
What is the Proper Escape Formatting for HTML and CSS Within an XML Document?

I have an XML data source that has HTML & CSS formatted data contained in one of the document nodes. What is the proper way to escape this data so that I can properly parse it? For clarification, I am using TouchXML in Objective-C to parse the data. (Not that it should matter but I wanted to include all pertinent information.) Any help ...

html tags inside xml via php

I am trying to put an html string inside of xml with php like this: <?php $xml_resource = new SimpleXMLElement('stuff.xml', 0, true); $xml_resource->content = '<![CDATA[<u>111111111111111111111111111111111 text</u>]]>'; $xml_resource->asXML('stuff.xml'); ?> but for some reason my xml file looks like this: <?xml version="1.0"?> <data>...

Detecting HTML code in XML file in XCode (iPhone)

There's this XML file for an RSS feed which has a body: <description> <div> <img width=120 src=&#039;;#039;&gt; </div> <![CDATA[Hey come to Manor tomorrow night yo! featuring performances by BEATPHONIK X ADDLIB with KABAYAN KRUMP MOVEMENT an...

If Statement not working with And (&&) Operator

Hi all! I'm having a hard time writing up what seems should be a simple if statement! I need it to say if mod does not equal a, b, or c - then do this. Here is what I was trying but have been unsuccessful: var mod = CURRENT_MODULE_ID; if (mod != "5827289" && mod != "5195103" && mod != "5181422") { doSomething(); } When I type this ...

How to access variable in CDATA from XSLT ???

Hello All, I am using XSLT Transformation and need to put some data in CDATA section and that vale is present in a variable. Query: How to access variable in CDATA ? Sample Given Below: <xsl:attribute name ="attributeName"> <![CDATA[ I need to access some variable here like *<xsl:value-of select ="$AnyVarible"/>* ]]> </xsl:att...

How to read CDATA XML Content

I have the following xml file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <root> <phrase id="test"><![CDATA[test]]></phrase> <phrase id="test0"><![CDATA[test0]]></phrase> <phrase id="test2"><![CDATA[test2]]></phrase> <phrase id="test3">test3</phrase> <phrase id="test4"> <![CDATA[test4 LINEBREAK]]> </phrase> <phrase id="test5"> LINEB...

Implementing IXmlSerializable for content containing data with or without CDATA tags

I am trying to figure out a way to parse an xml tag where content is passed in with CDATA tags for some input, but not for all. For example, the following is sample content I would receive for data which contains CDATA tags. But there is some other scenarios where the CDATA tags are ommited. <Data><![CDATA[ <h1>CHAPTER 2<br/> EDUCATION...

How do I insert CData value into azure table storage row

Hi geeks, I just can't insert a CData value into table row. my new table entity is like new Book { Description = new XCData("<What>XXXXX</What>").ToString(), CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, }) and then I insert the book via context. THe result: <Properties><CreatedOn>2010-02-18T10:17:10.953Z</CreatedOn><Name>&lt;![CDATA[

Using jQuery to extract CDATA in XML for use as HTML content

I am retrieving a Google Earth .kml (xml) file and using the content to place markers in Google Maps. The particular XML tags I am interested in look like: <Placemark> <name>Bahamas-LSI</name> <description><![CDATA[ <img src=""&gt; <p>...

Javascript and `<>...</>` tags.

So I recently discovered that I could use <>...</> tags in javascript in Firefox, which is handy when defining blocks of HTML or CSS. GM_addStyle(<><![CDATA[ .page { display: block } /* ... */ td { vertical-align: top } ]]></>); //... div.innerHTML = <><![CDATA[ <table class="section"> <!-- ... --> </table> ]]></>; But I...

modifying string content of XML file in CDATA block

Hi, How can i modifying the string content in CDATA block of an XML file, such as For reference[(text)] please look below syntax, <![CDATA[<FlowDocument FontFamily="Helvetica" FontSize="24" Foreground="#FFFFFF00" TextAlignment="Left" PagePadding="5,0,5,0" AllowDrop="True" xmlns=""&gt;&l...

add html content to hidden form field

Hi all Is it possible to pass a chunk of html content to a hidden field and how would I do this? Thanks Jonathan ...

Should I use "]]>" or "//]]>" for closing a CDATA section into xHTML

I want to inline Scripts or CSSs into xHTML without escaping special characters. I can do that using a CDATA marked section. According to the CDATA section can be defined as: <script type="text/javascript"> <![CDATA[ ... unescaped script content ... ]]> </script> Then, according...

Howto remove HTML <a> tags in a CDATA element

Hi, I have HTML in a CDATA element (HTML is too crappy to be parsed) and I would like to remove <a href> tags, but keep text in the tags. I'm searching around regex but still not find a good way to do that. All advices are welcome! ...

Legally use CDATA in XML

Hi, I have an XML file which XML parser choke on. A part of it is : <closedDeal><customer><![CDATA[ABC ]]></customer></closedDeal> The error I got is The literal string ']]>' is not allowed in element content. Error processing resource What is the correct way of using CDATA? I need CDATA because the data is read from Excel, and co...

How to do binding inside htmltext CDATA

I couldn't find a way to bind a variable inside the htmlText property of a Text component i want to be able to do something like this : <mx:Text id="bodyText" styleName="bodyText"> <mx:htmlText > <![CDATA[<img src='assets.OrangeRect' align='left' hspace='0' vspace='4'/> Bonjour {} ]]> </mx:htmlText> </mx:Text...

Extracting CDATA Using jQuery

It looks like this has been asked before, but the answers do not appear to work for me. I am outputting information from a local XML file, but the description elements is not being output because it is enclosed in CDATA - if I remove the CDATA portion then things work fine. Here is my code: $(document).ready( function() { $.get(...

jQuery and XML (with CDATA)

I've seen the post that deal with this issue but I still can't solve my issue: I've got XML with CDATA and when I parse the XML, it includes the CDATA (which I don't want). XML sample: <mainnav> <nav path="/" xmlpath="home.xml" key="footer" navigator=""> <display><![CDATA[Home]]></display> <title><![CDATA[Home...

Is it possible to use CDATA inside <pre> tag.

I want to display an exception trace in the HTML page. One way to do this is to escape HTML special characters in the exception trace and dump it inside the <pre> tag. Although it works, it's terribly inefficient. I thought that one approach would be to wrap the trace with CDATA. I've tried it, but nothing get's displayed. My questi...

Does the XML specification states that parser need to convert \n\r to \n always, even when \n\r appears in a CDATA section?

Hi, I've stumbled in a problem handling the \line-feed and \carriage-return characters in xml. I know that, according to, xml processors are required to replace any "\n\r" or lone "\r" sequences with "\n". The specification states that this has to be the behaviour for handling any "external pa...