
My java server stops in the middle of its code.

For some reason my server stops running in the marked area of my code, and I can't figure out why. import*; import*; public class SlickServer{ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { int MAX_PLAYERS = 3; int playerNum = 0; Player[] players = new Player[MAX_PLAYERS]; ...

Can someone help me speed up my netcode in Java?

Okay, So I'm working on a game (like not even alpha yet) and it's suppose to be a 1 on 1 fighting game where one person hosts the server and the other one connects. But right now the code is too laggy to do anything with. Can someone take a look at it and tell me how to speed it up? PS: I'm also using the Slick2D lib. Server: import ja...

Client/server project structure, folder structure, build files, etc.

I'm writing a client and server application. Right now I've just been developing it on my own, so I have written it as one Eclipse project, organized into Java packages (org.myorg.server, org.myorg.client, org.myorg.networksystem, etc.). The project deploys to a single jar file. Then, the client is an applet, so I simply point the applet...

peer - to - peer chat with AsyncSocket class

hi friends, I want to use AsyncSocket class for peer - to - peer chat. I have been able to make a sample chat application where one user can communicate with other user by transmitting messages to server and then from server to other user(s) by using it, but I am finding it some what difficult to manage sockets established in peer - to...

client-server design

i want to develop a pretty basic client-server program. one software reads xml (or any data) and send it to the server who in turn will manipulate it a little bit and eventually will write it to the disk. the thing is that if i have many xml files on disk (on my client side), i want to open multiple connection to the server , and not d...

Reactor, Leaders/followers , Proactor - Client/Server

Hey, I'm looking to implement a pretty scalable client-server program. I look into 3 patterns, and my conclustion were : Reactor - pretty efficient but i have 2 concerns : 1. doesn't take advantage of multipreccosor machine (it's basically single threaded) 2. if one of the hooking methods are blocking, the entire application is blocke...

C# SQLServer retrieving results and place in a .csv format

Hi, I had a look on the site and on Google, but I couldn't seem to find a good solution to what I'm trying to do. Basically, I have a client server application (C#) where I send the server an SQL select statement (Connecting to SQL Server 2008) and would like to return results in a CSV manner back to the client. So far I have the follo...

Modern client/server authentication techniques

I'm building a non-browser client-server (XULRunner-CherryPy) application using HTTP for communication. The area I'm pondering now is user authentication. Since I don't have substantial knowledge in security I would much prefer using tried-and-tested approaches and ready-made libraries over trying to invent and/or build something myself....

How to get Client IP address in Spring bean

I have define a Spring bean. <beans> <bean id="remoteService" class="edu.wustl.catissuecore.CaTissueApplictionServicImpl" /> </beans> Is there any way to get the IP address of client in this class? Similarly as available in the servlet request.getRemoteAddr(); ...

Send data to HTTPservlet in android

This is the servlet code in java ME. protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); ArrayList<String> listName = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Integer> listLongitude = new ArrayList<Integer>(); ArrayList<I...

TcpClient and StreamReader blocks on Read

Here's my situation: I'm writing a chat client to connect to a chat server. I create the connection using a TcpClient and get a NetworkStream object from it. I use a StreamReader and StreamWriter to read and write data back and forth. Here's what my read looks like: public string Read() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try...

USB software loopback device on Linux

I have a need to write an client-server application where a tiny server rests on a USB gadget and communicates with a client application on the host. I've not done this sort of thing before but I have done webapps and usually, they're all developed and debugged on the local machine using the lo loopback network interface. This has perh...

general java server/client tutorial

im developing a multi-player card game that needs the clients to communicate with each other or a general server. i have never done this before so i need some direction or tutorial on how to achieve this. so far i have created the local, single person version of the game... ...

Help creating/debugging a C# license server for my applications

Hi all, I have a number of C# software applications that are add-ins for a peice of software that has a .net API. for software licensing purposes I'm required to have a license server. I've got this, at the moment this is what it does: when a tool is run, it contacts the license server with its computer name and username the server ...

How to let Server Notify Client Behind Firewall

I have the case where I have a public facing service sitting out on the internet and I would like the ability for the server to contact specifically design embedded devices that are sitting in normal home networks when required. I know that the devices can poll the server to get updates etc but 1) There will be a lag between when server...

reading and writing from sockets

We're building an async thread per client server and stumbled upon a problem. We want the thread to always be ready to either read or write to\from the socket. We currently use the socket's reading method which is blocking and as a result we cannot issue any write requests. is there a way to interrupt the read operation? perhap...

Remote monitoring design

I need to monitor several systems going thru stress testing. I want to make a client-server .NET(C#) application that will ping the systems to check temperature, memory usage etc. The client will provide system info (cpu-mem-hdd configuration) at start then it will undergo through several benchmark/stress tests. The server will keep tr...

File transfer from C++ client to Java server

Hi, I have a c++ client which needs to send a file to a c++ server. I'm splitting the file to chunks of PACKET_SIZE (=1024) bytes and send them over a TCP socket. At the server side I read at most PACKET_SIZE bytes to a buffer. When the client sends files which are less than PACKET_SIZE, the server receives more bytes than sent. Even wh...

Client-Server Application with Plug-in Architecture

I am thinking about a plugin model for my client-server application. A plugin will have a UI part(for configuration, runs on client) and an execution part(does the work, runs on server). For simplicity, I'm trying to figure out if I can locate my plugin DLL on the server side, but still show the UI on the client side. I thought about ...

Client-Server without shared codebase

We're developing a silverlight multiplayer game using TCP connections. We have all of our game objects and engine stored in a seperate assemble that we meant for the SL client and the server application to share. However, it appears that the special SL assemblies cannot be shared with pure .NET applications and vice versa. So what are ...