
jQuery set ISO charset to ajax request

Hi, i'm using jQuery for sending ajax requests to the server, but i have some problems with the charset. In the ajax function documentation is written that data is always sent in UTF-8 according to the W3C XMLHTTPRequest standard, so i don't think that jQuery allows you to change the request charset (except if you load a script, but that...

Django query filter a set of data

if a have a query like following = Relations.objects.filter(initiated_by = request.user) in which i'm having all the users followed by the currently logged in user, and i want to display those user's blog posts. Using a query like: blog = New.objects.filter(created_by = following) it only shows me the blog posts of the use...

How can I add "set names 'latin1'" in jasperreports

I have problems with some character display, like "ñ" and accents in my reports, so I want to add previously to the query "set name 'latin1';" but jasper doesn't work, that because when I run the query in phpmyadmin with this line it works. The applicaton in php work fine, don't has a problem with the characters Thanks ...

Western European language mysql query problem

Hey I am programming a webpage where the user can upload galleries of his own. When doing so the system creates a subfolder for the images with the same name as the gallery, a reference to the gallery is added as a row in a table and a separate table is also made for the gallery, containing a list of images. When I try to create a new ...

PHP include html page charset problem

Hello, after querying a mysql db using the code below i have generated an html file: $myFile = "page.htm"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); fwrite($fh, $row['text']); fclose($fh); On the msql db the text is encoded using utf8_general_ci. But i need to include it in a php web page as shown below: <?includ...

LibXML internal and output encodings

I'm trying to write XML files with libxml2 in ISO-8859-1. But from the documentation it seems that for each text node that I create I'll have to convert to UTF-8 which is libxml's internal encoding. Then when calling xmlSaveFormatFileEnc() libxml converts to the target encoding and adds the encoding attribute to the document. Is this a...

cp1250_general_ci to UTF-8 help

Hello, I'm fetching data from external database (I cannot edit it so don't suggest that please) which has internal encoding set to cp1250_general_ci. I need to display that data as UTF-8 but I cannot get it to work. I'm using this to fetch the data: $dsn = 'mysql:dbname=eklient;host='; $user = 'root'; $password = 'root'...

NetBeans charset problem. Linux -> Windows

Hi everyone! I have problem with charset in my NetBeans on Windows when I open files, which were editting in NB on Linux by my coworkers. I guess it should be unicode in both. What I should to do to resolve this problem? I can find proper option. ...

[PHP] - String lookup into unknown charset html content

Hi there guys, I'm using strpos to lookup for string into web page bodies. 50% it fails, although the search string is present. I have tried to strtolower both search string and searched content, same results. Probabily the problem arises when dealing with different charsets... Assuming: - search string charset is unknown - searched con...

Using JavaScript to fix badly encoded Unicode characters?

I'm working on a web site with a content management system that does a bad job of displaying any text with non-ASCII characters. For example, right single-quotes show up as on the following web page (this is just an example, not from the CMS-driven web site): I can't control the inner workin...

Java char/int conversion confusion

Given this code in Java: FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/test.dat"); os.write(0x14); os.write(0xfe); os.write(0xae); os.write(String.valueOf((char) 0x14).getBytes("UTF-8")); os.write(String.valueOf((char) 0xfe).getBytes("UTF-8")); os.write(String.valueOf((char) 0xae).getBytes("UTF-8")); ...

How to convert from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 a webpage in java/groovy

I want to read a webpage A in ISO-8859-1 charset, according to the browser, and return the content in UTF-8 as a content of the webpage B. This is: I want to show the content of the page A in the same charset that I use to show the rest of the page B, that is UTF-8. How do I do this in java/groovy? thanks in advance ...

RSS reader Error : Input is not proper UTF-8 when use simplexml_load_file()

Hi Dear All, I'm using simplexml_load_file method for parsing feed from external source. My code like this $rssFeed['DAILYSTAR'] = ''; $rssParser = simplexml_load_file($url); The output is as follows : Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: http://www.thedailysta...

Migrating data between two MySQL with different character_set%, messed up with utf8

Migrating Data from MySQL server1 to MySQL server2 server1 Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.51a, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2 mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set%'; +--------------------------+------------------------------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +------------...

php website not showing correctly in utf-8

I have a website which has some non standard characters such as ë, Ç etc. The website uses ISO-8859-1 as it's character encoding, however at this point I want to switch it to UTF-8 for some reasons related to rss feeds. When i change the character encoding to utf-8 the mentioned characters are displayed incorrectly. I set the charset ...

Wrong Unicode conversion, how to store accent characters in Delphi 2010 source code and handle character sets?

We are upgrading our project from Delphi 2006 to Delphi 2010. Old code was: InputText: string; InputText := SomeTEditComponent.Text; ... for i := 1 to length(InputText) do if InputText[i] in ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'Ř' { and more special characters } ] then ... Trouble is with accent letters - compare will fail. I tried switch source co...

Character encoding issue when loading a div using jQuery.load()

Dear gurus I have one page encoded with utf-8 that is login another page also encoded with utf-8. In order to load one page into a div in the other, I use them load() method of jQuery 1.4.2. Everything works fine in Chrome, but in FireFox all the non-american characters are shown as a strange mark. If I use FireBug to inspect the loaded...

How to make PHP use the right charset?

I'm making a KSSN (Korean ID Number) checker in PHP using a MySQL database. I check if it is working by using a file_get_contents call to an external site. The problem is that the requests (with Hangul/Korean characters in them) are using the wrong charset. When I echo the string, the Korean characters just get replaced by question mark...

Oracle clob over dblink with different charset

Hello, Here is the scenario: Oracle A: charset WE8ISO8859P1 Oracle B: charset WE8MSWIN1252 Oracle A <- dblink -> Oracle B I can't access Oracle B directly, firewall issues :( I have to get some binary files from OracleB and these files are in a column of type CLOB (don't ask me why and I can't change to BLOB). I'm using a "select ...

Command line character encoding from PHP's exec()

I'm trying to pass UTF-8 text as an argument to a command line program using php's exec function and have been having problems. I suspect it's due to character encoding issues. When I call locale charmap from the command line, I get: UTF-8. But when I do: <?php echo exec('locale charmap'); ?> I get ANSI_X3.4-1968 How can I change...