
Checking all sub-checkboxes and un-checking

How can I use a parent checkbox to check and un-check all child checkboxes. E.g. Checkbox ID = 1 Child Checkbox ID = 1-1 Child Checkbox ID = 1-2 Grand-child Checkbox ID = 1-2-1 Grand-child Checkbox ID = 1-2-2 The code I've written so far uses the hat character ^ to check all checkboxes ...

Android - Spacing between CheckBox and text

Is there an easy way to add padding between the checkbox in a CheckBox control, and the associated text? I cannot just add leading spaces, because my label is multi-line. As-is, the text is way too close to the checkbox: ...

How to get Selected items in WPF CheckBox ListBox

Am Using the checkbox in listbox items, how to get the selected checkboxes from the list <ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding NameList}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="16,68,0,12" Name="listBox1" Width="156" IsEnabled="True" SelectionMode="Multiple" Focusable="True" IsHitTestVisible="True" IsTextSearchEnabled="False" FontSize="12" Paddin...

Inserting Selected Row onto SQL Server Database from GridView

protected void Authorise(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckBox chk; foreach (GridViewRow rowItem in GridView1.Rows) { // gets the Debit Reference number for each row checked string type = GridView1.DataKeys[rowItem.RowIndex].Values[0].ToString(); // gets t...

jQuery show immediate group of Ul's when clicking icon

I have a structure which can have multiple levels e.g. <li> <a class="viewdetails"></a> <input type="checkbox" class="11015-11017" id="11015-11017" value="11017" name="list_data[11015-11017]">&nbsp;Food Service <ul> <li> <input type="checkbox" class="11015-11017-11021" id="11015-11017-11021" value="11021"...

WPF TreeView with checkboxes.

Hi all! After a lot of searching, I have not found any solution for the following problem. I need a treeview control with "checkboxed" treeview items and the CheckedItems property for convenient data binding (for example, tree view of folders' structure, when user checks folders, the size of checked folders is displayed in a textbox). B...

checkbox -

I have a checkbox named cbSelct. In a botton_click event i wrote cbSelect.Checked=true is the above code in the code behind page causes for a cbSelected_CheckedChanged event? I created a new website and place a checkbox named cbSelect and a button. protected void cbSelect_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Wri...

Set checked boxes for a checkBox-list dialog

I've got a dialog which shows a list of checkBoxes. I'd like to set different boxes checked each time the dialog is showed. But that only works the first time.. I want it work every time the dialog is showed! It would be great if anyone can help... This is my code: @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog(int id) { switch (id) { ...

jquery checkbox with li

I have a series of checkboxes, and everything works except their default behavior has been altered unintentionally so I can no longer check them which is odd since the reason I was using this bit of jquery was to highlight the li around them when they got checked in the first place. Any ideas? //Tag cloud $(".tag-cloud li").toggle( f...