
Is there an equivalent to Monorail view components for the ASP.Net MVC Framework?

I make heavy use of View Components in some of the larger applications I've built in Monorail - What is the equivalent approach in ASP.Net MVC for a view component, that can support sections etc.? ...

Nhibernate cursor issue

Every time i refresh the page i get the next 10 results. It is my intention to always get the same 10 items. I have the following page export.rails?items=10 Which hits the following Monorail Handler public void export(int items) { TypedPropertyBag.Delegate = delegateRepository.FindAllDelegatesIsExported(items); } ...

Many appdomains for a web application in under iis7

Hi, I have a monorail web application running on iis7. It appears like two concurrent requests are handled on two different appdomains! As far as I know, each application should have one appdomain and multiple httpapplications to handle requests... Is there something I am missing? (configuration perhaps?) ...

Using Castle Windsor to inject IRailsEngineContext

Issue I am using Castle Windsor as an IoC container in a Castle Monorail project. I would like to inject the current instance of IRailsEngineContext into an object being resolved from the container in a controller. Context The object I would like inject the rails context into would be used to wrap the session object for the purpose...

asp .net mvc and castle mono rail about upload multiple files

Hello, im trying to upload multiple files using castle mono rail with framework 2.0 I did my controller for that but just for 1 file. When i try to re write for multiple files using the Request.Files i have problems. Asp .Net mvc can work with that but castle don't :( I'm trying to use something like HttpFileCollection hfc = Request.Fi...

Are there alternative ways to register helpers with controllers in MonoRail?

In MonoRail controllers can be adorned with the Helper attribute to make helpers available in views. Is there another way to register helpers, perhaps via configuration file or dependency injection, with controllers? I'm keen on avoiding creating a base controller just for the purposes of providing helpers and adding yet another controll...

Log in function in monorail c#

Hi, Could anyone give me any good link to log in function in monorail c#? I am a newbie to monorail c# and need to implement one log in function. Thank you. Mealea ...

Best Practices for Images in a Model with Castle ActiveRecord/MonoRail

Our "user" model needs a small profile picture on it, and I'm not entirely sure how to handle it. Of course we could just save it to a folder on disk and store the path/filename to the database, but I think I'd rather have it stored in the DB itself. My first thought was to have a property on the model like this: [Property] public ...

Problems with repository pattern reuse and query support

Guys, I've been reading both ddd and PoEAA books, and searching a lot on the web but i'm still confused and i think there is something i'm missing about the repository pattern: Context of use: Web apps (monorail + activerecord) What i'm looking for: reuse a 'base' repository among project. The repository will be the typical IReposit...

Alternative to query string and cookies when sending data to server?

I have a small (or perhaps not so small) issue with some ASP.NET/Castle Monorail sites for a product I work on. This is a fairly legacy system (written well before my time), and it uses GET requests with a considerable amount of information in the query string. We have recently run into query string length limitations, and for the amount...

Strongly type returned JSON using MonoRail

Hi I am calling the following method in my controller using $.getJSON() [return: JSONReturnBinder] public object ProfileFields() { var userfields = _profileSvc.GetFields(282); var fields = from f in userfields select new {f.ID, f.FieldName}; return fields; } My _profileSvc comes back with extra data...

Ajax Call to Monorail Controller JQuery

I could really use an example of this. Can anyone provide me with a sample implementation of a Javascript function using JQuery (not totally necessary) to make a Castle Monorail call? I have Monorail configured to intercept all HttpRequests with "*.ashx". Using an Ajax call I would like to pass a parameter to my Monorail Controller and ...

Get HttpContext from JQuery AJAX GET

Hello... My project is using Castle Monorail as a MVC framework. The problem is that Monorail requires that all controllers have a view template. I am trying to get a string back from a method on a controller via an AJAX call. The AJAX GET always returns a 500 error from the server because Monorail cannot find a view template. I have se...

Binding Monorail RadioFields to GenericLists

I have the following object which I bind to a Form in my view: public class Foo { public List<Bar> Items { get; set; } } public class Bar { public List<string> Lines { get; set; } public int Resolution { get; set; } } I am presenting this information to the user as various groups of RadioFields. How do I bind the Radio...

Asp.Net Mvc 2 reusable parts?

Hi there: I wonder, is there an equivalent of the Monorail View components for Asp.Net MVC? What I m trying to do is render some complex UI that depends on a class, so say we are in a List view, I want to pass an object to this ViewComponent equivalent and that it will take the object as a parameter and render the complex UI for me all...

Mapping Castle MonoRail default requests to a controller action

Hi, I'm running a MonoRail application that has no routing configured. So I'm using MRs standard Area/Controller/Action.aspx scheme. (I changed the MonoRail handler to listen for .aspx requests). Now, the problem here is that /Home/Index.aspx is my start-page, yet if someone comes to it's not transferred to /Home/Ind...

castle monorails no simultaneous requests from the same user

I have created an website in Castle Monorails and the users that are using the site are complaining that it is very slow so I have done some investigations with fiddler and I discovered that the requests (from the same user) are not simultaneous. I have tried to use but it is not working and it seams that Castle monorail does not suppor...

After upgrading to Castle Trunk and NHibernate My Integration tests crash TestDriven.Net

I have an old MonoRail/ActiveRecord I've been doing some work too. Recently I decided to upgrade the application to Castle Trunk & NHibernate GA and I'm now finding a few issues with running tests: First off - When using TestDriven.Net to run the integration tests that work against the database, it's crashing TestDriven.Net ...

Feedback on Mono rails

Has anybody tried Mono rails from Caste project . Unfortunately the client wants to develop in .nET v2.0 and not 3.5 , and I was looking for some MVC framework in .NET 2.0 . ...

Uploadify + Castleproject Monorail: Ajax calls cannot be done while uploading

Hi, I am working on a project using the uploadify jquery plugin and CastleProject Monorail as backend. The problem I get is that while uploading it seems to block the ajax calls (which are called in the meantime). The ajax are called after the upload is finished. The strange thing is, when I implement uploadify in a new castleproject m...