
python twisted tutorial/question

Hi guys... Got a simple question regarding twisted. I can create a trivial basic test with a web server like apache, where instantiates the index.php for the "foo" site/app... I'm trying to figure out how the heck I can create a twisted server, where I run different backend functions based on the input! I kno...

unable to bind address [0]: php error .

unable to bind address [0]: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.... error is given by my php server page. I tried different port numbers as looking from cmd as writing netstat -an. Also I searched on google but no solution. I am using wamp server and working local . Thanks . <?ph...

Does OpenSSL has any event callback function for 'Read' data?

I was looking for event callback function when OpenSSL has incoming 'Read' data. Does OpenSSL has this kind of function? If yes, could you please show me some example code please? I'm thinking to write a simple wrapper for my application. This wrapper will make a callback when data arrive. My initial thought would be create a thread loo...

Ruby - Get client IP Address from inside a gem

Hello, I'm trying to create a gem and I would like to have a feature inside it that takes the client ip address when using it. Basically it's just like the rails ActionController request.remote_ip, but within the gem I don't want to rely/depend on rails. Is there any way to have something like this purely using Ruby? I've found this, ...

What does a client side javascript templating framework offer ?

What is the use of frameworks like PURE or jQote etc. I can do dynamic things in plain javascript or JQuery using AJAX calls or an advanced library like DWR. What new stuff do these templating frameworks bring to the table? I need to know since I have been asked to use a browser side templating framework without being explained why :( ...

Keep Track Of Ajax Request

Hi, Newbie here.. I just want to ask how can I accomplish my homework in school. I basically have this need. I want to send an ajax request every 10 seconds but I dont want to initiate another request if my previous request has not returned yet. I am thinking that the connection to DB might be that bad sometimes so I would like to ...

Timeout in socket programming

I am writing a client-server program in c++ in linux. I want a functionality in my server that when server is waiting for some response from client, it should not wait indefinitely. But if no response is received say within 30 secs from client, it should disconnect the client. Is there any inbuilt function. Please help. ...

Is there a good git client for Mac OS X that has all the bells and whistles of Conerstone or Versions for Subversion?

I am wiling to pay good money for it if it has all the most common features and polished look. Also, I've seen gitx and I am asking if there are any other GUI clients besides gitx. ...

IExtensibleDataObject usage in clients

I have converted my web service to wcf service which has some datacontracts. As a best practice it is mentioned and advisable that the DataContracts should inherit from IExtensibleDataObject. I get the point that in case of addition or removal of datamembers, IExtensibleDataObject is helpful. But i am not able to get how will the clients...

Accessing secure restful web services using jersey client

I have created web services based on Jersey (auto generated via Netbeans). I have also created a user names “testClient” with password “secret” and created User group “Users” and used file Realm using glassfish 3.0.1 admin console. I have also mapped web.xml and sun-web.xml accordingly. My web services are secured successfully; as I a...

Save string to client with Open/Save dialog

I am using the following code to write the contents of a string (converted to a byte array) to the client in ASP.NET/C# byte[] data = StrToByteArray(strData); Response.ClearContent(); Response.AppendHeader("content-length", data.Length.ToString()); Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; Response.AppendHeader("content-Disposition", "attach...

Interrupted server-side perl CGI script when client-side browser closes

Hi everyone, I've been trying to solve a little problem for quite a while now but it seems I'm not able to. I wrote an HTML page which calls a perl CGI script upon submitting a form. This CGI executes a certain number of tasks server-side and I made the script print the steps of these tasks into an iframe on the HTML page. The thing i...

web services failed

I create a web service (.svc). the web services are running successfully. when i connect through local computer, it's run successfully . but when i deploy web serivce on web server it's can't be access and show exception "Unable to automatically step into the server. Connecting to the server machine 'XXX' failed. Logon failure: unknown...

Best Weblog Client for WordPress

I am looking for the best Weblog client for WordPress for Windows. Pleases let me hear your opinion. ...

gSOAP C++ client memory leak

I have read the gSOAP docs and seen mentions of the fact that one should call soap_destroy(soap) and soap_end(soap) etc., however they are always examples with a single invocation on the service object. The service I am using returns about 40KB of text with each invocation. My problem is that memory usage grows linearly by about the same...

Shew Soft Vpn Client Route Metric

After connecting to the business network i have no internet access. route print shows 121 On-link 31 Through these commands route delete mask route add mask 192.168.1...

Connecting to an Oracle database from Windows Azure?

We are facing some annoying issues while trying to remotely connect to an Oracle database from a Windows Azure worker instance. The problem has been already discussed on the MSDN, but at this point, we are still stuck. Does anyone has succeeded in establishing a connection toward an Oracle database from a .NET app hosted in Windows Azur...

Are there any HTTP Live Streaming clients for Windows ?

Is there a Windows player that implements the client portion of the HTTP Live Streaming RFC? This would be quite handy for testing purposes. A VLC nightly (1.2.0-git-20100811) can open some of the sample m38u playlists provided by Apple, but it treats each segment as a separate video, so I don't think VLC trunk has a full client implem...

how to disable a ajaxtoolkit CollapsiblePanelExtender from client side?

hello everyone, does anyone know a client side method to disable the CollapsiblePanelExtender? I have get the extender by behaviorId. var extender = $find("behaviorId"); so next what method i can use to disable this extender from client side? Thanks ...

Is it possible to consume any Rest service using WCF data service client library

Assume i have Rest service which may return Xml or Json formatted response. I am able to consume the service using RestSharp and Hammock but i could not consume using WCF data service client library (System.Data.Services.Client). Is there any limitation in data service client library can only consume Odata feed response. Please help to ...