
What kinds of things do you look for when reviewing someone else's code before a code review/inspection?

Do you look for anything in particular, or just read the code carefully and just find what you find? ...

What is the difference between code reviews and code inspections?

I'm trying to understand the difference between the two. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Potential duplicate: ...

Why doesn't inspect.getsource return the whole class source?

I have this code in my from django import forms from formfieldset.forms import FieldsetMixin class ContactForm(forms.Form, FieldsetMixin): full_name = forms.CharField(max_length=120) email = forms.EmailField() website = forms.URLField() message = forms.CharField(max_length=500, widget=forms.Textarea) send...

Inspect S4 methods

How can I view the definition of a S4 function? For instance, I would like to see the definition of TSconnect in package TSdbi. The command showMethods("TSconnect") reveals that there is, among others, a function for drv="histQuoteDriver", dbname="character". How can I see the definition of this function? If it were a S3 function, th...

Writing a Javascript library that is code-completion and code-inspection friendly

I recently made my own Javascript library and I initially used the following pattern: var myLibrary = (function () { var someProp = "..."; function someFunc() { ... } function someFunc2() { ... } return { func: someFunc, fun2: someFunc2, prop: someProp; } }()); The problem with this is that I ...

how to integrate TODO handling into the maven test phase ?

suppose i have a project with lots of todos, some unintentionally left there, some no longer relevant, some represent future possible features etc. i know that most IDEs can show/filter/sort them, but im looking for a way to enforce a more strict policy. what im looking for is some maven plugin that i can bind to the test phase that lo...