
AVAudioPlayer not releasing memory

I initialize an ivar AVAudioPlayer variable, play and the try to release its memory. After the release line, it doesn't set to 0x0. After the nil line it doesn't change to 0x0. Does AVAudioPlayer require something special to release its memory? audioPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath: [[NSBun...

Adding Core Data to an existing iPhone app

I have started my application and now I want to add Core Data to my app. How can I add it? ...

Extracting name of RSS feed in Cocoa-Touch

Hi All, I am trying to parse an RSS XML feed. I have figured out how to parse what's in the tags for the individual stories, but I cannot figure out how to get the name of the entire feed (for example "CNN's News Feed"). I think it's in and I've tried a ton of things but I can't figure it out. Below is part of my parsing code that I...

How to pause execution of app until the response of a web service comes in iPhone

Hi there I am working on an iPhone app in which I am calling a web service in my app for accomplishing the same I am creating a NSURLConnection the parsing of data is based upon the response of connection delegate's didReceiveResponse: method. I would like to halt the execution of my code until I get any response from my service but I a...

Why is my opengl-es texture coming out white?!

I have been at this for quite some time now, reading tutorials and so on, and I can't work out what the heck is wrong with this, is anyone else able to help me understand what is going wrong? // Sets up an array of values to use as the sprite vertices. const GLfloat spriteVertices[] = { 20.0f, 50.5f, 305.0f, 50.0f, 10.5f, 2...

iPhone Force Textbox Input to Upper Case

How do I force characters input into a textbox on the iPhone to upper case? ...

How to draw text in iPhone OpenGL ES

What is an easy way to draw text in an opengl view. I need to be able to draw any/all characters (ie support not just english). Apple has a sample on how to do this for OpenGL (not ES) called GLstring.m which is neat, but cant be translated to iPhone. Not all of us are writing applications just for Americans, ie Techniques that involve ...

Align UIView to bottom of parent's frame / view

How can I align my UIView so that it aligns to the bottom of parents frame? Normally I would create it and move to the bottom of the view, in a full screen view that is 460px tall: myView = [[MYView alloc] initWithFrame::CGRectMake(0.0f, 300.0f, 320.0f, 160.0f)]; But how can I set this up so that if the available space for my iPhone ...

How to display encodeed string in a different language?

I am fetching directory name from a ftp server. This directory name is encoded. Now I want to display this directory name in a diffetnt language. Is it possible? If yes, please give me suggestion. ...

Capturing back click in navigation controller

In a navigation controller app, assuming you've assigned a title to the root controller, the pushed view will have a back button with that title in the top left of its navigation bar. That is automatic. How can I execute code based on the click event of that back button? ...

UITableView reloadData problem in UITabBar

I have a tabBar application that has ResultsNavController as 1 of my tabBar's Nav Controller, the View Controller is ResultsViewController and my tableViewPtr is connected to the tableView in IB which is under Main window.xib ResultsNavController/ResultsViewController/View/tableView. After going to another tab to write to PureFun.plist,...

How Do I (Re)Use the Same Nib in Multiple View Controllers

Okay I just typed this whole question out and then managed to delete it. Sigh. Anyway, standard disclosure that I have searched everywhere and banged my head on the keyboard and can't figure this out. I'm building a basic app based on the utility application template (with a MainViewController and FlipsideViewController). Side note: I s...

cocoa iphone load modal view without seeing it

Hey there, Is there a way to load a view modally without seeing it? I need to access methods on the modal view controller which in turn set properties of UI components in a XIB. I want to set those properties, but I don't want to see the view right away. I want to reveal it when the user rotates the phone. Everything is working, exc...

Two related questions about iPhone autorotation

1) Is it possible to change the speed of autorotation on the iPhone? 2) Is it possible to time an animation to take place during the autorotation animation? I would like to resize a photo while rotation is occuring, rather than when it's done. ...

Can I add two right-hand buttons to a UINavigationBar?

I would like to be able to have a UINavigationBar with a left-hand UIBarButtonItem, two right-hand UIBarButtonItems, and a title. I have resorted to using a UIToolBar to simulate this, but the toolbar looks slightly different than the UINavigationBar, and it also won't bevel UIBarButtonSystemItems. Is there a way to make a UINavigation...

Creating a fanning out core animation

I'd like to create an animation that starts with the appearance of a small circle then progresses like this: 2nd larger circle appears 3rd larger circle appears 1st smallest circle disappears 4 larger circle appears 2nd circle disappears and on to probably six or so circles. Circles will fades in/out. Each larger circle encloses th...

Parsing dirty HTML on iPhone

Hi! I already searched a long time for a good solution, but I can't find anything that fits my needs... I want to parse an HTML file and display its content in a table. Everything is almost like writing yet another RSS feed reader. Doing that by parsing valid XML files is simple and straight forward using NSXMLParser or TouchXML or lib...

UIWebView and local css file

I want to style a web page meant for the desktop so that it is presentable on a UIWebView on iPhone. I do not have access to the web server from which the pages originate. I would like to do this by changing the href attribute of the <link> stylesheet element programmatically. I do the following with my IBOutlet UIWebView *webView. NSS...

Recognising iPhone Silent Mode

Hi, I would like to stop my application playing a sound if the user has switched the iPhone to silent mode. Where can I read that the phone is in silent mode? Is there some flag I can query? I noticed that some applications ignore the silent mode and some not, while I would have expected all apps to respect that silent is silent !! Any...

Sorting in NSMutableArrary in iPhone

Hello, I am parsing an XML and storing all data in NSMutableArray in form of Dictionary. NSMutableArray * stories; // a temporary item; added to the "stories" array one at a time, // and cleared for the next one NSMutableDictionary * item; - (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didEndElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:...