
Jquery: change event to input file on IE

Hello guys, I already looked all around, and can't find a solution: I have a form to upload files, and it should fire the submit after the file selection. On FF/Chrome it goes weel, and submit the form after file selection, but I can't do this on ie. Already tried with click/propertychange but nothing happens. Some code I already tried...

OnWorkflowItemChanged for document library item - determine if metadata or file has changed?

In SharePoint Workflow - for a document library how do I determine if document metadata or document itself has changed? Both SPListItem.Versions and SPFile.Versions are added when i only change metadata (like file title). Also SPFile.Length changes if I only change metadata. ...

How do I watch a folder for changes and when changes are done using Python?

i need to watch a folder for incoming files. i did that with the following help: the problem is that the files that are being moved are pretty big (10gb) and i want to be notified when all files are done moving. i tried comparing the size of the fold...

Why can I not update settings on datepicker using change in jQuery?

I am trying to create two different sets of settings for datepicker( when the user picks different radiobuttons in a group. Here's my code: $("input[name='shipping_time_english']").change(function(){ datepicker(); }); function datepicker() { ...

CSS - change position absolute left to right in IE

How i can override this declaration, i can do something like this div.someClass {position:absolute; left:10px; top:20px} i want this ----------------------------- div.myClass div.someClass {position:absolute; RIGHT:10px; top:20px; left:auto;} You can say, that it should work if I set left:auto; but it is not working in IE6, i didn't...

Linkbutton_click event filename problem in

Hello, I have a directory with a lot of files in it named: file001.pdf, file002.pdf etc. Now I want a linkbutton in witch opens one of the above files with an other name! So for example the linkbutton show's and opens when clicked the pdf: newname.pdf. Is this possible in I only want the client to see the newname.pdf...

Selected cell : Change background color

Hi, This is for the main browse menu. I have a View. Inside that is a UITableView. I am populating this UITableView with my browse menu items. (icon1 - menuitem1, icon2 - menuitem2, icon3 - menuitem3 and so on) Now the problem is: Some of the menuitems, upon clicking go to a static UI like Send Email form, FAQ screen etc., And some of ...

Change the value of variable PHP

I have input fields ,which I process with AJAX and send it on another file. The value of the inputs is always different. How in the file ,where I get the data from AJAX ,to change the variable id always when I get the data from AJAX. Example: I get the data from AJAX in this file: <?php $id=1; echo '<div id="$id"></div>'; ?> Then I d...

How to change value of character in Javascript?

I have this code here, {foreach from=$cart.cartItems item="item" name="cart"} <div id="cart2Produkt"> <p>{if $item.Product.ID} <a href="{productUrl product=$item.Product}" data-tooltip="sticky1">{$item.Product.name_lang|truncate:20}</a> {else} <span>{$item.Product.name_lang...

How do I set a static bool in another app domain?

How do I programatically set the value of a static boolean in another app domain? I'm testing an application where I need to change a bool value. Problem is that the bool value exists as a static instance on a type hosted in another app domain. (I'm doing this for test purposes, it won't be used in production code) ...

Change event on <select>

If i attach a change event listener on a<select> how do i acces the option that was selected (not just the value, the actual element). $('select').addEvent('change',function(event) { //?? }); Note: i'm using Mootools ...

VIM Replace word with contents of paste buffer?

I need to do a bunch of word replacements in a file and want to do it with a vi command, not an EX command such as :%s///g. I know that this is the typical way one replaces the word at the current cursor position: cw<text><esc> but is there a way to do this with the contents of the unnamed register as the replacement text and without ove...

Changing a php "echoed" div attribute with php

Hi everybody, I'm using PHP to echo a content stored on my database. The content is a DIV carrying any type of data. The problem is that I don't know the ID and I have some problems with these DIVs if I try to display them more that once. So, the idea is to modify the DIV id each time I'd like to display them. Something like this: <?...

jquery change element to element

Hello <div class="leftlink" id="mcontacts"> <img src="test.gif" class="arrowred"/> <a href="/contacts/" class="u">Контакты</a> </div> if(window.location == '') { $('.menuwelcome').css('display', 'block'); $('.leftlink').find('Контакты').css('font-weight', 'bold'); $('#mcontacts').find('a'...

Change date format (in DB or output) to dd/mm/yyyy - PHP MySQL

MySQL stores the date in my database (by default) as 'YYYY-MM-DD' The field type for my date is 'DATE' (I do not need any time storage).. Is there a simple way to change it by default to DD/MM/YYYY ? I call up different dates in 2 different tables, and no where in any of my code do I have anything resembling a date variable or anything!...

UIVIew layout and orientation changes

Hi, I am supporting all orientation for the iPad app. I am adjusting the my view with autoresizingMask for orienttaion changes (main view and tabbar) . But the subviews in the main view are flowing out of the mainview in landscape mode. so i forced a "setNeedsLayout for the mainview, making subviews in mainview to fit into the mainview ...

How to determine whether a database has been changed or not ?

I have a need to determine if a database on a MS SQL Server has changed between two distinct moments. The change can be structural or data-related and the check should be generic (i.e. independant of the structure of the database). Preferably, I'd like the check to be T-SQL based or with SMOs, not file based. I checked on MSDN but I hav...

change flex application identifier string

Just wondering how you can go about changing a flex app's application identifier string? I know its located on line 16 of the xml file but every time I change it, an error occurs when I export the release build. Just wondering how I go about doing this. ...

How to change the value of value in BASH ??

Hello All, Let's say i have the Following, Vegetable=Potato ( Kind of vegetable that i have ) Potato=3 ( quantity available ) If i wanna know how many vegetables i have (from a script where i have access only to variable Vegetable), i do the following: Quantity=${!Vegetable} But let's say i take ...

How do i replace a key up keyCode with another in jQuery?

I currently have a table which only has a single editable column. I have a jQCuery change() event associated with the column's input controls to prevent any non numeric keys being pressed, other than tab / delete / backspace. I would like to replace the Enter key with a Tab press. Can someone please show me the relevant statement to re...