
How does UIScrollView steal touches from its subviews?

I'd like to be able to create my own container subclasses of UIView which can react first to touches, before their subviews. This is tricky because normally a subview receives touch events (via touchesBegan: etc) before superviews. How does UIScrollView reverse this? To be clear, I am not asking how UIScrollView behaves. I understand...

Why might changes be populated from one NSManagedObjectContext to another without an explicit merge?

I'm working on an object import feature that utilizes multiple threads/NSManagedObjectContexts, using as my guide (note that I am developing for iPhone). For some reason, when I save one of my contexts the other is immediately updated with the changes, even though I have com...

Problem dismissing multiple modal view controllers

I am having trouble getting my modal view controllers to display properly. I have a parent view controller that is the delegate for modal view A. In modal view A I am presenting modal view B, and having the delegate dimiss modal view A. When modal view B appears it seems to display but the screen dims, and the UI locks up, but the app d...

Problem adding UIBarButtonItems to a ToolBar

I have a UINavigationController with a UITableViewController in it. I want to show a ToolBar on the bottom with UIBarButtonItem's. The ToolBar is showing up, but the buttons won't appear. Anyone knows why? - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; [[self navigationItem] setTitle:@"Selections List"]; [[self navigatio...

How to use the variable declared in one class in another class in Obj C.

I have a NSDate *date1 in class1 implementation file(I initialized it as Global variable). I have NSDate *date2 in class 2 implementation file (initialized it as Global variable). I need to calculate the NSTimeInterval between the two dates in class 2. But I could not do it. I could not access date1 in this class. It is giving error as (...

should variable be retained or not? iphone-sdk

Hi, in the following piece of code I got from a book. The NSString *pPath which is defined in the class as an instance variable. @interface MainViewController : UIViewController { NSString *pPath; } In the implementation after being set it is being retained. I assume that with the assignment the object is automatically retained (...

iPhone Options for reading item from XML?

I am accessing this data from a web server using NSURL, what I am trying to decide is should I read this as XML or should I just use NSScanner and rip out the [data] bit I need. I have looked around the web for examples of extracting fields from XML on the iPhone but it all seems a bit overkill for what I need. Can anyone make any sugges...

How to hide the label (CCLabel) after a certain time in cocos2d ?

I added a label by using CCLabel to my layer. Now I want it do disappear after some time like (2sec). How can I make it to disappear? CCLabel *labelPerfectDraw = [CCLabel labelWithString:@"Perfect Draw" fontName:@"Marker Felt" fontSize:30 ]; labelPerfectDraw.color = ccc3(0x00, 0x00, 0xff); labelPerfectDraw.position = cc...

iPhone UIScrollView embedded UIView is clipped

Hello. I have an iPad UIView subclass (we'll call LargerUIView) with which I do a bunch of drawing via drawRect: once asked. That all appears to be working, and looks the way I like. I'm at the point now of trying to get scrolling working (just in the horizontal to begin), yet when I try to scroll, what shows below is black (ie, appears ...

NSData WriteToFile not synchronous

I'm trying to write data to the documents folder on the device. I'm getting the data from a subview that gets released the the file is written. The problem is that the view gets released before the file is written. I'm hoping that i'm doing something wrong in the code but i can't see it. (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView didDis...

Writing to plists located at resource folder in iPhone

Any one please answer me, how to write into the plist file which is located in my resource folder. Please write an example code for me. ...

Not receiving touchesEnded/Moved/Cancelled after adding subView

Title more or less says it all. In response to a touchesBegan event, my UIViewController recolours itself and adds some subviews. It never receives the touchesEnded. I guess because the added subviews are somehow intercepting the event. I tried calling resignFirstResponder on the subviews to no avail. The code works fine when I don...

UINavigationBar is getting buttons from another view

I have three Views, Splash, Login and List. From Splash I just wait and then Push Login View, with the Navigation Bar hidden. In Login I Show the NavigationBar, hide the BackButton1 and add a new RightButton1, then I check if Settings.bundle "login" and "pass" are set. If so, I push List View. Otherwise I stay in the Login view waiting...

Modal Tab Bar ViewController

I need to present a modal tab bar controller using interface builder. I'd like to be able to specify and design the tab bar controller in a InfoViewController.xib file, then present it from a variety of locations within the application using something like: UIViewController *vc = [InfoViewController create]; [self presentModalViewContr...

how to turn off volume with MPMusicPlayerController?

could MPMusicPlayerController turns off volume at once ? ...

how to stop animation after using beginAnimations?

i use the following code to do a string rolling, but how to stop the animation? [UIView beginAnimations:@"ruucc" context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:12.8f]; [UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveLinear]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; [UIView setAnimationRepeatAutoreverses:NO]; [UIView setAnimationRepeatCoun...

How can we detect a touch of a sprite?

I have two sprites in my app. Both should have touches enabled and both touches are independent of one another. And if I touch the screen (not on sprites) it should have different touches. My problem is all three sprite1, sprite2, remaining screen should have independent touches. But my program is taking all the touches as same. How can ...


Hello, I have a problem... In my view i have Textfield.If i move that TextField it should open iphone keyboard occupies.Extra TextFields doesn't display Please help in this issue. ...

Which audio playback technology do I need for this?

I have trouble choosing the right audio playback technology. There's a ton of technologies to use on the iPhone, it's so confusing. What I need to do is this: start playing short sounds ranging between 0.1 and 2 seconds high quality playback, no crackle (I heard some of the iPhone audio playback technologies do a crackle sound on star...

Cocos2D: Problem Rotating a CCMenu

If I try to do actions over menuItems but the actions are not running as expected. I think code below should make the menuItem rotate by 90 degrees but when I run it, the menuItem translates from its coordinates to another coordinate then returns to its original coordinate. The complete translation takes 3 seconds. What I need is for t...