
When to use Amazon Cloudfront or S3

Are there use cases that lend themselves better to Amazon cloudfront over s3 or the other way around? I'm trying to understand the difference between the 2 through examples. ...

Core Data cloud sync - need help with logic

Hi, I'm in the middle of brainstorming a cloud sync solution for a Core Data app that I am currently developing. I'm planning to open source the code for this once its done, for anyone to use with their Core Data apps, so input from the community on how this system should work is much appreciated :-) Here's what I'm thinking: Server S...

Does each cloud instance have its own IP

For a cloud instance that runs Apache, I'm guessing the cloud has an IP address. One of the benefits of using a cloud is scaling, but I'm not sure how that scaling happens. I thought that new instances are created automatically to accommodate rise in traffic. IF that's correct (correct me if I'm wrong), then does that mean that each ne...

Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) service / Static IP permitted?

Hi, We are planning to have an application run on Amazon's cloud which requires a static IP for it to work. However it appears from Amazon's documentation that static IPs are NOT allowed... --> Elastic IP Addresses ...

Access to Android Cloud to Device Messaging android ?

i dont know Google hate me but they didn't give me access to Google Wave back then and now also they didnt give me access to CtDM, is there any way to start developing and working with the framework without getting access from Google ? ...

Not able to get the amazon RDS instances using AWS .NET SDK.

I'm not able to connect to my database in RDS from local machine.... Here is my code: Amazon.RDS.AmazonRDSClient client = new Amazon.RDS.AmazonRDSClient(myPublicKey, myPrivateKey); Amazon.RDS.Model.DescribeDBInstancesRequest instanceRequest = new Amazon.RDS.Model.DescribeDBInstancesRequest(); Amazon.RDS.Model.DescribeDBInstancesRespo...

Restoring an image, in a VM, without booting it

I'm using a UEC Cloud (with kvm) Can I restore an image, in a VM, without booting it? (like freezing the image and then restarting the image on that exact tick while skipping the whole booting) Is that what 'Snapshot' is? If it's possible, then what are the general steps to do it? Thanks ...

ASP.NET MVC and Cloud Hosting

Hi, Has anyone had any experience running an ASP.NET MVC (2) app in one of the (decent) cloud hosting services? Which providers support this? Additionally - how does session state work in these services - all ok? Thanks ...

Multi-Tenant application - How to achieve Shared database separate schema implementation ?

I have to make a web application multi-tenant enabled using Shared database separate schema approach. Application is built using Java/J2EE and Oracle10g. I need to have one single appserver using a shared database with multiple schema, each schema per client. What is the best implementation approach to achieve this? - What needs to ...

Anyone moved off

I've been developing an OEM application on for about a year, having joined a year into the project. It is consistently an exercise in frustration and disappointment, and it has become clear that every single day spent writing code on this platform is a wasted day. It is nearly impossible to build a full-featured application on ...

Java server to handle Client requests and respond to it ?

Im looking for the concept of creating Java Server to handle Client requests and respond to it , i want to use Google App engine which does not allow Socket connections , so is the client & server in this case will communicate using Http requests? i'll be glad if someone could clarify the logic to me and provide a few lines of code. Tha...

how can i set up own cloud for my institution?

How can i set up a private cloud for my educational institution? Guide me to do this! What are all the steps I should take and send me steps to install eucalyptus in my laptop? ...

Is SQL Azure PCI-DSS Compliant?

Hi, If I were to use separate Windows Server that was PCI-DSS compliant, would I still be compliant if I had a SQL Azure hosting the backend? This is assuming that I'm compliant at the application layer, and that I'm only storing permitted values (like no CVV), etc. Thanks, Jack ...

Using Amazon EC2 as a webserver with a specific IP address

I'm trying to create a personal/professional website within a college-domain. From the university I've requested a static-IP address which is directed to a website-name "". I would like to setup an Amazon EC2 instance to host a website. I know how to create/administer the website on the EC2 instance I j...

cloud drive vs. cloud files (or should we not bother?)

The web application is in the process of moving from a standalone server to a pair of servers behind a load-balancer, and contains a 50GB directory of user-created data that is growing rapidly. On rackspace, the only way to add disk space dynamically is by also doubling RAM and monthly cost, which isn't necessary. So, to cloud files it i...

Is there any website which offers C++ IDE to run the codes in the cloud?

Is there any website which offers C++ IDE to run the codes in the cloud? Something like this which is for Python and matlab (octave in fact); ...

Scala + stax compile problem during deploy process

Hello. I developed an app in scala-ide (eclipse plugin), no errors or warnings. Now I'm trying to deploy it to the stax cloud: $ stax deploy But it fails to compile it: compile: [scalac] Compiling 2 source files to /home/gleontiev/workspace/rss2lj/webapp/WEB-INF/classes error: error while loading FlickrUtils, Scala signature Flick...

Architectural issues in cloud computing deployment

When you decided to deploy a cloud setup what are the architectural/implementation issues you have faced and how did you resolve them? a few of them - (architectural) design patterns when you plan to move your existing application in to cloud what non-functional requirements should be give priority? how do you overcome the cloud over...

Sharing data between nodes (app servers) in cloud

I'm building a Python/Pylons webapp that has been served by single server so far, now I want to investigate how it would scale among several servers with some kind of load balancer in front. The main concern is server-side state, of course. It includes user session data, user uploaded data (pictures and the like), and cache. I want app...

Code & data tracking / deployment

For a long time now, we've held our data within the project's repository. We just held everything under data/sql, and each table had its own create_tablename.sql and data_tablename.sql files. We have now just deployed our 2nd project onto Scalr and we've realised it's a bit messy. The way we deploy: We have a "packageup" collection of...