
6502 CPU Emulation

Its the weekend, so I relax from spending all week programming by writing a hobby project. I wrote the framework of a MOS 6502 CPU emulator yesterday, the registers, stack, memory and all the opcodes are implemented. (Link to source below) I can manually run a series of operations in the debugger I wrote, but I'd like to load a NES rom...

How do I show sprites in the border on C64?

I've seen cool C64 demos showing sprites in the border area of the screen. It shouldn't be possible; I think they managed to fool the graphics chip somehow... How exactly did they do it? ...

Selenium vs old-school POST/GET based tests

We have a considerable code base with relatively high test coverage for pages/forms, all via vanilla POST/GET. Now, we are find ourselves moving more into the 'ajaxy' space, and it's not quite possible to test with GET/POST complete scenarios like user registration, or an item creation, as they involve lots of JavaScript/Ajax calls. Wh...