
How to use HTML pages as a UI sending POST/GET's to main app on Android?

How to use HTML pages as a UI sending POST/GET's to main app on Android? So my point is to use some flash/html for the UI and some kind of server as an app core and pages provider. ...

Detect Client Computer name when an RDP session is open

Hey all, My manager has pointed out to me a few nifty things that one of our accounting applications can do because it can load different settings based on the machine name of the host and the machine name of the client when the package is opened in an RDP session. We want to provide similar functionality in one of my company's applica...

data transmission using TCP

How the data is tranmitted through the network using TCP header fromclient to server or server to client? Please explain it clearly. ...

PHP SOAP client help!

Hi guys, I have to create a PHP SOAP client that sends leads, but I have never worked with SOAP before, and my XML isn't that great, here is the code I have managed to write so far. . . <?php try { $client = new SoapClient(null, array( 'location' => "", ...

How do I turn off autocommit for a MySQL client?

I have a web app that has been written with the assumption that autocommit is turned on on the database, so I don't want to make any changes there. However all the documentation I can find only seems to talk about using init_connect on the database, i.e. a global setting for all client connections. Is there a way to set autocommit=0 jus...

How to write a simple Axis client (service generated from netbeans)

This is really basic, but here goes: I have created a simple "hello world" client using net beans, and I can successfully "test" it by right-clicking and saying "test in browser". However, the tutorial doesn't go any further - specifically, it doesn't give the actual client code for invoking the service. Can anyone point out to some...

iphone sdk - networking problem

Hi guys I'm trying to run a simple server-client program on the iphone. The server and client are 2 different threads. Basically the server is supposed to send "hello world" to the client, and the client should print it. The server sends it like so: send(new_fd, "Hello, world!", 13, 0); The client receives it like that: if ((numbyte...

Stopping a parallel java task with ant

I am developing two java programs that run in separate VM's that have a typical server/client relationship. Using ant's parallel/sequential tasks I've been able to get ant to run the server and then the client. I would now like it so that when the client process has stopped, ant kills the server. I've seen this done with custom ant tasks...

Best practices for client side vs. server side redirects: When to use what ?

I understand that most of the languages support server side redirects ( Response.Redirect, PHP: header( 'newpage' ) ; ). You could also do a redirect with JavaScript (window.location.href="newLocationURL"). When would you choose one over the other ? With respect to pool in Integrated mode,enable 32 bit apps=fal...

How to combine P2P and web-server approaches?

I would like to program a computer game which should be played by several participants. And I need to do it in two different ways. The first way is to program a web site where people can login and play. The second way is to have programs running locally and exchanging data with each other using P2P approach. I know how to program both w...

Why is my DCOM client locking on a call to SendMessage?

Running on XP. I have a client that calls calls CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED), loads a (local) DCOM object, and attaches an event interface so the DCOM object can send back events. The client looks a lot like notepad with a multi-line textbox covering the client area to display event messages. Here are the calls that create ...

How to execute a service once the Grails Server is ready

I have a Grails application which provides dummy webservices for itself. In the real world it could call webservices on another machine, but during development and testing we need be able to access the internal webservice to populate tables. This can't be done during the bootstrap as the internal webserver has not started yet (Grails doe...

PHP SoapClient: Problems with Distributed WSDL File

Hello, I have a problem using a distributed WSDL File ( scheme / other definitions are declared outside the actual wsdl) with php's SoapClient. This is the Fault Message I get: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: 'getSomeInfo' already defined. After some googling , it seems to be a bug inside php as someone else discovered exactly the same pr...

Connect to a web service which is behind an HTTPS proxy.

What is the .NET code to connect through the internet to a web service which is behind an HTTPS proxy. I am given: https:// - the url of the proxy https:// - the url of the webservice from the WSDL. two certificates - theirs and mine. ...

How can I improve my client-server system's security?

Hello, I've built a client-server system, where clients sign in to communicate securely with other clients through the server. Here are the properties of my system: -Client-server communication is SSL encrypted -Client login details are stored as hashes securely with their salt on a database stored locally on the server -On login, ...

Confused about recv()

Pardon if this question has been answered but I couldn't find it. I'm kinda confused about recv() and recvfrom(). Once the server binds the address (or accepts connection for TCP), recv() is called. Does recv() constantly check for messages that has been sent or does it wait until a message is received? If it does wait, how long is the ...

Using sockets to read from client side

Hi, I basically have a server set up and I'm accepting new clients(UNIX) and i'm using select() command to wait for activity on file descriptor but I'm not sure how to write from the clients side and then read it on the servers side FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(server_sockfd, &readfds); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &readfds); while (1) { test...

Python stream http client with keep-alive

Hi. I need a python http client that can reuse connections and that supports consuming the stream as it comes in. It will be used to parse xml streams, sax style. I came up with a solution, but I'm not sure it is the best one (there are quite a few ways of writing an http client in python) class Downloader(): def __init__(self, h...

c program client server

hi all I have written a client and server c program, which I have taken from example code. I want to write a iterative client and server program, i.e. after client send a string, then the server print that string and then send back a string to client then the client print the string inputted by server, and so on until the client input...

jax-ws change Content-type to Content-Type because server is hyper sensitive

I have to connect to a poorly implemented server that only understands Content-Type(capital-T) and not Content-type. How can I ask my JAX-WS client to send Content-Type? I've tried: Map<String, List<String>> headers = (Map<String, List<String>>) ((BindingProvider)port).getRequestContext().get(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS); Bu...