
Rackspace Cloud rewrite jpg causes session reset

This may be the .NET version of this question. I have an image script with the following: ... Response.WriteFile(filename); Response.End(); I am rewriting .jpg files using the following rewrite rule in web.config: <rule name="Image Redirect" stopProcessing="true"> <match url="^product-images/(.*).jpg" /> <conditions> <add in...

Rackspace Cloud Sites Apache Server Variables

Ran into an issue with the server variable HTTPS not being set when .htaccess was processed. I found the answer here: http://cloudsites.rackspacecloud.com/index.php/How_do_I_force_SSL_on_my_PHP_site%3F but my question is, what other variables may not be set or have different results than expected? I'd rather have a definitive lis...

Reading a document from Rackspace CloudFiles using API

Hi - i have been using RackSpace CloudFiles to store certain images. I have the upload code working perfectly but when I try and read the image from CloudFiles it wont display it. The images wont render into the browser. The file is definitely being read as I can see the actual data from it but if I try and put in a header to render it o...

Catching Rackspace Cloudfiles Exceptions

Hi all, I'm having trouble catching exceptions when using the rackspace cloudfiles api com.mosso.cloudfiles. I have the dll referenced and can perform actions against my cloudfiles account, but when I want to try to catch an exception such as ContainerAlreadyExistsException, I get the error The type or namespace cannot be found. I've al...

How do I do Session Management with RackSpace Cloud?

If I am running more than two instances of a server (using rackspace-cloud's ip groups), how do I manage my sessions with PHP? Is there a way to make users 'sticky' to the server they logged into originally? I do use memcached, but all of the cloud systems have memcached on them, I need to insure a users session gets to the right ser...

cloud drive vs. cloud files (or should we not bother?)

The web application is in the process of moving from a standalone server to a pair of servers behind a load-balancer, and contains a 50GB directory of user-created data that is growing rapidly. On rackspace, the only way to add disk space dynamically is by also doubling RAM and monthly cost, which isn't necessary. So, to cloud files it i...

Programatically scaling rackspacecloud servers up and down through API

I was speaking with Rackspace tech support today looking for a simple solution to scale my server up / down based on load and he said that it could be done through their API programatically. Has anyone actually done this before or have any advice on how to best approach this? I'd love to know if someone has some outline code or notes b...

django django-imagekit django-cumulus random syntax errors

Hi. I have been using django-imagekit and django-cumulus now for a while in my app with Rackspace and I seem to be getting random errors, these do not occur on a regular basis, but more on an irregular basis. Anyone experiencing the same issue? The error seems to appear on {% for gun in guns %} <div style="margin-top: 20px;"> {%...

setting up file restriction by IP using .htaccess on a cluster/cloud environment

found answer, see end of the post How do you restrict access to a file by IP, when you are hosted in a cluster/cloud environment (Rackspace Cloud, to be more specific). Yesterday, I asked a similar question here, and received the following answer, which worked great (thank you) in my local test environment. <Files test.html> Order...

How to reduce time it takes to upload files to cloud solutions like rackspace

My website users needs to upload big video files which would eventually go sit in the rackspace cloud file solution. How do i get big files uploaded faster ? Any techniques to enable user not to wait too long? ...

Rails, Rackspace Cloud Files, Referrer ACL

Hi, I am using Rackspace Cloud Files as File Storage server for my application. The files that users upload must be authorized from within my application, then from a controller it would redirect to the correct Rackspace Cloud Files CDN URL. I am trying to do authorization using Rackspace Cloud Files' Referrer ACL. So let me just add a...

Hosting website on cloud

Hi, I had been hosting my ASP.NET website on a traditional shared hosting. Now I want to move it to a cloud, I wanted to know; If I can move the same website as-is to the cloud? Or do I need to make any changes before hosting. I am using RackSpaces' Windows Cloud hosting. Thanks ...