
CSS image sprites

Is the only benefit of using css image sprites that there is less http requests? Or is there other benefits? Also is there an easy way of detiming which area of a sprite to show? ...

in cocos2d how can I create an array of sprites and put in a map pattern?

trying to create a space invaders game and putting the sprites in an upside down pyramid. I found this idea of using an array with a matrix to hold the pattern. array[3][5] { 11111 01110 00100 } the array has 3 rows and 5 columns. the 1's are the ships and the 0's is blank. can some...

AS3 -- Can upload several images to stage, want to size and move each separately

Currently each loader is a child of a sprite -- sprite.addChild(loader); Next I add the sprite to movieClip box which is with myBorder movieClip -- mainMovie.myBorder.box.addChild(sprite); Next I can drag the sprite using -- mainMovie.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,pickUp); mainMovie.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,drop...

How do I show sprites in the border on C64?

I've seen cool C64 demos showing sprites in the border area of the screen. It shouldn't be possible; I think they managed to fool the graphics chip somehow... How exactly did they do it? ...

How do I manage sprites in my J2ME games?

Are there any libraries for J2ME to manage bitmap sprites for games? ...

Replacing image in sprite - cocos2d game development of iphone

I want to change the sprite image. Say for example. mainSprite=[Sprite spriteWithFile:@"redFile.png"]; [self addChild:mainSprite]; Here, Sprite is already added to a layer. I have mainSprite (pointer) which can access it. If I change [mainSprite setOpacity:150]; it works perfectly. But Here I want to change the sprite image inst...

OpenGL spritesheets - beginner needs some guidance

Imagine the following scenario: you have a set of RPG character spritesheets in PNG format and you want to use them in an OpenGL application. The separate characters are (usually) 16 by 24 pixels in size (that is, 24 pixels tall) and may be at any width and height without leaving padding. Kinda like this: I already have the code to d...

What is the proper way to use GFX rotozoomSurface with SDL for drawing transparent sprites?

I'm using the latest SDL/GFX libs on Fedora 10 and I'm trying to render a PNG or GIF image onto the screen surface. I could not get transparent PNG's to display at all so I replaced the transparent parts or my sprite with all white (and tried Magenta 255,0,255). The white-transparent PNG displays fine using this code: SDL_Surface *image...

can moving many sprites using scheduler in one scene slow down simulator

I am developing a game in which i have 10-12 sprite moving at a time in one scene can that slow down the simulator? in my game if i click on sprite moving at top i.e. plane from which humans jump down. so if one click continuously 6 or 7 times at time 6 or 7 sprites appear and it slow down. i have not tested on iphone but its slow down's...

Is it possible to use a pixel shader inside a sprite?

Dear all, Is it possible to use a pixel shader inside a sprite? I have create a simple pixel shader, that just writes red color, for testing. I have surrounded my Sprite.DrawImage(tex,...) call by the effect.Begin(...), BeginPass(0), and EndPass(), End(), but my shader seems not to be used : My texture is drawn just normally. ...

Sprites and C# animation

I found a class to make a gif file containing multiple frame animations run in front of a background image. This is my class: using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace AnimSprites { public class AnimSprite { private int frame, interval, width, height; private...

Open GL ES - Z order when rendering 2D sprites

Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to make OpenGL ES render a batch of quads (rendered with texture page changes) and render them in z order (or reverse). Note I don't want a ZBuffer, I just want quads rendered in order of zDepth. Now I know people will say just render them in order, well I render grouped by texture page. However ...

sprite problem with image link

how to use sprite with image links. when i try to use as below link lost <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="link1" href="http://www.yahoo.com"&gt; <div id="yahoo1" class="logosprite"></div> </a> css: #yahoo1.logosprite { background-position:0 0; height:16px; width:16px; } can anyone suggest better solution ? ...

CSS Sprites showing broken image icon over image, but hover still works.

I can't figure this out..hopefully someone else can. I have an image button . The hover effect works fine. However, I have the IE broken image icon over the button image. Lookie here: Funky Image Funky Image Hover As you can see...they both work except for that annoying broken image. Here's my CSS: .donate-btn{ background: transp...

As3 contructor has 0 arguments Error, when it does have arguments

Flash is throwing an error saying that my constructor has 0 arguments when in fact, I have one. Below is my code. Thanks in advance for your help. package com.objects { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.*; import flash.display.Stage; public class Ball extends Sprite { private var yDir = 1; private var xDir:N...

sprite collision in game programming

When detecting collision between sprites using color alpha component, should I carry out in world space or in view (local) space, which one is more preferred? Any link or suggested book to this kind of topic is highly appreciated. Thank :) ...

Generating CSS sprites for dynamic images

I have a webpage which contains about 20 - 50 dynamic images (images served from a non-static source). These images are served through a servlet based on the request URL. This results in a request being generated per image, which leads to performance decay. If these images were static, I would create a CSS sprite and replace the 50 requ...

Graphics primitive generators

I'm looking for something that can generate primitives (e.g. rounded rectangles for dialog boxes etc) so I can load them into a DirectX textured Sprite. Functionality is like SPriG. ...

PNG Sprites with "wasted" empty pixels VS new http requests

Hi! I am merging all my site icons in sprites, but, for some reasons, sometimes I have to add a little white space between some. http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/9793/16spritetest4.png In this image, the icons on left are the ones that need space around them. I wonder what is better for server/user: to split the icons on left from...

Css sprite doesn't stick to only the mainnav?

See http://bldd.nl/prototypes/megamenu/test23.php I am stuck with this, if you rollover the submenu navigation you see the corresponding mainmenu rollover sprite? How can i fix this and optimize the css? ...