
Resolving Clojure circular dependencies

I'm working on some Clojure code that has some circular dependencies between different namespaces and I'm trying to work out the best way of resolving them. Basic issue is that I get a "No such var: namepace/functionname" error in one of the files I tried to "declare" the function but then it complains with: "Can't refer to a qualified...

Writing a Python mail server with authentication

Hi, I'm trying to write a simple mail server using Python. I found smtpd that can be used as a simple smtp server, but I don't think it supports any form of authentication. For pop or imap, I haven't found anything at all yet. I do know Twisted has some support for both smtp and pop or imap, but I can't find any examples or tutorials...

How to evaluate a sequence of impure functions in Clojure?

How can I evaluate a list of (impure) functions in Clojure? For instance: [#(println "1") #(println "2") #(println "3")] The expected output is: 1 2 3 Is there a way to achieve this without using macros? Something like (map evaluate fns-seq), maybe? (I need this for drawing some graphics using the Clojure.processing API.) ...

No such var: clojure.core/def

When I try to run this code in eclipse: (ns cl1 (def s 1) (print s) ) I get java.lang.Exception: No such var: clojure.core/def (clojure.clj:1) I'm a complete clojure newbie, but I think that the above code should create the symbol s, and then print what s is equivalent to to the screen (1). ...

Getting started programming in dynamic languages in Android ((J)Ruby, Clojure...)

I've been looking around, and I can't seem to find any definitive answer or headway that seems "up to date". I've seen some interesting projects like Duby, and am looking into it a bit. I've seen Jruby unsuccessfully used to compile ruby into .dex. I've also been looking, independently, into Clojure and have realized that they might a...

What's the most idiomatic Clojure way to write this?

I wrote this function that does this (easier to show than explain): (split 2 (list 1 2 3 4 5 6)) => ((1 2) (2 3) (3 4) (4 5) (5 6)) (defn split [n xs] (if (> (count xs) (dec n)) (cons (take n xs) (split n (rest xs))) '())) I understand that in Clojure the list is not the only first class data structure. Would it mak...

How do I use unicode (UTF-8) characters in Clojure regular expressions?

This is a double question for you amazingly kind Stacked Overflow Wizards out there. How do I set emacs/slime/swank to use UTF-8 when talking with Clojure, or use UTF-8 at the command-line REPL? At the moment I cannot send any non-roman characters to swank-clojure, and using the command-line REPL garbles things. It's really easy to do ...

Persistent data structures in Scala

Are all immutable data structures in Scala persistent? If not, which of them are and which not? What are the behavioural characteristics of those which are persistent? Also, how do they compare to the persistent data structures in Clojure? ...

How do clojure programs/compilers/interpreters actually "work"?

It seems that to install Clojure in every new IDE, I have to completely re-install it and create a copy of it. And running the REPL seems like it's running a Java program. I'm coming from a Ruby background, where Ruby programs are run by ruby program.rb, and the ruby being a program executed from one place, onto the file (I am aware th...

Abstracting away from data structure implementation details in Clojure

I am developing a complex data structure in Clojure with multiple sub-structures. I know that I will want to extend this structure over time, and may at times want to change the internal structure without breaking different users of the data structure (for example I may want to change a vector into a hashmap, add some kind of indexing ...

Importing Java Classes in Clojure

I seem to be doing something wrong. I've built clojure from git, and am invoking it thus: java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main I get the repl, and then I type: (import 'java.lang.string) and I get: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.string (NO_SOURCE_FILE:1) I'm trying this with lang.string since I assume it has to exist o...

Trouble installing Clojure dev environment on ubuntu

I followed this guide: Which walked me through the steps of building Clojure and Clojure-contrib from source along with SLIME and swank emacs scripts. I am a total noob when it comes to emacs. I am getting this error: File error: Cannot open load file, swank-clojure-autoload This...

What is the correct 'clojure way to check if a collection is non empty

I want to write a function that would return the boolean true if the given collection is not empty and false otherwise. I could either do defn .. (boolean (seq coll)) or defn .. (not (empty? coll)) As I am new to clojure I was initially inclined to go with #2 (more readable), but the clojure api reference for empty? explicitly sa...

clojure.core/or partial function works well with first argument but not with second.

(defn divisible [x y] (zero? (rem x y))) ((or (fn [x] (divisible x 3)) (fn [x] (divisible x 5))) 3) ((or (fn [x] (divisible x 3)) (fn [x] (divisible x 5))) 5) the first expression evals to true but not the second one why? can some on explain whats going on here? ...

Good current documentation and/or tutorials for compojure/ring development?

As far as I can tell 90% of information that can be found through a google search on compojure/ring is outdated for 0.4.0. Can anyone point me toward some good current documentation? Thanks! ...

Compiling Clojure?

I'm feeling slightly silly here, but I can't get Clojure Hello World to compile. Directory structure: hello-world/ clojure-1.1.0.jar build/ classes/ src/ test/ hello.clj hello.clj: (ns test.hello (:gen-class)) (defn -main [& args] (println "Hello" (nth args 0))) Interaction: $ cd hello-world [hello-world]...

Transmitting commands from a client to a server in Clojure/Java

I'm working on Clojure app where a client needs to send some commands to a server. These will happen in quite large volumes, so I'd like it to be reasonably efficient, both in terms of processing and over-the-wire serialised size. What would be the best way of doing this in Clojure? Currently I'm thinking of: Creating a simple standa...

Clojure number crunching performance

I'm not sure whether this belongs on StackOverflow or in the Clojure Google group. But the group seems to be busy discussing numeric improvements for Clojure 1.2, so I'll try here: has a number of performance benchmarks for various languages. I noticed that Clojure was missing, so I made a Clojure ve...

Can an embedded swank-clojure repl access the program it is embedded in?

I'm trying to embed a swank-clojure repl into my application for the purpose of connecting while the app is running to muck around with things. However, I'm having trouble figuring out how to access the enclosing environment after starting the repl. Embedding the swank-clojure REPL is easy enough: (ns mytest (:use [swank.swank :exclu...

Clojure or Scheme bayesian classification libraries?

Any pointers to scheme/racket or clojure bayesian classification libraries? I need one for a toy/learning project that I'm going to do. ...