Pre-drawing a UIView
There is information that is only available after drawRect that I need to access when loading a UIView. Is there any way to do a "pre-draw" or offscreen in order to get this information earlier? ...
There is information that is only available after drawRect that I need to access when loading a UIView. Is there any way to do a "pre-draw" or offscreen in order to get this information earlier? ...
I have a modal view that is presented and dismissed fine when my device is in vertical orientation. I have problems when my modal view is presented in the vertical orientation, but dismissed in horizontal orientation. The entire app switches back to vertical orientation automatically. How can I ensure that if I am in horizontal orientati...
Hello everybody, I'm starting on a new iPhone project, and this application mostly relies on mySQL. I have a mysql database running on my computer, and I need this application to send queries to the server to gain information. One example is creating and logging into an account. I have successfully done this on my windows applica...
How do you make a CLLocationDegrees? It's not a float, so what is it? ...
- (IBAction)startDownloadingURL:(id)sender { // create the request NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:60.0]; // create the connection with the request // and start loading the data ...
Hi there, I'm trying to transform a UISearchBar, like in Mobile Safari: touch in the search field and it grows while the location field shrinks. My current animation to alter the width and position of the search field only animates the position: just before it slides to the right place, it simply snaps out to the right width. Here's my ...
I have a sprite and if it is touched the touch should be recognized. I used the coordinates to do so. I took the coordinates (min x, min y, max x , max y)of the sprite image. But The sprite image is not a rectangular shape. So, even if I touch the coordinates outside the sprite and inside the rectangular bounds the sprite is recognized....
Hi, I am new in objective-c and I am trying to understand memory management to get it right. After reading the excellent Memory Management Programming Guide for Cocoa by apple my only concern is when actually an autoreleased object is released in an iphone/ipod application. My understanding is at the end of a run loop. But what define...
Hey does anyone have any examples of using NSKeyedArchiver in monotouch? i just want to store a list of pocos w:// ...
Hi! I'm trying to play with a WebView. I made an outlet: IBOutlet UIWebView *browser; Defined it as a property: @property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWebView *browser; Synthethized it: @synthesize browser; Finally, I connected it in Interface Builder, really it is. Then I try to do something with it i.e.: [browser loadReq...
Hey guys I need to create several buttons in a app so I made this function: - (UIButton*) SetButton:(UIButton*)boton withTag:(int)Tag andFrame:(CGRect)Frame { NSArray *aux = [[NSArray alloc]init]; boton = [[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect]retain]; boton.frame = Frame; boton.tag = Tag; aux = [[AmericaI...
I've attempted to set the tint of my UIToolbar in IB, but that always causes the color of the toolbar to become solid. Adjusting the opacity of the color doesn't "stick". Changing the opacity of the toolbar itself is not the effect I'm looking for. What I'm really wanting to do is get the same effect as the Black Translucent style ava...
I have a simple iPhone application that is very similar to the Page Control example provided by Apple. It creates a group of UIViewControllers dynamically, then adds them to a ScrollView. When a button is touched on one of these views, I need to be able to call a method back in the UIApplicationDelegate. It will then do some calcula...
I'm extending UIButton with generic functionality to change certain appearance attributes based on the displayed title. In order to do this, I need to detect and respond to changes in the "state" property. This is so I make sure the appearance is adjusted properly if the user has set different titles for different states. I assumed I ...
TurbineXMLParser.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface TurbineXMLParser : NSObject <NSXMLParserDelegate> { ... TurbineXMLParser.m #import "TurbineXMLParser.h" I have just added a new class to my current project that I previously tested in a single file. When I try and build the project I get the error: error: cannot find ...
I am trying to see which button was clicked on so I can preform the correct logic. This is the code for the buttons: UIButton *button = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(270, 423, 60, 60)]; [button addTarget:self action:@selector(buttonPressedAction:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; [button setBackgroundIma...
I need to pop up a quick dialog for the user to select one option in a UITableView from a list of roughly 2-5 items. Dialog will be modal and only take up about 1/2 of screen. I go back and forth between how to handle this. Should I subclass UIView and make it a UITableViewDelegate & DataSource? I'd also prefer to lay out this view in ...
Sample: I've created a minimal set of files that highlight the issue here: If viewDidLoad/viewInitWithNibName are called, a message box is displayed. The message box is not displayed, therefore, the methods are not being called. Details: I have an application that is attempting to use a UITabBarCon...
In my application one player and 10 targets are there. Each target appears one after the other (from target1 to target10). It's a shooting game. If we hit the first target then second target will come. The targets have properties like name, speedOfGunDraw, probability to hit the player, speedOfFire. What should I do to make them appear...
User preferences for my app is store in NSUserDefaults. This includes a "theme" preference, which needs to be accessed frequently by multiple classes. I would prefer not to call "[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:..." repeatedly as it makes for inconcise code and I assume will incur overhead. What is the preferred and m...