My experience is in Java development with Eclipse, where if I add a protocol in a header file there is a shortcut to add the required methods of that protocol in the implementation file. Does Xcode have a similar shortcut?
For example: In my .h, I define a class to conform to the UIPickerViewDelegate and UIPickerViewDataSource protocols...
I'm about at my wit's end over this issue, due to hitting a good dozen other website (as well as this one) looking for a straight-forward answer to my problem...
First off, I'm trying to figure out a way, given a starting image created via [UIImage imageNamed:] to add decorations based on processing over time. (Think of a heat map.) I...
I'm checking out the default Xcode template for an iPhone Core Data project. In the method that returns the fetched result controller I see this:
- (NSFetchedResultsController *)fetchedResultsController {
NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForN...
Hello everybody,
I am sort of new to developing view-based iPhone applications, and I need to download
this "txt" file off the internet and save it into the documents folder of the app.
Can anyone show me simply how I can do this? The txt file is of a tiny size, so I wouldn't
need any User interface objects...
I'm writing an iPhone app which fetches an XML file, parses it and then saves the parsed objects to Core Data. I've got everything working up to the point where I save the objects to Core Data. I imagine it's got something to do with how I'm referencing the ManagedObjectContext but I can't figure out where I'm going wrong. I've looked...
What I want to do is pretty simple. In my UITableViewController, I want to load data from multiple NSFetchedResultControllers (I have multiple entities in my data model) and put data from each one into a different section in the table view. So for example, all the fetched items from the first NSFetchedResultController would go in section...
In a tab bar application, I'm adding a view to my first tabbar view by doing:
[self.view addSubview:anotherView.view];
Once anotherView is done, I do:
[self.view removeFromSuperview];
Which goes back to the parent but doesn't fire viewDidAppear or viewWillAppear on the parent. I can use messaging but it seems there must be a b...
(newbie here) I'm using a UINavigationController in my iPhone app and would like a child view to access UIImages from a sibling. In other words the user sets images on child1, then on child2 I want to access those images.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi all,
I want to know :
How can I know that two imageViews are overlapping over each other?
How can I know which imageView is overlapping which?
How can I make the overlapping imageView go below and overlapped imageView come up?
For Example : If I have an arrow and a bow, if my bow is overlapping the arrow [i.e. physically the bow ...
I'd like to make a countdown to the next full hour. It's pretty easy to countdown to a specific time, like:
NSDate *midnight = [NSDate dateWithNaturalLanguageString:@"midnight tomorrow"];
how do I define an NSDate for "the beginning of every hour"?
EDIT: This is what I have currently. Having trouble integrating the solution...
I'm creating a draggable UIImageView much like the iPhone/iPod Touch's "Slide to Unlock" slider when the device is locked.
I can get the view to move smoothly along the x-axis by using: float newCenter = touchPoint.x;
But this doesn't take into account the offset of the touch from the center. It's simply moving the center point of the...
I've been seeing this type of dialogue appear in different forms in various apps and I'm wondering whether it's a part of Cocoa Touch or a custom jobby. You can see it here, in Tweetie 2.0:
If this is a custom jobby, could anyone offer any pointers as to how to get something like this working? I'm looking to do something similar with ...
I am new to iphone development.I have kept a button in the tool bar.I have given a image for it.I have to give a label to it (below the button).If i placed a label below the button and give text in the label and while running i am not able to see the text.I don't know where i go wrong.Since i am doing this in interface builder i am not ...
I am new to iphone development.I have created a view based application.Now i want tab bar in that view.The first view of the tab bar is a table view and the second view is the Web-view.All the tutorials explain only tab bar based application.Since i am using view based application i finding it really hard.How to achieve it by using inter...
How to give images in photo library and camera as source to UIImage
/* On button click i want to save image */
myImage = /*What i have to give here to take camera or library images*/
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(myImage, self,
@selector(image:didFinishSavingWithError:contextInfo:), nil);
What is the best way of implementing a multi-line + multi-column text display?
HTML? Tables?
Hi, all!
In my application, I want to find out wheather an image is over another image, and if it is then I have to swap that image with other i.e. bring the below rendered image on the front. For this, I'm writing below code :
CGRect rect_1=CGRectMake(rect1X, rect1Y, rectW, rectH);
CGRect rect_2=CGRectMake(rect2X, rect2Y, rectW2, re...
I want to move a UIAlertView's frame because I am adding a UITextFied to it and when the keypad is hiding the Cancel and Ok buttons that are apart of my alertView
I am new to iphone development.I am creating a map application.I want to display the activity indicator rotating when i click ok for the alert view "Do you want to load the current location". Since this alert is given default by ipod how can i give activity indicator for it? Please help me out.Please guide me.Thanks.
Is there a way for UILabel to draw a border around itself? This is useful for me to debug the text placement and to see the placement and how big the label actually is.