
Emacs source code navigation features.

Hi, I am working on a large c++ project. I am working with emacs for the last six months. I have try to configure CEDET so as to be able to navigate easily but i have found some problems. 1.- Sometimes semantic does not find some symbols and sometimes he don't ... i do not know clearly which files is semantic indexing. I have tried to...

How to make emacs Semantic use the TAG file generated by GTAGS

My emacs version is 23.2.1 Although I used the following to change the backend to use GTAGS. (require 'semantic/db-global) (semanticdb-enable-gnu-global-databases 'c-mode) (semanticdb-enable-gnu-global-databases 'c++-mode) I tried to generate a GTAGS file to be used as a backend of semantic. However, everytime when I open a C file, Seman...

CEDET scalability tips

I use CEDET (latest CVS) with several moderately large projects (a few hundred kLOCs each, mostly C, but some C++) and sometimes experience long pauses in which the system is completely unresponsive for seconds. More rarely, it spins out of control completely and I have to mash on C-g and try to move the cursor or switch to a different ...

Emacs/CEDET. Multiple projects and code completion.

I've setup emacs with CEDET 1.0 and ECB 2.40 (heavily inspired by Alex Otts setup at http://github.com/alexott/emacs-configs/blob/master/rc/emacs-rc-cedet.el and his gentle introduction to Cedet ( http://alexott.net/en/writings/emacs-devenv/EmacsCedet.html ), thanks Alex). It works quite well, but I need more understanding abou...

Writing a parser with Wisent

Hi! I've described a grammar in a .wy file, but how can I build the parser? Also, sorry if this question is too simple, but I'm having a bad time figuring out how to use CEDET. Are there any docs besides the gentle intro and the info files? Thanks! ...