
When to choose checked and unchecked exceptions

In Java (or any other language with checked exceptions), when creating your own exception class, how do you decide whether it should be checked or unchecked? My instinct is to say that a checked exception would be called for in cases where the caller might be able to recover in some productive way, where as an unchecked exception would ...

Wrapping a checked exception into an unchecked exception in Java?

I have this factory method in java: public static Properties getConfigFactory() throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { if (config == null) { InputStream in = Class.forName(PACKAGE_NAME).getResourceAsStream(CONFIG_PROP); config = new Properties(); config.load(in); } return config; } And I want ...

Isn't an unchecked exception that is caught in a try block a checked exception in Java?

I was told that in Java, unchecked exceptions can be caught in a try block, but if it's caught, isn't it called a checked exception? ...

Checked or Unchecked Exception

Possible Duplicate: When to choose checked and unchecked exceptions Hello! So, I'm still getting comfortable regarding when to throw a checked or unchecked exception. I would like to know what others think is the most appropriate in this case: class Correlation<T> { private final T object1, object2; private final doub...

Why are Runtime Exceptions "unchecked" in Java?

Why does it make sense to have Runtime Exceptions UnChecked (as opposed to if they were Checked)? ...

How would I know if I haven't handled some unchecked exceptions that my .NET code could throw?

In .NET, method signatures don't tell me if I have missed handling some exceptions that could be thrown by my code. Is there some tool that can warn me, if say I am using a HashTable remove but haven't handled the ArgumentNullException? I don't want to be surprised at run time. And does this mean that you need to know your code very wel...

Are multiply-thrown Exceptions checked or runtime?

I have an Exception chain in which method1 throws an Exception to method2 which throws the Exception on to main. For some reason, the compiler forces me to deal with the error in method2 and marks it as an error if I don't, indicating that it's a checked Exception. But when the same Exception is thrown further down the line to main, the ...

C# declare a method always throws an exception?

I have a method like... int f() { try { int i = process(); return i; } catch(Exception ex) { ThrowSpecificFault(ex); } } This produces a compiler error, "not all code paths return a value". But in my case ThrowSpecificFault() will always throw (the appropriate) exception. So I am forced to a put a return value at t...