
NSString's stringByAppendingPathComponent: removes a '/' in http://

I've been modifying some code to work between Mac OS X and iPhone OS. I came across some code that was using NSURL's URLByAppendingPathComponent: (added in 10.6), which as some may know, isn't available in the iPhone SDK. My solution to make this code work between OS's is to use NSString *urlString = [myURL absoluteString]; urlString ...

How do I get the server hostname from a mounted directory with cocoa/obj-c?

Currently when I open a file with my program I can select files on a server by clicking on the server name in the sidebar in an NSOpenPanel and then selecting the file. No problem, this works fine for using the file as long as the shared directory is mounted. I get a path like "/Volumes/SHARENAME/filename.bla". My question is how do...

What's safe to assume about the NSMutableArray / NSArray class cluster?

I know you shouldn't use this to decide whether or not to change an array: if ([possiblyMutable isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]]) But say I'm writing a method and need to return either an NSMutableArray or an NSArray, depending on the mutability of possiblyMutable. The class using my method already knows whether or not it's accep...

Copy NSAttributedString to pasteboard

Brand new to Cocoa and I'm trying to figure out how to copy an NSAttributedString to the pasteboard. I've looked in the docs and not sure if I'm supposed to use a NSPasteboardItem or not. Here's what I have to copy a regular NSString: NSPasteboard *pb = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; NSArray *types = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSStri...

incorrect variable value outside main()

i have this code #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int testint; NSString *teststring; int Test() { NSLog(@"%d",testint); NSLog(@"%@",teststring); } int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; testint = 5; NSString *teststring = [[NSString alloc] initWithS...

Can I separate an NSString by more than 1 separator?

I would like to separate my string by spaces, commas, periods (ie. punctuations). I am using: [myString componentsSeparatedByString:@" "]; to separate by spaces, but need to be able to split by punctuations as well. ...

How to replace a character in NSString without inserting a space?

Let's assume I have the string NSString* myString = @"Hello,"; How can I remove the comma without leaving a space? I have tried: NSString* newString = [myString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"," withString:@""]; and NSString* newString = [myString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet punctuationCharacterSet]]; ...

Disable colour change when source list loses focus

When an item is selected in the source list it is highlighted in blue. When another element on the window is selected, however, the highlight becomes a lighter blue as the source list is no longer focused. I would like to change the behaviour so the item is always the darker blue, the same behaviour as seen in Finder. ...

Retrieving Spotlight query used to open document in application

If you search for something that opens (e.g. a PDF file) in Spotlight, the application not only opens the file but actually copies the Spotlight query into the application's search field (for deeper search). iPhoto and also do this. This is a really nice feature. Unfortunately, Apple does not document how it's imple...

Close button during modal sheet

In Objective C (Cocoa) I have an app running with a modal sheet, but I want to allow the app to quit even when the sheet is displayed (contradicting the definition of modal I think, but I like the animated effect of modal sheets). I'm already using the -setPreventsApplicationTerminationWhenModal method and it works fine, but I'm wonderi...

NSMutableDictionary is being treated as an NSDictionary

Hi, I have a simple class with an NSMutableDictionary member variable. However, when I call setObject:forKey I get an error ('mutating method sent to immutable object'). The source of the problem is obvious from the debugger -- my NSMutableDictionary is actually of type NSDictionary. I must be missing something incredibly simple but c...

How to install launch agent on Mac os x 10.5 / 10.6

I have developed a launchAgent in cocoa. It works fine for me on dev environment, by placing the plist file in location /Library/LaunchAgents/.To distribute and install this on other laptops, I created the package using package maker tool. As part of installation process I want to change permission of the plist file and copy it to /Libra...

How does text-to-speech shortcut read any highlighted text?

Hi, I am trying to develop a cocoa application that requires to read highlighted text from any application. But so far I cannot find any decent solution because the accessibility API isn't always work. (e.g. Firefox) Does anyone know how it is implemented in text-to-speech included in Leopard? I have found this SO question but it isn't ...

Cocoa Read NSInputStream from FTP connection

Hi, I (apparently) manage to make a ftp connection, but fail to read anything from it, and with good cause: I don't reach the reading until the connection has timed out. Here's my code: header: NSInputStream *iStream; NSOutputStream *oStream; implementation: NSHost *host = [NSHost hostWithAddress:@""]; [iS...

Is it possible to use Cocoa classes in an app that runs on Linux

I am need to parse a pdf file. I would like to use objective-c and Cocoa classes to do so, but I need the resulting application to run on Linux. Is this possible? My experience to Objective-C revolves around the iPhone so I'm relatively new to Cocoa. Thanks. ...

Model class for NSDictionary information with Lazy Loading

My application utilizes approx. 50+ .plists that are used as NSDictionaries. Several of my view controllers need access to the properties of the dictionaries, so instead of writing duplicate code to retrieve the .plist, convert the values to a dictionary, etc, each time I need the info, I thought a model class to hold the data and sup...

setting a filename in NSPrintInfo

I'm trying to set up a print dialog, so that if the user tries to save to PDF, it gets a reasonable filename. I currently have: NSPrintInfo* pi = [NSPrintInfo sharedPrintInfo]; NSMutableDictionary *dict = [pi dictionary]; [dict setObject: name forKey: NSPrintSavePath]; [dict setObject: name forKey: @"NSPrintSavePath"]; NSPrintOperation...

What does this Obj-C "unrecognized selector sent to instance" exception indicate?

What does this mean? * Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '* -[NSPathStore2 hidesBottomBarWhenPushed]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1cd3d0' ...

How to detect if certain characters are at the end of an NSString?

Let's assume I can have the following strings: "hey @john..." "@john, hello" "@john(hello)" I am tokenizing the string to get every word separated by a space: [myString componentsSeparatedByString:@" "]; My array of tokens now contain: @john... @john, @john(hello) I am checking for punctation marks as follows: NSRange textRange...

Loading a UIView with a UITableView from another NIB

I have a NIB that contains a UIView. I have another NIB that contains a UITableView. How can I load the UITableView NIB inside of the UIView in my other NIB? ...