
How can I mark a radio button as checked using Perl?

I try to create a form that can save a person's form data so that he can later finish completing the form. I have no problem to save the data to an external file and I know that it would be easy to do what I try to do if the user was permitted to save his data only once a full page form was completed. However, I want to be able to save t...

Stacking :last and :checked jQuery selectors together

I'm trying to setup custom validation for a checkbox. I have 7 checkboxes each with the same name and I want to identify if the last one is checked. This is the code I have and I know its wrong, could anyone shed some light on how to properly stack the :last and :checked selectors together? $.validator.addMethod('ObserverOtherBox',funct...

jQuery; combine user click and :checked

I have two blocks of code which basically check for 1) a click event on a radio button e.g. $("input[id='frmSkill']").click(function(){ //do something }); And 2) a block of code to check if a radio button is :checked, if so, then perform some actions e.g. if($("input[id='frmSkill']:checked").val()){ //do something }); ...

any ideas how to make checked treeview inside multiselect jqeury?

i planned to make checked treeview inside a multiselect jquery. The left side was the checked treeview, if we choose the child, the one moving to the right side was the child and the parent title, and if we choose the parent, all of the child will be moving right. I found some of the example, but they're in vb, can jqeury make something...

jquery radio button when checked need an alert

Hello In my application i need a radio group, in which whenever a button is checked, an alert occur so that i can post its value to ajax post in jquery. Can you help me please how i can do it in jquery? ...

Making sure unsigned int/long always execute in checked context in C#

Has anyone found it strange that the default context for uint and ulong is unchecked rather than checked considering that they are meant to represent values that can never be negative? So if some code is trying to violate that constraint it seems to me the natural and preferred behaviour would be to throw an exception rather than return...

Winforms Checkbox : CheckState property Indeterminate renders differently

In C# environment, setting a checkbox's CheckState property to Indeterminate displays a "green square" inside the checkbox. In VB environment, this displays as a "grayed out check" (which is less intuitive, even for "dummy" users). How do i make Indeterminate state look like a "green square" in VB.NET ? Btw, i am using VS2008, Winform...

jQuery: select checkbox when upload field is clicked

I'm working on a CMS. When a user wants to replace an existing thumbnail image, they can upload a replacement, and check a checkbox to certify that they are indeed replacing the image. The checkbox seems necessary because otherwise the form submits a blank value (due to the blank default value of the upload field, a security default for ...

jQuery ui checkboxes drive me crazy

Hello, I'm using a form with checkboxes from jQuery UI and I'm having some problems with them : here is my code : php <input type="checkbox" id="check'. $empl->getAttr('id') .'" class="intervenants" /><label for="check'. $empl->getAttr('id') .'">'.$empl->getAttr('nom').'</label>'; javascript $('.intervenants').each(function() { ...

script works, but the clicked radio isn't checked=checked jquery ajax POST

to see the error: //the script works, but the clicked radio isn't checked=checked //mysql and php works good $('#form1').live("click change", function() { .... <div class='divtoclick'>neu berechnen</div> <form id="form1" method="post" name="bestellformular"> <input value="101" name="flyer_anzahl" ty...

jQuery: loading ID tag from database

So I have lots of radio buttons with same name but different ID and I wan't specific one of them to be selected on page load. The ID of desired button is saved to the database. I've tried this kind of solution for the actual ajax call, but alas it didn't work. $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "load_config.php", dataTy...

jQuery equivalent of radio button "checked" for drop down menu

Hey guys, Probably a simple one, but I need some help. I had some radio buttons and was using the following jQuery to see which was checked: var desc1 = ($('input[name=area]:checked').val()); That worked fine, but I now need to use a drop down menu instead of the radio buttons. I tried the same jQuery and also with "selected" instead...

Checking a radio button with jQuery when radio button is runat="server"?

Using jQuery I want to be able to click an element which will also checks it's related radio button. I had this working fine until we had to add runat="server" to the radio buttons. When I apply this it prevents my jQuery function from working and I cant figure out how to get round it, heres a simplified version of the code: HTML <inp...

Adding checked attribute via jQuery

Hello all, I am using the following widget It has worked great so far, but I need some help in adding attributes. In using Firebug, I've noticed that by simply clicking on the checkbox the checked attribute does not appear as I would expect it to. In my code, I've mod...

What is the difference between checked and unchecked?

What is the difference between checked(a + b) and unchecked(a + b) ? ...

Can't seem to add checked attribute to checkbox via jQuery?

Edit I just tried adding this.setAttribute('checked', 'checked'); and it seems to work. Of course just minutes after I make this post....Anyone have any ideas why jQuery's attr() method didn't work? I can't seem to add a checked attribute to a checkbox via javascript. What I'm trying to do is retain state (via localStorage) of some for...

Check first radio button with JQuery

Hello, I would like to check the first radio button of each group. But there are some radio button that are disabled, so the script should ignore them and go to next non disabled. I write something like this but doesn't work: $(document).ready(function(){ if ($("input['radio']).is(':disabled')) { $(this).attr('checked', f...

jquery radio checked status

Here is the basic code <ul> <li> <input type="radio" name="r" value="a" id="a" checked="checked" /> <label for="a">A</label> </li> <li> <input type="radio" name="r" value="b" id="b" /> <label for="b">B</label> </li> </ul> So I need to have it work as: 1 Click on the <label> and check if the sibling <radio> is checked="che...

check whether checkbox is checked or not using jquery

Hi there, I want to check whether checkbox is checked or not using jquery. I want to check it on checkbox's onclick event. <input type="checkbox" onclick="javascript:check_action();" id="Public(Web)" checked="checked" value="anyone" name="data[anyone]"> Is it possible? How? Thanks. ...