
Question with check boxes and radio buttons use with a regular button (.net 2.0 and below only please)

So i have this idea of having multiple programs launched through my application ran with different settings. but i don't always want all of them ran all at once, and not necessarily one at a time. What my idea is that on the left side it would have say 3 check boxes, we'll call them c1,c2, and c3 which are applications. on the right side... checkbox always checked

<asp:CheckBox ID="isSubscribed" runat="server" /> Subscribe to mailing list?<br /><br /> <asp:Button runat="server" CssClass="btn" ID="btnPrefUpdate" OnClick="updatePrefs" Text="Update" /><br /><br /> This fires in the code behind: protected void updatePrefs(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Write(isSubscribed.Checked); R...

Checkboxes Inserting Into MySql Database

Hi guys, I have a survey type form, and in a number of the questions, the user has the option to tick more than one box. I am storing these answers in a mysql database however at the moment, the database only stores the very last checkbox that is ticked. Is there anyway to store all the checked values, possible separated by a coma, o...

Getting all selected checkboxes from a FormCollection

I have a form which contains a whole bunch of checkboxes and some other types of control too. I need to retrieve the names of each selected checkbox. What is the best way to do this? Can I do it with a linq query maybe? So in pseudocode, I'm looking to do something like this: var names = formCollection .Where(c => c is ...

Checkbox gets reset in WPF Datagrid when sorting

I have a WPF application with DataGrid The DataGrid contains 4 columns with a checkbox template column on the first column the problem is when i check some of the checkbox on the items, the checkbox would got reset when i sort a certain column. For example i check the checkbox on the row 2 it gets unchecked when i sort the datagrid. be...

Detect order in which checkboxes are clicked

Hello, I am trying to make a page that allows users to select 8 checkboxes from a total of 25. Im wondering, how to detect the exact order in which they check them. I am using a plain html front page that will be verified by a form action pointing to a php page. Im trying to get a result like (checkbox1,checkbox2,checkbox6,checkbox3,ch...

Detecting Order of Checkbox Selection and Passing along Data V2

Hi, Im trying to create a page that allows a user to select a maximum of 8 checkboxes out of 25 checkboxes total, While at the same time detecting the exact order the user clicked the checkboxes. My question is, What code can I add to the javascript to gather this info and pass it along to a page named check_combination.php I have been ...

Disabling Checkboxes after specified amount are selected

Hi, I have been working on a page that will allow entry into a certain part of my website if the user selects 8 out of 25 checkboxes in the right sequence. Here is what I have working so far CLICK HERE TO SEE A LIVE VERSION My question is, how can I completely disable the rest of the checkboxes after 8 have been chosen, so far I am usi...

jQuery disabled button with checkbox issue

Hi guys, I have the following code which enables a button when the checkbox is checked. The following is a snippet from the code I have in my HTML page. It's much the same however for some reason it's not working. I think I may have been looking at it for too long. <script type='text/javascript'> $(func...

Can this code be optimized?

Hi, I am creating a page that allows users access to a certain section of my website if they click 8 out of 25 checkboxes in the right sequence. First of all thanks to Reigel for the code, its way better than what I initialy started with. My question is, can the javascript code I have be optimized. For instance, the clearforms function...

Stop a form from being submitted unless specified amount of checkboxes are checked

Hi, I am creating a page that allows users access to a certain section of my website if they click 8 out of 25 checkboxes in the right sequence. First of all thanks to Reigel for the orignal code, he took what I had and rewrote it, its way better than what I initialy started with. Also thanks to Peter Ajtai for helping me optimize the c...

show hide content depending if a checkbox is checked

I'm pretty new to jquery so I'm proud of myself for what I've figured out so far. What I'm trying to do is show/hide a list of options depending on the approprate check box status. Eveything is working just fine but I can't figure out how to check to see if a check box is checked on load I know I should be able to use is.checked right no...

Keeping code from being exploited, Securing Javascript and Forms

Hi, I am creating a page that allows users access to a certain section of my website if they click 8 out of 25 checkboxes in the right sequence. First of all thanks to Reigel for the orignal code, he took what I had and rewrote it, its way better than what I initialy started with. Also thanks to Peter Ajtai for helping me optimize the c...

Vertical alignment of WPF Checkbox content with respect to checkbox

I have a checkbox whose XAML markup is as follows: <CheckBox HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"> <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"> <TextBox x:Name="editTextBox" Text="{Binding Path=Caption, Mode=TwoWay}" TextWrapping="Wrap" Visibility="{Binding Path=IsBeingEdited, Converter={StaticRes...

Android checkbox ui change

How can I have a checkbox in my ui alter my ui live? For example, if the box is unchecked I want a spinner to be displayed, and if the box is checked I want a text box to be displayed in place of the spinner. I know how to create the checkbox and check its status but I don't know how to hide and reveal other elements in an activity. ...

jQuery incorrectly counting elements

This much I have already cobbled together (thanks to Stack Overflowers): I have a series of product modules, each of which contains a product name and a checkbox. Checking a checkbox adds the corresponding product name to a list elsewhere on the page, un-checking a checkbox removes the coresponding product name from the list. When the u...

Multi Delete using checkbox

I am learning Cakephp and I've been trying to delete multiple (checked) record using checkbox, but still not success. here's my jQuery : var ids = []; $(':checkbox:checked').each(function(index){ ids[index] = $(this).val();; alert(ids[index]); }); //alert(ids); var formData = $(this).parents('form').serializ...

How to add checkbox control at the beginning of every row in datagrid control ?

I am developing mobile application in C#. I want to add the checkbox control dynamically at the beginning of every row in the datagrid control & based on that particular checkbox selection I want to fire the event. I want to add the checkbox column & based on the selection of any particular checkbox, I want to fire the event on that chec...

jQuery UI checkbox button select all problem.

I am using this to check all checkboxes. <input type="checkbox" id="all" onclick="$('input[name*=\'selected\']').attr('checked', checked);" /> as long as I use the normal checkboxes everything works fine. When I convert all to jQuery UI checkboxes: They get checked -- but not in a visually -...

Select a WPF UIElement in a FlowDocument

Hi, I have a FlowDocument (inside a RichTextBox) that contains UIElement controls such as CheckBoxes. I need the user to be able to click on the CheckBox to select it to change the controls properties such as label, background color etc. The problem I have is that when I click it it only checks, or unchecks the CheckBox as you would exp...