
Good algorithm for drawing solid 2-dimensional polygons?

What is the simplest (and easiest, although that's subjective) algorithm for drawing solid (as in a single, solid color--no texture mapping) 2D polygons in memory? What is the most efficient method? I am not interested in using the GPU or any rendering method, as the output of my program will not be to the screen. ...

How can a convex polygon be broken down into right triangles aligned on the X- and Y- axes?

Given a convex polygon represented by a set of vertices (we can assume they're in counter-clockwise order), how can this polygon be broken down into a set of right triangles whose legs are aligned with the X- and Y-axes? Since I probably lack some math terminology, "legs" are what I'm calling those two lines that are not the hypotenuse ...

3D rendering - What is this problem called?

Hello stackers. hopefully a sensible question this time... See in the picture how the top half has the textures looking ok, but then the bottom half (after it rotated a little more)the texture is breaking up, and you can see the inside of the shape? the polygons have dissappaered? What is this problem called? I need to know so I know...

SQL Server 2005 Point In Polygon

Hello, I have a polygon structure in an sql2005 db as described below. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Polygons]( [PolygonID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [PolygonName] [varchar](255) NOT NULL, [PolygonColor] [varchar](7) NOT NULL, [PolygonRuleID] [int] NOT NULL) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Polylines]( [LineID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NO...

How to calculate the area of multiple overlapping right-angled polygons?

I am looking for a way to calculate the common areas covered by multiple overlapping polygons. The polygons are all right-angled, if that helps makes things easier. So for example: BBBBB BBBBB AAA---BB AAA---BB AAAAAA AA--AA AA--AA LL LL LLLLLL LLLLLL I would like to find the common area covered by A, B and L, which wo...

Adding a polygon directly in Geodjango/PostGIS

I'm messing around with Geodjango, and I just want to add a simple polygon field to a database and then run a point-in-polygon on it to to make sure everything is working okay. Here's my code in views.py: #adding a polygon pe = PolygonExample.objects.create(name="uk_polygon", poly="POLYGON((58.768200159239576, -12.12890625, 58....

Calculating the perpendicular plane to a triangle in 3D space

This is somewhat hard to describe, so bare with me. Essentially I have a triangle in 3D space defined by its 3 vertices, p0, p1, and p2. I wish to calculate a plane in this 3D space which lies along both p0 and p1 and faces a third point, p2. This plane is to be defined by a position and normalised direction/ In addition to lying al...

Given a large set of vertices in a non-convex polygon, how can i find the edges?

I have a set of vertices(called A) and I want to find all the border vertices such that this border vertices set is an outline of the shape. Many of the vertices in A are redundant because they are inside the shape, I want to get rid of these vertices. My question is similar to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/477867/best-algorithm-...

Transform shape built of contour splines to simple polygons

I've dumped glyphs from truetype file so I can play with them. They have shape contours that consist from quadratic bezier curves and lines. I want to output triangles for such shapes so I can visualize them for the user. Traditionally I might use libfreetype or scan-rasterise this kind of contours. But I want to produce extruded 3D mes...

Is Geo-fencing with polygons and dynamic objects available on android?

I can't find any documentation on geo fencing, specifically geo-fencing with polygons and dynamic objects. Is this functionality available? Thanks in advance. ...

google maps API v3 - how to draw dynamic polygons/polylines?

Hi, I have 4 days of experience with Google Maps Javascript API and i find their documentation and information sharing confusing at best. Does anyone have experience or knowledge on how to draw polygons/polylines on a google map (using Javascript API V3) similar to this example? (which i found on this blogPost from 2008) So far as my ...

How do i Add and Remove polygons on a Google Map (version 3) ?

Hi folks, I'm trying to show and remove polygons onto a google map - using v3 of the API. In my javascript, i've already got an MVCArray of some custom Lat-Longs. What I'm stuck trying to figure out is how to add these polys and then (based upon some other javascript event / user experience feedback .. like clicking on a poly (that has...

create polygon filled up with dots

Am using the below code to create polygon. i just want to fill this polygon surface with black dots, how i can do that, then i want to convert this polygon to bitmap or in memory stream, how to do this?? // Create a blue and a black Brush SolidColorBrush yellowBrush = new SolidColorBrush(); yellowBrush.Color = Colors.Tr...

Determine if a set of points is a polygon

Given a set of points in 2D the resulting polygon can be convex, concave or 'not a polygon'. The definition that I am using for 'not a polygon' is that the line connecting two points crosses another 'polygon' line. I know about taking the dot product (Green's Theorem?) to show convexity and concavity of a polygon. I know that the sum of ...

OpenGL Smooth Polygon

I am trying to make this a smooth polygon using OpenGL, but it is not doing anything. Can someone please explain what I am doing wrong? glColor4ub(r, g, b, a); glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH); glHint(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2i(x, y); glVertex2i(x1, y1); glVertex2i(x2, y2); ...