
Achieving multipage GWT website

Hi, I have a question on managing a multipage GWT website. For now I only have one html page in which I embed lots of divs to store the widgets that I use. Then, according to the user's actions I add or remove the necessary divs using GWTs DOM class. Therefore, I use only one html page to simulate multiple pages. Is there a better way t...

Expand all items in RadGrid Hierarchy

I am using a RadGrid (2009 Q2) with a hierarchy. Is there a way in the client api to expand all rows and vice-versa? thanks! Update: I have written a javascript function based off the api documentation suggested by Dick Lampard below to expand/collapse all rows in a radgrid with three levels. It expands all the mastertableview rows...

Redirect to new blog using jquery or javascript

I closed my old blog so I redirect our old blog to our new blog but if any user comes from the old blog then he can't watch our video in our blog.. i used <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function java() { window.location = ""; } </script> But he r...

Saving images client-side for compression/manipulation before upload to server

I've developed a PHP script to upload images to the server. It uploads the image, then reduces the image height, width and resolution server-side, thus reducing the file size a great deal. The problem is, if the user uploads images of say 4MB, it takes forever to upload. As the tool allows the user to upload up to 5 images per submission...

Secured Client-Side script

Hello there I have got a particular requirement where some critical algorithms have to be handled in the client-side script and it got to be secured. Using javascript will just expose the algorithm. I am currently evaluating ways to secure the algorithm on the client script. Appreciate any suggestions and alternative approaches. One op...

Capture screenshot of website on the client (Javascript or flash)

Hi everyone, Is there some method to issue a screen capture(browser window content only) from the browser with javascript or a embedded flash object etc so that a full quality image of the page content be saved or printed or an alternative approach. I have a web app ( 3.5) with google maps and other ajax operations client side l...

Pattern for radio buttons, each selecting a "set" of other controls?

I have noticed a common scenario in UI development (both Web and fat client) where there is a group of radio buttons, and clicking on a radio button means you want to "select" a certain "set" of other controls (for simplicity's sake, let's say they're all text boxes). Just to illustrate, the asterisks represent radio buttons and the und...

Client Side Pagination

Any suggestions on a way i can paginate a client side block of text? I'm using a CMS so limited on the backend but essentially i would like a system where a user would create a big block of text and if that text was bigger than a certain size then it would paginate? Any examples of javascript or Jquery that does this? I've done some sear...

Need temporary Client-side solution for handling browser "Back" button

At this moment I cannot make changes to the code behind for a few weeks, but can change the .aspx file. We have some internal users that will click the IE7 "back" button to navigate back 5 or 6 pages (which is specifically against stated rules and training). There are a very few pages where this is causing us major problems with duplic...

Best Practices for Self Updating Desktop Application in a network environment

I have searched through google and SO for possible answers to this question, but can only find small bits of information scattered around the place, most of which appear to be personal opinion. I'm aware that this question could be considered subjective, but I'm not looking for personal opinion, rather facts with reasons (e.g. past exp...

ASP.Net: word creation/manipulation at client side

Hi, I have a web app. On click of a button on a web page,I want to create a new MS word document on the client machine and show some data fetched from the server in it. Client can make changes into that document and save it on it's machine. After that client can again upload the saved document in the server and we need to update ...

How to catch a LostFocus event in client-side code?

This is really a dumb newbie question, but I am still learning the ropes of ASP.NET, and I couldn't work this one out by myself... < blush> I am working with a 3rd party control (Telerik RadTimePicker). Somebody else designed the form, and I just want to catch an event on the client side when the control loses focus so I can set the va...

Listbox items client side reordering not reflected in server side (ASP.NET)

I reordered some items in a listbox using Javascript. When I read the items in a postback in the code behind (ASP.NET), the order is in the original order. How do I get the same order as shown in the screen after Javascript manipulation? ...

Struts 2 Validation - Do expression & fieldexpression validators support automatically rendering client-side for OGNL expressions?

Do the Struts 2 expression and/or fieldexpression validators support automatically rendering client-side ECMAScript/JavaScript validation for the OGNL expression defined in the validation XML file, like what is done for the other bundled validators (requiredstring, stringlength, etc.)? I ask, because the following ECMAScript is rendered...

Date Picker / calendar UI Component with draggable date ranges

I'm looking for a datepicker control (HTML + JavaScript / Flex) that allows selecting a range of dates by dragging along the calendar dates (just like in Google Calendar or Outlook) It can be open source (preferable obviously) or commercial, and should be server technology agnostic. Outlook date range selection Google calendar d...

dojo dijit client side validation onchange

So I followed the example in the Dojo - Using the Dojo JavaScript Library to Build Ajax Applications to add server-side validation to the username validationtextbox field on my form. Basically I added a usernameOnChange function that submitted an xhrGet request, the xhrGet returns JSON and is handled by the usernameValidationHandler. It...

DOM Insertion: Are some tag types faster when inserting into DOM?

Hi, I have a web page that used client side templating to update part of the page based on json obtained via an ajax call. At the moment I'm using an unordered list where inside each Li I have markup to display information about a product. I'm interested to know, are some tags faster when inserting into the DOM than others? That is to...

Non clunky, client-side graphs

Right now, on a website, I have a Java applet that displays graphs with several different views and options available. Depending on what the user selects, there are tons of different graphing options. Unfortunately, Java applets are very clunky. I'm looking for another method to implement graphs (similar to the kind Yahoo Finance uses)...

Selective client side validation in ASP.NET MVC

How can I implement selective client side validation using MVC 2 built-in validation system? Assume I have a checkbox in my form title "Do you have any child?" and if checked the textbox below it should be required (textbox titled Number of children). ...

Is it possible to do a traceroute in the browser ?

I'm looking for a way to do a traceroute client-side, i.e. in a browser. As far as I know, it's not possible to send ICMP, UDP or TCP packets with arbitraty TTL values via Javascript or Flash. I know Flash allows TCP connections via the Socket class in Actionscript but it doesn't seem useful for a traceroute implementation. Is the only...