
Android: How to work with Checked ListViews?

Hi, I wish to work with checked list views wherein only one item can be selected at a time. Some queries related to this: 1) Is it advised to work with CheckedTextView as the ListView items, or a combination of CheckBox and TextView? 2) If using CheckedTextView, the text comes first and the checkbox appears on right edge. Is it possib...

Android: How to check a particular item in a Checked ListView?

Hi I am using a ListView in which only one item can be checked at a time. This is my custom list_row.xml : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <CheckedTextView xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:padding="10dip" and...

CSS: adjusting checkbox size

Hi, Is there a way to adjust the dimension of an <input type="checkbox" /> I already tried it using style="width:30px; height:50" approach, but it didn't work Any idea? Is this even possible? Thanks. Regards, Erwin ...

Flex 4: how to have a drop down list of Checkboxes.

Hi, How would I get a drop downlist to populate with check boxes. I am porting a c# project to flex, and I would like to imitate the functionality of their checkbox drop list. Anyone got any idea how I would go about this. Please and thank you. ...

CheckBox changes value twice

I have an Android ListView whose items have a checkbox. The checkbox is checked by default. Once unchecked it should be removed from the list. The problem is that onCheckedChanged is being fired twice: when I tap the checkbox to uncheck it (with isChecked false) and after I remove the item (with isChecked true). This is the relevant c...

WPF CheckBox background color not visible in windows Vista

Hi, I have set the background property of a checkbox control to a color, in WPF. It appears OK when run on windows XP but appear as a border color in Vista. Anyone know the reason for this behavior and how to overcome? Thanks. ...

Forcing a threestate checkbox to not move to indeterminate state

HI, I'm working in WPF and i have an interesting requirement. I need my checkboxes to be ThreeState, so if only some of the child elements are selected it shows as indeterminate. But when a use clicks it, i want it to select either true or false. Here is a story to represent my requirements: item - indeterminate subItem - checked...

JQuery - Hiding a checkbox and text

Hi, I'm trying to hide an asp:CheckBox control depending on whether or not a certain link is visible on the screen. The checkbox has a text attribute = "hello". I'm trying to do this in JQuery. I currently have the following: $(document).ready(function(){ hideCheckboxButtonIfLinkExists(); } ); function hideCheckboxB...

Enable/Disable some check boxes from group of checkbox

I am using the following code that list the checkboxes and output their label values getting from Enum. Currently when I select the checkboxes those get bind to the reAgeHistory and I can submit all of them. <t:selectManyCheckbox id="reageHistory" value="#{rule.reAgeHistory}" layout...

Prevent row selection in datagrid when clicking on a checkbox cell.

I have a DataGridView where each row has a checkbox in it. I only want the selected row to change when the user clicks on one of the text cells. However, if a checkbox is clicked I would still like to have the checkbox change its state and catch this event. I have searched everywhere and found a couple of solutions that fix half of th...

Jquery checkbox validation

Hi, I'm using the jquery code below to validate a form. Now it all works great but I would like for the checkbox validation to use the '.validator' rather than its current 'alert', but when I add 'required="required"' to the checkbox input boxes, I get messages for all of the checkboxes, whereas I only need one. Hope this makes sense. T...

Get checkbox checked event in gridview

I have a gridview with one column of checkboxes and other columns with different custom controls . What I want is that when a checkbox is checked an event is triggered which toggles the visibility of other elements in the row . ...

Can't bind dblclick to a checkbox element with the disabled attribute

I've got a checkbox: <td class="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" value="100" id="chkbox_100" name="chkbox[]" class="chkbox_selector" disabled=""> </td> I've got some jQuery: $(':checkbox').each(function(){ $(this).dblclick(function(e){ $(...

XML: Embedding a checkbox in a column of a listview

Hi folks, Here is my problem. I have some products name stored in the rows of my line view (retrieved from db). I would like to add a checkbox in a column so that the user could select some products he would like (and then update the db). Could someone please tell me how to do that in xml? Thank you. PS:Yes i am a newbie ...

Adnroid Listview with spinner and a checkbox

Hello guys I am a newbie to android development. I am trying to create a List which has a spinner, a edit text and a check box. The data for spinner and check box come from data base. I have the following files. NewTransac class which extends ListActivity private PayDbAdapter mDbHelper; private Spinner paySpinner; private CheckBox mC...

Checkbox validator

I have a list of checkboxes and I would want to make sure that the user will check at least one before submitting the form. How can I do this? There are 3 categories then 10 items under each category with a checkbox. I'm thinking of doing this in javascript wherein I will have a hidden variable then when the user will check any of the ...

Not able to access the child control with in user control using javascript

Hi I have a user control "SettingsControl" containing an ajax:CollapsiblePanelExtender which in turn has a GridView (gridView) and checkBoxes. On top of GridView we have two LinkButtons "Select All" and "Clear All". I have written to enable select all and clear all functionality. Select All should select all the rows in the grid by call...

java.awt.Checkbox disabled appearance inconsistent with XP

I'm a hobbyist programmer. My disabled AWT Checkbox with label passed in constructor is not being displayed how I think it should on my WindowsXP x64 machine. The text label gets grayed out, but the actual checkbox area background remains white. I expected it to have a gray background like when it is in the mousePressed state. The Swing ...

Can't seem to add checked attribute to checkbox via jQuery?

Edit I just tried adding this.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); and it seems to work. Of course just minutes after I make this post....Anyone have any ideas why jQuery's attr() method didn't work? I can't seem to add a checked attribute to a checkbox via javascript. What I'm trying to do is retain state (via localStorage) of some for...

Custom checkbox image android

Is there an easy way to use a custom image for a checkbox? I'm looking to duplicate the "starred" behavior of gmail. So I want to have a checkbox that, when checked, is a filled in star. And when unchecked is an empty star. Do I have to use an imageview and do my own logic myself? ...