
mysql client console broken for some utf-8 encoded characters

hey, I can write my language specific characters into mysql console, but when backspacing or moving right and left on the line, it gets messed up, and I have to ctrl + c because the console can't be used at all then. Otherwise the character set is properly set up. My platform (linux) charset is set to UTF-8....this is just a bug I can't...

In Java can I ask the system to tell me the charset of a file?

There are questions like this, that are about guessing charset/encode of a file. But is there a method in Java to ask the system to tell me before try to guess? ...

Character sets - Not clear

The standard defines -basic source character set -basic execution character set and it's wide char counterpart It also defines 'execution character set' and it's wide char counterpart as follows $2.2/3- "The execution character set and the execution wide-character set are supersets of the basic execution character set and th...

PHP: Conditional charset replace in preg_replace

I have a site scraped into $html variable. now i want to replace some chars with this expression $string1 = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9äöü!&_=\+-]/i', ' ', $string); The Problem is there are special characters caused by different charsets. I have a variable $charset in which the charset string of the page is saved. i.e. $charset="utf...

Chrome not rendering properly [character set utf-8 problem]

ysdsdsdasasdasdadadadasdasdasdad ...

Is it possible to globally configure all char/varchar/text columns in a mysql database to use utf8?

I have a database that I had imported and accidentally created some tables as using latin1 by default. I've altered the tables and the database, but the columns are still latin1. I don't really have any reason to use latin1, so is there any way to just change all columns to use utf8? This is a development database, so it doesn't neces...

Multiple character encodings inside one HTML page possible?

I have a webpage that is set to UTF-8. But parts of its content (built in php) come from iso-8859-1 files and are thus not displayed correctly. Is it possible to set a specific encoding for a particular page element? ...

Webpage won't show certain characters

I'm noticing that in places where our site uses special characters on a webpage, such as ¡ or ¿ or even "special quotes" (like MS-word) it displays this funky � character Is there something I can to do fix this? Is this a charset thing? I know I could use html entities, such as ¡ But, I wanted to see if there was something els...

User cp1252 as Javascript charset in IE

I am having a HTML site declared and encoded as UTF-8. My Javascript sources are encoded with cp1252. So i use this to set the encoding <script src="my_cp1252_encoded_file.js" charset="cp1252" ></script> This works in Mozilla but not in IE. Ideas? ...

Mysql turns ' into ’?

Hi guys, How can I stop mysql from converting ' into ’ when I do an insert? i believe it has something to do with charset or something? I am using php to do the mysql_insert. ...

PHP: encoding meta data for Facebook.

Strangest thing: I'm trying to get facebook to recognize the "&" sign within the <meta property='og:title' content="data"/> field. I have content being extracted from a db where I urlencode: & becomes &amp; but facebook doesn't pick up the encoding.. Except, when I just plainly add a &amp; to the code itself, it picks it up.. It seems...

Are there any situations in which you would use NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=BYTE on a Unicode database?

Having a Unicode (multi-byte charset) Oracle database with NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=BYTE seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Field validation in most applications only check the number of characters is within bounds, not the byte sequence length in the database’s default character encoding scheme! If you've got a Unicode database, is th...

detecting a string charset

hello. i am looking for the best linux library that will let me detect a string charset. any idea ? ...

Where can I find a table of all the characters for every C99 Character Set?

I'm looking for a table (or a way to generate one) for every character in each of the following C Character Sets: Basic Character Set Basic Execution Character Set Basic Source Character Set Execution Character Set Extended Character Set Source Character Set C99 mentions all six of these under section 5.2.1. However, I've found it ex...

Do I need to declare content type/charset in both HTML and PHP?

If the content type and character set are declared in the PHP header, is there a reason to have them again in the usual HTML DTD? <?php ob_start( 'ob_gzhandler' ); header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); ?> // here <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "

accented letters are not displayed correctly on the server, even if the encoding is correct

hello! i wrote some html with utf-8 charset. in the head of the html there is also a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> everything works fine in local, but when i upload files to the server, i see all my letters àèìòù etc distorted. anybody know how could it be the problem? is possible that the ...

fix problem hebrew on Facebook

hi guys, i have code that know how to connect to user facebook account,and take his name. this function does works well, the problem is , when i try to get hebrew name, than i get gibrish. charset=windows-1255 - i tried UTF-8 too, and still i have gibrish. for gibrish example: ׳׳™׳˜׳ ׳§׳•׳•׳ ׳– the code: require 'src/facebook.php'; ...

IE6 : Download html without executing the contained javascript, in ISO-8859-1 charset

Hi ! Here is a code (using jquery) i use to download a html file from which I extract a table and its content. var url = $('#url').val(); // url to access if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0,1)<7) { var frame = $('<iframe/>').css('display', 'none').attr('src', url ); frame.appendTo('body') .load(function() { ...

Windows CE uses UTF-16 or UCS-2?

Windows NT only supported UCS-2, then starting with Windows 2000 it started to support UTF-16. But what about Windows CE? It still supports only UCS-2 or the native charset is now UTF-16? ...

Encoding problem between jQuery and Java

My encoding is set to ISO-8859-1. I'm making an AJAX call using jQuery.ajax to a servlet. The URL (after it has been serialized by jQuery) ends up looking like this:;label=%C3%85land+Islands The actual label value is Åland Islands. When this comes to the servlet, ...