
Web application vs. linux multiuser application

I have a web-based bussines application written in C#/ASP.NET Recently my boss start pushing to re-write the app as Linux multi-user desktop application. In his design users will need to connect to Linux server via VNC or alike to use the app. I am not familiar with this kind of application design. I'd appretiate any help explainig pro...

Socket Server/Client conflict when running on same system

Okay - I'm beaten. I have a (PHP-CLI) server written using PHP's socket_* functions. I can connect just fine to it using Putty and it works as expected. However my PHP-CLI client does not work properly. It seems like the client is trying to grab the socket from the server (yes the server/client are on the same system). They do se...

service contingency for consumer data queue

the operation should be: - one queue, many consumers are ready, but only one active at time; - if a consumer fails the other should be elected; - each consumer in a different host; - must be sure that only one consumer will act at a time; What is the best strategy to ensure the uniqueness in the operation and also the contingency of ope...

toplink client session with server session

hi, can i directly create unit of work on server session instead of creating multiple client session. As my application runs in multi threaded environment, so i am unable to get updated entity in some different client session so my application fails every now and then.. plz help me. ...

Java client and server problems

Hi there, I've editted this post based on recommendation by a fellow user. My specific problems are as so: Currently when I run, it loads up a map with a player on it, you cannot move the player which is how I intended, it simple creates a new "runGame". The idea is when I run, it enables the player to move aro...

Multiple TCP/IP servers and sharing the same "well known port" ... somehow?

I apologize for the weird question wording... here's the design problem: I am developing a server (on Linux using C++, FWIW) that provides a service to many instances of a client application running on consumer PCs. I want the following: 1) All clients first identify themselves to a "gatekeeper" server application. Consider this a lo...

Obj-C server with multiple clients

Hi, I'm a fairly novice obj-c developer and have a question on how to set up a client-server relationship. I'm designing (mostly as a hobby) a board game to be played over the internet with friends and family (think monopoly). My problem: how do I set up the appropriate client-server relationship to have one server with multiple clien...

How to share domain classes and business rules between client and server like in RIA Services by writing them only once

In an ASP.NET - WCF application I want to share domain classes and business rules between client and server without rewriting them, just like in Silverlight RIA Services. Collecting these in one assembly and referencing this from client and server can solve the problem, but how: by adding service refence to client will generate these cla...

Best way for storing a static password on an automated client

I'm building a system that consists of many clients connecting to a server. The clients automatically push data to the server via a web service call. I've built an authentication mechanism in order for the clients to authenticate with the server so only authenticated clients can upload data. The problem is that I've hardcoded the passw...

Online server for desktop app - implement as web-server or custom socket application?

A bit of a generic question but let's say you have a desktop app that allows a user to connect to a central server and provides functionality like: Login Ability to auto-download profile data on login Download and uploading save files through the app A web-server (JSP/ASP.NET/PHP/etc) would do lots of work for you especially on the r...

How to make a Java serialized object being passed over network notify client GUI of change.

I am making a client-server Java app that is going to be MV(C, P) like. My current problem is once the client get's a Player object it needs to tell the GUI that the Player was changed and it should update everything on GUI. (Not too detailed, so entire update shouldn't be bad) /* * * * Created on Dec 10, 2009, 7:51:3...

server side development and job requirements

Recently, I have been reading job listings. I have found that there are many who are looking for "strong candidates with server side development". I am primarily a C++ developer for the Window platform. What do the listings mean? Software using the client-server architecture? And if so, are there common complete frameworks for develop...

How to sync complex domain objects structure between server and client

Are there any best practices for syncing hierarchical domain objects between client with modular structure (WPF,PRISM,MVVM) and server(WCF service and NHibernate for persistence in DB)? Already have DTO objects for transport and separate module for server requests with callback management infrastructure. Thanks in advance=) Alexey ...

How do you synchronize server-side and client-side code?

Something I've been learning (and teaching) in Software Engineering is that code duplication is the root of all evil. On the other hand, I find it quite hard to explain how this concept should be applied to the development of web apps. Allow me to clarify... Input & data validation can be an important part of a web app. Sometimes this ...

Best way to configure a Threadpool for a Java RIA client app

Hi all, I've a Java client which accesses our server side over HTTP making several small requests to load each new page of data. We maintain a thread pool to handle all non UI processing, so any background client side tasks and any tasks which want to make a connection to the server. I've been looking into some performance issues and I'...

Restricting access to server to iPhone app

I'm building a client/server iPhone game, where I would like to keep third-party clients from accessing the server. This is for two reasons: first, my revenue model is to sell the client and give away the service, and second I want to avoid the proliferation of clients that facilitate cheating. I'm writing the first version of the serv...

Can't connect to my server when I put in my IP in Java

Okay so I'm trying to learn Java client/server stuff, and am going through the tutorial code as follows. When I change "localhost" to my ip it stops working though. Please help. Edit: "" seems to work too, but not my real IP. /* * Copyright (c) 1995 - 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and ...

Why won't my server and client I coded in Java work?

My server keeps getting this error when I run the client: Exception in thread "main" at Source) at$BlockDataInputStream.readInt(Unknown Source) at Source) at MyServer.main( H...

Java client for .Net WCF service

Have you ever heard or had such experience? Are there any known issues in such a scenario, that does not exist in .Net client scenario. I guess development in such a scenario will not be as smooth as in .Net client. Share your experience please. ...

My basic java server accepts 3 clients instead of 2.

Okay, this sounds simple, but I tried all the simple things and it still doesn't work properly. import*; import*; public class MyServer{ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { int MAX_PLAYERS = 1; int players = 0; ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(43); ...