
Concave Polygon Line Clipping without Degenerate Edges

I have search and researched the internet last days to find a suitable method for my problem. Problem: Clip a concave polygon against an infinite line without direction (Actually a polygon against a plane in 3d but the problem is similar i think). Currently i use Sutherland-Hodgman but the resulting polygons sometimes contains zero-are...

How is the clipping rectangle for a JComponent calculated?

I'm creating a slider bar, which will be a subclass of JSlider, as part of a logging gui. What I'd like to do is be able to draw some items above the slider bar (e.g. a "volume" display, indicating how much logging info will be spit out by a particular setting). I have overridden the paintComponent() method, but I'm getting a bit confu...

How can I ensure that WPF UserControl elements are visible outside the bounds of the control?

I have a UserControl containing interactive elements within a grid. The user can move and resize these elements, often causing them to fall outside the bounds of my control. When elements do fall outside, I don't want them to clip. I want them to be visible no matter what. Unfortunately, setting ClipToBounds to FALSE did not solve th...

Clipping Paths in Silverlight Mobile (WP7) - I can't create anything but a simple rectangle?

Hello, I'm trying to create clipping paths for shapes, such as circles, polygons, etc. I'm actually trying to make the clipping path follow the line of the shape. I've tried the below in Expression Blend, what am I missing? What I'm really trying to do here is have the user trace shapes with an InkPresenter, and have it error if they've...