
Pixel chains from run length encoding

I've been banging my head for a long time on this one I am doing imaging. So far I've binarized my images, meaning that from a grayscale image, every pixel under a certain value are dropped. This gives me only some regions out of the original image with a lot of "zero pixels" all around those regions. Next I've run length encoded my re...

How to make Certificate Chain and install into store

Hi, Can someone please tell me how to create a certificate from a root certificate (Certificate Chain), all day googling I am still strugling to find some thing useful. I need to use Windows API only. Cannot use any tools like makecert etc..Cannot use openssl also.. I have a root certificate (self signed), at the time of my client so...

C++ input chaining in C#

I am trying to learn C# coming from C++. I am writing just some basic console stuff to get a feel for it and was wondering if it is possible to do simple chaining of inputs in C#. For example in C++: cout<<"Enter two numbers: "; cin >> int1 >> int2; You could then just input 3 5 and hit enter and the values will be fine. In C# however...

problem with binding events in Jquery chain

Hi , I am currently using jquery chain to bind html controls with JSON output. I have a few elements in my that I have to bind events on. Since these elements come within the scope of the the JQuery's root I observer that none of these bindings were working , then I figured out the builder in the hash that jquery chain takes in as a pa...

View controller chain

I have a Navigation Controller with a root table view which has several links. Tapping each link moves to the next view (by pushing it to the navigation controller's stack). But suppose that in that "next view", I have a UIButton that should take me further to another view (by pushing on to the same navigation controller's stack)... Vie...

Struts2: what is the difference between redirect - redirectionAction - chain

Hi, I guess they must be somehow base on the good-old "request.sendRedirect" and "RequestDispatcher.forward". They both have pros and cos: - sendRedirect changes the URL but requires 2 request/response, so hard to share data between 2 request - forward is my favorite but it doesn't change the URL, so pressing F5 may cause error. I don...

Java - Get Certificate Chain

I have a certificate encoded in Base64 ----- BEGIN CERTIFICATE ----- MIIGezCCBWOgAwIBA ...., how to get the root and intermediate certificates that appear in the certification path from it! ...

Zend Framework route chaining in application.ini

I am setting language depending on the domain name (en for, tr for resources.router.routes.plain.type = "Zend_Controller_Router_Route" resources.router.routes.plain.route = "/:module/:controller/:action" resources.router.routes.plain.defaults.language= "en" resources.router.routes.plain.defaults.module = ...

Ruby Rail View Chain

I am new to Ruby on Rail and I have some questions. I have used the Builder to output XML. render :template => "xxx/yyy.xml.builder" However I want to add a filter to modify the output (i.e. signing it). I prefer not to generate the XML and modify it in the controller as I think it is a responsibility of a view. Is there any chain me...