
CKEditor instance in a jQuery dialog

Hey, I am using jQuery to open a dialog window with a textarea transformed into an instance of CKEditor. I'm using the jQuery adapter provided by the CKEditor team but when the dialog window opens up I cannot interact with the editor (it's created but "null" is written in the content space and I can't click on anything or modify the con...

How to programmatically determine name of CKEditor instance

I've added a CKEditor instance programmatically to my page in the code-behind of my ASP.NET page: VB.NET: itemEditor = New CkEditor cell.Controls.Add(itemEditor) ... which works fine. I can get the HTML on the postback and do stuff with it. However, I also want to do some client-side stuff with it, specifically take a selected item...

CKEditor adds unwanted newline to '<p>'

If I load up a set of paragraphs then the editor replaces my <p> with <p>&#x9; It means <p>paragraph 1</p> <p>paragraph 2</p> <p>paragraph 3</p> ends up like <p> paragraph 1</p> <p> paragraph 2</p> <p> paragraph 3</p> Has anyone come across this and know how to fix? It seems to be an issue but no response on their forum...

CKEditor adds html entities to inline CSS. Is the CSS still valid?

I have this piece of code: <table style="background-image: url(path/to_image.png)"> And when I load it in CKEditor it's transformed in: <table style="background-image: url(&quot;path/to_image.png&quot;)"> Is this still still valid CSS? Actually I'm not so interested if it's valid but if there would be any problems with any web bro...

ckeditor problem on Windows system

hi, i'v got a trouble, i want to use Ckeditor with my project, i have Windows with Zend Server installed (apache2, php 5.2, mysql5), encoding is utf-8. When i initialize ckeditor or another elRTE editor i have error: syntax error [Break on this error] \n all html is valid, if i delete doctype line, script says that error in another line...

Can not show uploaded image with CKEditor when editor and upload action file live on seperate server

Hello everyone I tried upload image with CKEditor form server and send image to upload with PHP in another server. That's work for upload image but the image didn't show on editor. Please could you help to solve this problem. ...

ckeditor problem: extra html tags in source

I am creating an editor in MVC application using ckeditor. In textarea i have just written "Sample Text", but when i load the ckeditor and click on source button of ckeditor it gives me a lot of html like html > body > p > [Sample Text]. Why its creating extra html tags?? i have to send the content to database for saving html but...

CKEDITOR in simpleModal: Not showing html

i am showing ckeditor in jquery simplemodal. But it always show empty ckeditor window, although there is some text in textarea on which ckeditor is defined. How to show text? ...

ckeditor blur and dialog

I have a blur function attached to my ckeditor like so editor = CKEDITOR.instances.fck; editor.on("blur",function(e){ alert("hello"); }); you with me ? now when I click on the flash button the editor blurs and causes the alert to show. how to I stop that from happening and still get the alert to appear other times like when the...

CKEditor plugin: Hightlight selected text by hovering on a new item in the toolbar and selecting from a drop down

I'm new to the CKEditor and I'm trying to create a simple plugin. What I'm hoping to accomplish is to allow the user to highlight some text and then hover on a new item in the toolbar that drops down on mouse over a few different highlight color options for the text. For example, the user could highlight some text, hover on my new item a...

Selenium and ckEditor

Does anybody know How I can get the ckEdtior to work with Selenium. I'm not able to get the focus to the "html edit" field or change the value of the html field. Does anybody has experience with this ? ...

window.onbeforeunload is being triggered in the iFrame (CKEDITOR buttons)

On a page where I have a CKEDITOR text editor I have the following code to prevent the user from leaving the page and losing all their data: window.onbeforeunload= function() { if (CKEDITOR.instances.stuff.getData().length > 0 && oktoquit == false) { return "You have unsaved changes. Click Cancel now, then 'Save' to save the...

DRUPAL, CKEditor: I cannot add a html tag with Javascript

hi, I've implemented a Drupal website. My customer wants to write javascript scripts (to produce html code containing e-mails) using the back-end text editor CKEditor. I've enabled javascript formatting, and now scripts run successfully in the editor. However, as result of the email script I see the unprocessed html content in my page...

HowTo, apply a JQUERY Plugin - qTip inside CKEDITOR

I have a page with CKEDITOR.... In the CKEDITOR text area I'd like qTIP to be working, or any JQUERY plugin for that matter to keep this problem simple. I get this is a crazy hard question but would appreciate any pointers in the right direction. I have this so far and it isn't working: $(document).ready(function(){ CKEDITOR.inst...

upload a image and insert directly into CKEditor

I'd like to create the same kind of function tumblr has for uploading images and then inserting them directly into the WYSIWYG editor. I was planning on using uploadify to upload the image, then I am not sure of the method for inserting into the CKEditor. Has anyone done anything similar or know of a plugin that could do this? Ideally ...

Curious behaviour with CKEditor 3 with getData

Whenever I call getData() on my CKEditor it returns what appears to be some server generated script tags, aswell, and it has on occaision returned the firebug div as well, which seems a bit odd. So I don't think that it is related to asp specifically, but not sure <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { if (queryString["fxm...

Passing Data in and out of CKEditor / jQuery-UI Modal Dialog

Greetings, Overflowers! I am writing an application in PHP that will allow for editing various blocks of content via a button that loads a CKEditor Instance inside a jQuery-UI Modal Dialog box. I've got the button working to launch the Dialog, as shown in these screenshots: The example shows the 'Main Content' content inside the D...

integrating ckeditor

Hey guys, How to integrate ckeditor with mediawiki ....iam very new to this wiki thing ,...Can you plz guide me ...didnt find any worthful doc on web !!!! Cheers, Andy ! ...

Javascript DOM failing when moving a CKEditor node

I need to be able to swap CKEditor rich text areas throughout my webpage. My current script works great when there's no CKEditor applied, but does not successfully move the text area (and entered text) when CKEditor is applied. Here's some code(it needs ckeditor to work): <html> <head> <title>Sample - CKEditor</title> <script ...

How to change size of CKEditor from javascript

Hi, I'm using CKEditor 3.2, trying to change the width and height of the ckeditor from javascript, i have used several methods, all unsuccesful: // doesnt work 1: CKEDITOR.instances.myinstance.width = 500; // doesnt work 2: CKEDITOR.instances.myinstance.width = 500; CKEDITOR.instances.myinstance.updateElement(); // doesnt work 3: CKE...