
What steps should be taken to convert my XML into Core Data objects?

Hi all, I have an XML file which contains lists of stores, a simplified version is below. What I would like help with is some high-level ideas on the simplest ways to move this data into objects for storage in Core Data. I see suggestions around key-value pairs but as you can see in my example below, I have child elements with the same...

Core Data vs. SQLitePersistentObjects

I'm creating an iPhone app and I'm trying to choose between 2 solutions for a persistent store. Core Data, or SQLitePersistentObjects. Basically, all my app needs is a way to store an array of model objects and then load them again to display in a UITableView. Its nothing too complicated. Core Data seems to have a much higher learning c...

How to inject a URL to a service into an iPhone application without hard coding?

I've typically just used constants in the past for things like this, say #define SERVICE_URL @"http://..." //... NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:SERVICE_URL]; But is there a better way to do this without hard coding? I would prefer not to ask something so trivial, but I tried many, many searches for things like "settings",...

warning: check_safe_call: could not restore current frame

What does the error warning: check_safe_call: could not restore current frame usually indicate? I've read in other places that it's a memory issue. Is it always a memory problem? I'm getting this error on the device (not the simulator). NSZombieEnabled shows nothing. If I Build and Debug, my debugger window shows nothing. The peak memor...

Shared Model on Mac and iPhone

I'm currently looking into unifying the model of my application. At the moment I'm using a different model on the mac/iphone. Missing classes (NSAttributedString) and missing technologies (Bindings) made me go with this decision. With the first restriction gone in SDK 3.2 and my plan to also create an optimized iPad version I'm reconsid...

Centering UITableViewCell subviews when row heights vary in a UITableView

I am using a slightly larger backgroundView image for the last row of my table. When the last cell is displayed, the imageView, textLabel, and accessoryView are all maintaining the same margin from the bottom of the cell, rather than maintaining their position in the center of the cell like they do on the other rows of smaller height. T...

How do I programatically get a large iPad window on startup with 1.9 MonoTouch?

I have the latest Ipad compatible Monotouch library. I have upgraded my projects to use 3.2 SDK and MonoTouch 1.9 Alpha. The docs say you need to change the Window in your XIB for the large iPad Window. I don't use XIB. I build my interface from code by constructing the object programatically. What should I be doing to get the large iPa...

cocoa vs cocoa touch

I am learning iphone/objective-c development and I find a lot of code examples. Some of them though I only for MacOS. Can someone please explain to me what is the difference between Cocoa and Cocoa Touch (at a library level), so that I know what code will work and what will not work. Thank you. ...

UIscrollview derived classes

Which are the controls (or classes) derived from UIScrollView? ...

Can't find the leak in this Objective-C NSXMLParser code?

I am new to iPhone programming, and am running my app against the Leaks tool in Instruments. The tool is finding a few leaks, all of which seem to point to 1 line of code in a class which uses NSXMLParser: - (BOOL)parse{ NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"[url here]"]; NSXMLParser *parser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initW...

How to sort a mutable array with reference to Date which is saved as "object for key" in iphone?

I am new to iphone development .I have mutable array recent in which the values such as title,date,url and summary are stored as " object for key".The keys are myurl,mudate,mytitle,mysummary.I want to sort that mutable array in reference to date and print all the values according to that..How can i achieve that?Please help me out.Thanks....

Moving Between Multiple XIB Files

Hi, It's my understanding that in order to move between xib files one usually uses either a Navigation Controller, Tab Controller, or Flipside Controller or combination of them. But my question is- can I write my own custom controller, and use Core Animation to move between Views or are these default controllers (navigation/tab/flipsid...

Hold "shared" views in app delegate or in root view controller? (iPhone OS)

Say I have two views: "day view" and "week view". In the week view, tapping on a day opens the day view for that day. I have a root view controller with two buttons: one leading to a day view for today, the other to the current week view. I want to be able to push any one of the view controllers on the UINavigationViewController's stack...

iPhone Quartz Demo, rerender PDF

Hi guys, How should I modify the QuartzDemo that comes with the iPhone so that it re-renders the PDF view like UIWebView does when you zoom in? Cheers Nik ...

How much memory can an iPhone app use?

Can anyone link me to a page that describes memory allocations for iPhone apps. I have heard that you are limited to a sandbox of ~20 megs, depending on the state of the phone, but I can't find the source for this. ...

Is this possible with the Navigation Controller?

I'm using the navigation controller project. I'd like to have a main menu without the Navigation Controller bar. But other screens SHOULD have the navigation bar. I did this by setting the viewDidLoad in my RootViewController to: self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden = YES; And inside viewDidLoad in my childController to: se...

iPhone ad-hoc distribution howto?

Hi, how do I do an ad-hoc distribution profile? Been reading many links but I think there is something that I'm still missing. Just can't figure out what. Here are the steps that I took 1. a team member sent me his UDID 2. I add his phone to "devices" under the dev portal Then this is what I did to create the ad-hoc profie 1. go to ...

Reading Cocoa (not Cocoa Touch) archives on iPhone

If I have a file that was written by Cocoa on a Mac, using NSKeyedArchiver, are there any tricks to reading it on iPhone OS? NSKeyedArchiver exists on both platforms, but the Mac version might archive an NSColor, and iPhone can only unarchive UIColor. There’s setClassName:forClass: but I don’t think that helps. I don’t think it’s liter...

ABPeoplePicker Delegate pattern question

I have a subclassed UIViewController that's acting as an ABPeoplePicker Navigation Controller Delegate. This view controller calls this ABPeoplePicker in a few different situations and the problem I'm having is figuring out which situation I'm responding to in - (BOOL)peoplePickerNavigationController:(ABPeoplePickerNavigationController...

Where does this code leak?

Instruments is telling me that this code leaks. Where? Do I have to release conn? - (void)loadFeatureXML:(id<BPLFeatureLoaderDelegate>)delegate { _delegate = delegate; NSURLConnection *conn; NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.myxmlfeed"]]; if ([NSURLConnection can...