
Is there an efficient\easy way to draw a concave polygon in Direct3d

I'm trying to draw a polygon using c# and directx All I get is an ordered list of points from a file and I need to draw the flat polygon in a 3d world. I can load the points and draw a convex shape using a trianglefan and drawuserprimitives. This obviously leads to incorrect results when the polygon is very concave (which it may be). ...

Concave polygon drawing

For drawing complex concave polygons with OpenGL, is it better to tesselate it into triangles, or use the stencil buffer? I'm guessing the stencil buffer would be faster for a single frame, but triangulation would be better for multiple frames if the polygon doesn't change. However, I haven't actually tried it, so I don't know. ...

Determine ordering of polygon 3D

Hello, I have a list of vertices 3D, creating a polygon. I need to triangulate it and i use the cutting ears algorithm. My polygons are non-convex, so i need to find the concave angles in the polygon. I also dont know wich orientation are my polygons ( clockwise or counter clocwise) Could anyone help me how to determine if is clockwise...

How do I cut triangles out of a concave Delaunay triangulation?

I'm using Delaunay to triangulate a concave polygon, but it fills in the concavities. How do I automatically remove the triangles that are outside the polygon boundaries? ...

Given a large set of vertices in a non-convex polygon, how can i find the edges?

I have a set of vertices(called A) and I want to find all the border vertices such that this border vertices set is an outline of the shape. Many of the vertices in A are redundant because they are inside the shape, I want to get rid of these vertices. My question is similar to

Whats an easy way to fill a Concave PathGeometry to be Convex (finding the concave vertices & removing them)?

I've got a PathGeometry (polygon) built up of LineSegments on one PathFigure and I'd like to ensure that it's Convex. I have a method using the CrossProduct to determine whether the geometry is Convex, I was assuming that I could just return back a list of points that make it concave when it's false and remove those points to fill the p...

Concave Polygon Line Clipping without Degenerate Edges

I have search and researched the internet last days to find a suitable method for my problem. Problem: Clip a concave polygon against an infinite line without direction (Actually a polygon against a plane in 3d but the problem is similar i think). Currently i use Sutherland-Hodgman but the resulting polygons sometimes contains zero-are...