
CLSQL symbol exports

Does anyone know about how the clsql-sys methods get exported to the clsql-sys/cl-user package? The methods are defined individually for each database type. For example, suppose I define a method in db-mysql/mysql-sql.lisp in package clsql-mysql: (defpackage #:clsql-mysql (:use #:common-lisp #:clsql-sys #:mysql #:clsql-uffi) (:export #...

How to use autoincrement primary keys with CL-SQL?

I am using CL-SQL with SQLite backend, and I can't quite get autoincremented primary keys to work. I declared a slot like (in def-view-class): ((id :accessor d-id :db-constraints :primary-key :type integer :db-type "INTEGER") But if I create the class, the field is not updated, not even when I call update-records-from-instance, and if...

Install CLSQL on Mac OS X

I have SBCL installed (via macports/darwinports) on my Intel Core 2 Duo Macbook running 10.5.8. I've installed several libraries like this: (require 'asdf) (require 'asdf-install) (asdf-install:install 'cl-who) But when I tried to install CLSQL this way ('clsql) after it downloaded, I got this: ... ; registering #<SYSTEM CLSQL-UFFI ...

What is the correct connection string for clsql when accessing ms sqlserver using odbc?

I am accessing a database on another machine from an OS X server. After setting up freetds through macports and creating the freetds.conf file like so: dump file = /tmp/freetds.log # nunb our Microsoft server [winnt] host = port = 1433 tds version = 8.0 I have the following test commands that work:...

clsql connect oracle database

Hi, I am doing some practice with clsql. I want to connect my oracle server hence my connection function is; (connect '("" "xe" "username" "password") :database-type :oracle) when i hit the return, the following error message shows up. Couldn't load foreign libraries "libclntsh", "oci". (searched *FOREIGN-LIBRARY-SEARCH-PA...


I'm working on OS X 10.6.4. I've been using clbuild to install supporting libraries for SBCL (including clsql), and I do all my work through Aquamacs. I installed MySQL using the excellent instructions over at Hive Logic. But when I call (require 'clsql) -- which seems to work fine -- and then try to execute (clsql:connect '(nil "lisp" "...