have become outdated. I'm hoping for a little guidance. For example, would it be outmoded to learn about databases powered by BDE? Is COM no longer a comm...

Training Material for Requirements Gathering

At a small software company, we have several developers who are very competent programmers but who have no formal Software Engineering training. As part of their career development it is time to offer them greater responsibilities, particularly at the earlier stages of the software lifecycle. What good training material is available abo...

Front-End Software Developer

I've learned that after two years from getting my BSCS degree and working for a huge corporation as a programmer that I'm most interested in front-end web development. I enjoy creating the front-end portions of applications that include technologies such as JavaScript, Ajax, flex/flash css, xhtml, etc. There are not many opportunities fo...

Finding non-web development entry-level positions

Now, I'm a college junior. I have a bit of time before the realities of the job search hit me. However, I've been trying to find more practical skills to learn since my CS department is rather theoretical. (Seriously, I only need Programming Language Design and Automata Theory to finish my major having taken all but 1 practical elective....

Which has more job opportunites - VB.NET or C#?

I know there are lots of Visual Basic vs. C# threads out there, but I think this is important. Are there more professional Visual Basic.NET or C# jobs? ...

.Net developer career suggestion

I have been working as a .net programmer for the last 5+ years but don't want to go into management or people handling. I want to stay in technical side always and also want good future growth with a secure career. As these days the IT industry is down I feel I should be an Oracle DBA which is more secure and interesting for me to do. ...

How to validate software design?

I am pretty alone at my workplace when it comes to thinking about the overall design of the applications we're building. I don't have anybody to discuss the pros and cons with different frameworks, technologies, patterns, layering and so on with. The other programmers either don't care or thinks "the old way" is fine, which it isn't beca...

Is there a market for JNI?

JNI is a peculiar little corner of the universe. I was wondering if there is a market there for specialty contract work. From what I can tell: (1) JNI usage is rather rare these days. (2) Most devs are not as good at it as they might think. (3) Being rare, it is a labor to come up to speed (again) when called upon to do so. The poten...

How to stop working

Sometimes I just don't know how to stop working. I have a task to be completed in N days and for some reason I don't quite get, I want to make it in one. I just see how the clock keeps going, 6pm 7pm 8pm .... 3am Is not that I really like the code or something, this is different. It like when you thought the change/fix would be soo...

Microsoft certification and alternative paths

I work in an environment where the microsoft certifications are quite highly regarded - and I'm studying for some of them. I do a lot of non-microsoft javascript/ajax work and this is got me thinking about what are the alternative options if you are not a microsoft person. There is no recognised javascript certification or (I'm guessing)...

What kind of a job/position could be a fit to a recent graduate with M.Sc in Algorithms & Logic?

Hi guys, I got my masters degree in Algorithms and Logic (I also have a bachelors in Math) six months ago and since then I have been looking for a job. I am specialized in Graph Theory (thesis + 2 years of research) and I was mostly trained in algorithm design (via pseudocodes) and techniques, running times/space complexity classes / hi...

What soft skills make a great programmer?

I want to know what people think are the most important soft skills (e.g patience, tenacity, competitiveness) for programmers. I’m not really interested in communication skills, but more the skills you use when you’re hunched over the keyboard. ...

Is doing a bit of freelancing while working full time a good idea?

I'm a web developer and I've always been doing some personal projects to learn new technologies and keep myself busy. I also did some minor freelance work (create a website for the small association Y, for the artist Z...). As time passes and I build up my network, skill set and resume, I get a lot more offers that could take more of my...

How to get a job doing open source software development

My full time job involves developing closed source software but I am finding this increasingly unrewarding (especially with a recent push for us to submit more patent applications). I enjoy participating in open source projects in my spare time and would love to work full time on open source software. How can I go about doing this? (P...

I'm a university student who hopes to intern for a large company (msft, apple, rim, etc). What should I learn?

I'm currently in the third year of my comp sci undergrad degree. Before graduating, I'd like to experience a co-op term with a heavyweight in this field. What topics do you think are most pushed for when trying to get a co-op placement with these companies? ...

Knowledge and Skills in CVs

I'm job hunting and have been tayloring my CV for individual jobs however it tends to follow the following theme for my skills and knowledge: Commercial experience with Relational Database Management Systems (Postgres) including SQL, stored procedures, replication and design. Commercial experience in Python and PHP web scripting, XML (...