
Installing CEDET 1.0pre6 as user while keeping CEDET 1.0pre4 deb package installed

My work computer (Ubuntu 8.10) has CEDET version 1.0pre4 installed, and I'm trying to install the newest version of CEDET (1.0pre6) in my local directory (the ultimate goal, upgrading ECB to the newest version). Unfortunately, the default debian/ubuntu installation initializes the system-wide packages for CEDET and ECB before my .emacs ...

EMACS for C++ development - Problem with CEDET code completion and project

I am setting up EMACS for a C++ project on UBUNTU. I am successful so far in installing ECB CEDET - I got code completion and other features working. Color theme I am having problems with EDE package. The "Project" menu is not showing. I have added (global-ede-mode t) to the .emacs file, but no luck. Do I need to install EDE package...

make emacs semantic auto complete tip "always on"

Hello, I have just installed cedet (CVS version) and I am now playing with in emacs and my C++ source code. Regarding the auto complete, I can invoke the tool tip and the menu from their semantic-ia-complete-* commands. Does anyone know how I can make the auto complete tip appear automatically without my having to invoke a command(se...

How to compile CEDET 1.0pre7 compilation for Emacs 23.1.50 on Windows?

I'm trying to compile CEDET from CVS for Emacs 23.1.50 on Windows and I've got error on "Step 6: Turning on EDE...": "defvar: Symbol's value as variable is void: cedet-menu-map". Compilation of CEDET 1.0pre6 raises the same error. ...

Which conveniences does CEDET bring to dynamic languages ?

I've been looking into CEDET, but it seems that most of its features would appeal more to developpers working in statically typed languages, and I'm kind of getting cold feet from the amount of tinkering it seems to require. As I work mainly with ruby and javascript, I'm wondering what kind of improvements it could bring when working ...

Emacs, C++ code completion for vectors

Hi, I am new to Emacs, and I have the following code as a sample. I have installed GNU Emacs 23.1.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7600), installed cedet-1.0pre7.tar.gz. , installed ELPA, and company. You can find my simple Emacs configuration at the bottom. The problem is, when I type q[0] in main() and press . (dot), I see the 37 members of the ...

emacs intellisense

Hi, I know this has been discussed a lot of times but is there any nice how-to for c/c++ intellisense in emacs? I have never been able to set up cedet properly. Right now I am working on a maintenance project with a huuge code base and it is very difficult to manage without proper intellisense. Currently I am using vim with ctags/cscop...

Emacs, Cedet and semantic

Hello everyone, I've configured CEDET for emacs following Alex article (great!!). Now, the questions: 1 - i've generated GTAGS with Gnu Global in my /usr/include, how can i check if semantic is using GTAGS? 2 - can I keep my GTAGS in another directory and instruct semantic to use that dir?? 3 - In c/c++ sources, completion on inclu...

Parsing whole project with semantic

I'm searching for a way to parse the whole directory with source code with semantic. Is this possible to do without explicitly opening each file in emacs ? ...

emacs cedet set up doubt

Hi, I installed cedet successfully today and got most of it working; thanks to Alex Ott's Gentle Introduction to Cedet. However i am having a problem When I give the exact path relative to the current file i am working on then auto-completion is working fine. #include "../../opensource/inc/lldp_port.h" void test_func() { lldp_por...

Emacs CEDET and system include paths

Hello everyone, I'd like to add path to the openMPI library headers. So, after i found all openMPI headers are in /usr/lib/openmpi/include/* i added these two lines to my .emacs: (semantic-add-system-include "/usr/lib/openmpi/include" 'c-mode) (semantic-add-system-include "/usr/lib/openmpi/include" 'c++-mode) I think this is ok, but...

Emacs with CEDET changes copy/paste to include trailing spaces?

I just started trying out CEDET today, which I really like, but it seems to do something completely worthless with respect to copying/pasting. If I highlight some stuff and copy it, when it gets pasted back the newlines are eliminated and there is just a ton of trailing whitespace on each line. This is really worthless. All I have in ...

Emacs: mitigating dependancy on the mouse

In Emacs, how does one emulate mouse button presses and the like using a keyboard? For example, with CEDET's Semantic (included with GNU Emacs 23.2.1), includes can be right clicked to provide a menu; how can I make that menu, and others, with the keyboard, appear as a tooltip or in the minibuffer a la M-` that allows one to access the m...

GNU Emacs23: cedet troubles

Hi, Since I switched to CEDET as shipped with recent emacs release (23.2), CEDET does not work reliably anymore. For example I am no longer able to regenerate an EDE project. After looking aroud, it seems that all CEDET templates are missing from the tarball. Does anyone know how I can workaround this ? Regards ...

ede-proj-regenerate does weird things with my Makefile

Hi, I have created a really basic project (Make) like this: (ede-proj-project "zrm" :name "zrm" :file "Project.ede" :targets (list (ede-proj-target-makefile-program "zm" :name "zrm" :path "" :source '("zrm.c") ) ) ) When doing M-x ede-proj-regenerate RET and M-x compile RET RET (accepting make -k as my c...

[cedet]: how to add a new ede target ?

Hi, I can't find an easy way to add ede targets to my projects. I am looking for the way to add an install target or even a test target to run unittest. How do you do that with ede-project-manager ? ...

Emacs: Using and initializing CEDET

Hi, I'm using Emacs with CEDET and auto complete for code completion. Originally I set up CEDET so it loads at Emacs start up every time. However, this took quite a long time, so i thought it would be clever to load it just if needed, i.e. - in my case - when entering C++-Mode. So I moved the original function into a lambda that is ...

how to do file selection using mouse with emacs cedet?

I am using emacs 23.2 on Ubuntu 10.04 & Windows XP along with cedet extention. Cedet seems to work fine but I could not select the file using mouse. Rather I need to use the Key press to select the file from cedet (placed at left side).. how to do file selection using mouse with emacs cedet? Any clue shall be appreciated... ...

Setting up CEDET/EDE to work with Irrlicht

I have CEDET 1.0pre7 set up with emacs 23.1, and I want to use it to manage irrlicht programs. I am pretty new at writing non-academic C++ code, and makefiles. I got the following makefile to work for me: game.exe: game.o g++ game.o -o game.exe -L "D:/irrlicht/irrlicht-1.7.1/lib/Win32-gcc/" -l Irrlicht game.o: game.cpp g++ -c ga...

Configuring CEDET for GNU Emacs 23.2.1

I recently built and installed Emacs 23.2.1 for OS X 10.6, which apparently comes with CEDET 1.0pre7 pre-installed, but my old CEDET configuration fails (for instance (semantic-load-excessive-code-helpers) or even (semantic-load-code-helpers) are undefined) even after adding the following to my .emacs: (require 'cedet) (semantic-mode 1)...