
What are some of the known brands for monitor mounts?

Looking for some good options for monitor mounts, preferably, rotatable between vertical and horizontal view. Any recommendations? ...

Using Samba for random access without mounting the file system?

I am using a machine on which I do not have root access and would like to access files on a Samba server in random access mode. I know I can transfer the files in their entirety using smbclient but the files are very large (>1GB) and I would rather just treat them as remote files on which I can do random access. The problem as noted is ...

mount a windows smb share on OS X as so it can be accessed by 'www' user

trying to mount an smb share on OS X so that the 'www' user can read files from there. the SMB share is accessible via an Active Directory account. I can mount the share through the Finder (cmd-k ...) my basic approach is # 1) create mountpoint sudo mkdir /Volumes/www_mdisk # 2) permissions for mountpoint sudo chown www:www /Volumes...

How do you retrieve the original location of a mounted path?

In C++, how can I retrieve the location of a mounted drive? for example, if I have mounted drive s: to c:\temp (using subst in the command line) "subst c:\temp s:" how can I get "c:\temp" by passing "s:" I would also like to know how can it be done for a network drive. (if s: is mounted to "\MyComputer\Hello", then I want to retrieve "...

How to mount from command line like the Nautilus does?

On my Ubuntu linux box I can easily mount USB connected drives or CDROM clicking on devices icons that I can found on the Desktop. For example if I click on a USB connected drive icon the following things happen: a /media/LABEL directory is automatically created (where LABEL is the label of the disk and may vary from disk to disk) the...

Non-blocking mount in Linux

I use Linux's mount(2) function in a single-threaded process. But mounting of devices devices like CD-ROM may take a while (worst I've seen is 40 seconds!), as it will ponder a little, spin up the disk, and only then will mount the filesystem. This may block the process from processing other events for considerable time. I cannot seem t...

How to detect NTFS mounted folders in C#?

Once upon a time I read how you detect programmatically for mounted NTFS folders (can cause cyclic recursion when searching through folders). Now i cannot find the link.. Does anyone know how to do this? The mounting I am interested in detecting is when one folder is mounted to another folder. ...

Any ideas why this NFS setup won't work?

I set up an NFS server on my CentOS box with this for the /etc/exports file: /var/www,sync,no_root_squash) Then on my Ubuntu machine, I ran: # cd ~/ root@bill-murray:~# mount -v ash mount: no type was given - I'll assume nfs because of the colon mount.nfs: timeout set for Thu Mar 5 13:27:59 2...

Linux: Which process is causing "device busy" when doing umount?

Linux: Which process is causing "device busy" when doing umount? ...

How can I mount a remote directory on my computer?

I have all my code and data on my computer at work. But often I work from home, so I ssh into the work computer, connect to my GNU screen session (which includes a text-based emacs) and start hacking, compiling, etc. This can get a bit annoying sometimes, especially if my connection is slow, and the remote emacs lags behind my typing. ...

Read header data from files on remote server

Hi! I'm working on a project right now where I need to read header data from files on remote servers. I'm talking about many and large files so I cant read whole files, but just the header data I need. The only solution I have is to mount the remote server with fuse and then read the header from the files as if they where on my local c...

Export rootfs or tmpfs

Is it possible to export (for nfs mounting) tmpfs or rootfs directories? I have many linux nodes which are booted into a ram based filesystem with just rootfs and tmpfs. I want each node to see some files in the other nodes, so I am trying to export some directory and trying to mount on another node. I see the following error in /var/log...

Why I can not ban the operation of

I write a driver to attach on MountPointManager and filter all IOCTL_MOUNTMGR_DELETE_POINTS IRP. But after I return this IRP with code below, I see no volume letter left. Irp->IoStatus.Status=STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; Irp->IoStatus.Information=0; IoCompleteRequest(Irp,IO_NO_INCREMENT); return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; Anyone could help me...

OS X: which volume is a DVD?

How can I programmatically determine which (if any) mounted volumes are a DVD? I currently look for a directory with permissions 555 but I would prefer something a bit less hacky. Thanks!! $ ls -l /Volumes/ total 12 dr-xr-xr-x 4 mh gfx 136 Aug 3 2001 DQRMX2102 lrwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 1 Apr 6 15:09 Macintosh HD -> / drwx...

how to create loop in linux filesystem

how to create a loop in linux filesystem ? I want to break the directed acyclic graph(DAG) property of linux file system.. Is it possible?... I have seen this condition(loop in filesystem) once when I installed scratchbox cross compilier in my ubuntu linux distro... .. I dunno how to reproduce it now... ...

How to mark a device in a way that can be retrived by HAL but does not require mounting or changing the label.

I'm trying to find a way to mark a USB flash device in a way that I can programmaticly test for without mounting it or changing the label. Are there any properties I can modify about a device that will not cause it to behave/look differently to the user? Running Ubuntu Jaunty. ...

mount not working properly on Cygwin

I have WinXP box and Cygwin installed on it. There are many network drive mapped on windows. when I execute mount command on windows (which uses the same mount executable as Cygwin) a get list of network mapped drives. But same when I do through Cygwin, I see only C: is mapped. On Windows command prompt. C:\CodeDance> mount C:\cygwin\...

osx 'mount' local directory

is it possible to mount a local directory into another one. Using perfoce I want to do something equivalent to symlinking a directory, but in a way that fools it into thinking it's really just another directory in the project. I would like to do something like: mount /foo/bar /home/foo/bar Is this possible, and if so what options...

Mounting and untar'ing a file in Java

Hello all, I'm currently working on a web application that involves mounting a drive and extracting a tar.gz file, all in Java. Since the application runs in a linux environment, I figured I'd try using unix commands like "mount" and "tar". Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process proc; String mountCommand = "mount -t cifs -o u...

Jetty: Mount to a directory on a different host

I'm looking to map to a directory on a different host using Jetty/Maven when working locally. I've found you can do this w/ Apache using mod_jk (JkMount/JkUnMount), but haven't figured it how to do the same on jetty. On our dev/q/live servers, we have Apache in front of JBoss and use mod_jk to do this. Locally, we're using jetty To g...