
Putting char into a java string for each N characters

I have a java string, which has a variable length. I need to put the piece "<br>" into the string, say each 10 characters. For example this is my string: `this is my string which I need to modify...I love stackoverlow:)` How can I obtain this string?: `this is my<br> string wh<br>ich I nee<br>d to modif<br>y...I love<br> stackove...

java newline character insertion

how can i insert a newline character in a java applet program if i am using "label" instead of sys.out.println?? thanks in advance ...

Special chars in Python

Hi, i have to use special chars in my python-application. For example: ƃ I have information like this: U+0183 LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH TOPBAR General Character Properties In Unicode since: 1.1 Unicode category: Letter, Lowercase Various Useful Representations UTF-8: 0xC6 0x83 UTF-16: 0x0183 C octal escaped UTF-8: \306\203 XML deci...

BSTR and SysAllockStringByteLen() in C++

I'm new to C++, so this may be a noobish question; I have the following function: #define SAFECOPYLEN(dest, src, maxlen) \ { \ strncpy_s(dest, maxlen, src, _TRUNCATE); \ dest[maxlen-1] = '\0'; ...

simplyXML and accented characters in PHP

I have written an XML file which is using the ISO-8859-15 encoding and most of the data within the feed is ran through htmlspecialchars(). I am then using simplyxml_load_string() to retrieve the contents of the XML file to use in my script. However, if I have any special characters (ie: é á ó) it comes out as "é á ó". The How can I ...

significance of negative values of type char in C

chars in 'C' are used to represent characters. Numbers representing characters in all code pages are always positive. What is the use of having signed characters?? Are negative values contained in chars used only as integral values in a smaller integral data-type than int and short?? Do they have no other interpretation??(like positiv...

PHP is there a built-in function to render ' as &rsquo; etc

is there a built-in function to render characters like ' as identities () ? also, is it unsafe to output raw characters (e.g ') in the html? thanks. ...

Comparing chars in a character array with strcmp

I have read an xml file into a char [] and am trying to compare each element in that array with certain chars, such as "<" and ">". The char array "test" is just an array of one element and contains the character to be compared (i had to do it like this or the strcmp method would give me an error about converting char to cons char*). Ho...

french chars html - javascript

I have an html page were i can fill in some text and send (with javascript) this to an sql-database. On my pc, everything works fine, but on another one (a french windows), it doesn't save my chars correctly. french chars like é, è, â,.. were saved as 'É', or something like that. I googled a lot but still did not found any solution,...

Return a pointer to a char array in C

I've seen a lot of questions on that on StackOverflow, but reading the answers did not clear that up for me, probably because I'm a total newbie in C programming. Here's the code: #include <stdio.h> char* squeeze(char s[], char c); main() { printf("%s", squeeze("hello", 'o')); } char* squeeze(char s[], char c) { int i, j; for(...

C++: Chr() and unichr() equivalent?

I could have sworn I used a chr() function 40 minutes ago but can't find the file. I know it can go up to 256 so I use this: std::string chars = ""; chars += (char) 42; //etc So that's alright, but I really want to access unicode characters. Can I do (w_char) 512? Or maybe something just like the unichr() function in python, I just ca...

jQuery - How to convert string from textbox to bytes?

Hi all, i need to convert a string from a text field to bytes. How can i do that? Reason: The text on the textbox will be sent by SMS to the client, and I've limited the text to 160chars but if i put special chars like @€£‰¶÷‰‰€£@ it will be larger than 256 bytes (that's the size of an sms). So i need to remove from 256 the converted ...

Whats the best charts jQuery plugin to use on my App?

Hi all, i'm making an application based on jQuery and i need the best charts plugin to show the information to the client. My app is litteraly like Google AdWords and Google AdSense. I need to show to the costumers the clicks and views per ad or banner on the last month or week, show the amount of credits to them and interact with our ot...

Where in the ruby doc is string.chars defined?

I've been learning ruby by solving project euler problems and in one solution to a problem I saw you could do something like "12341".chars.inject(1) { |prod, n| prod * n.to_i }. I've looked on the ruby doc but I can't find where String#chars is defined. Can anyone explain how that works? ...

regex in Vietnamese characters

I have one string and want remove any character not in any case below: not in this list : ÀÁÂÃÈÉÊÌÍÒÓÔÕÙÚĂĐĨŨƠàáâãèéêìíòóôõùúăđĩũơƯĂẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶẸẺẼỀỀỂ ưăạảấầẩẫậắằẳẵặẹẻẽềềểỄỆỈỊỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢỤỦỨỪễệỉịọỏốồổỗộớờởỡợụủứừỬỮỰỲỴÝỶỸửữựỳỵỷỹ not in [a-z 0-9 A-Z] not is : _ and white space. can anyone help me with this regex in php? ...