
Why doesn't inspect.getsource return the whole class source?

I have this code in my from django import forms from formfieldset.forms import FieldsetMixin class ContactForm(forms.Form, FieldsetMixin): full_name = forms.CharField(max_length=120) email = forms.EmailField() website = forms.URLField() message = forms.CharField(max_length=500, widget=forms.Textarea) send...

How do I infer the class to which a @staticmethod belongs?

I am trying to implement infer_class function that, given a method, figures out the class to which the method belongs. So far I have something like this: import inspect def infer_class(f): if inspect.ismethod(f): return f.im_self if f.im_class == type else f.im_class # elif ... what about staticmethod-s? else: ...

Inspect Swing/SWT app at runtime?

Is there any way to inspect (in a broad sense, to get any info) a SWT app without disassembling it (as it's packed as exe and I don't know how to extract it first ;) )? EDIT: turns out the app is a SWT one. ...

Obtaining references to function objects on the execution stack from the frame object?

Given the output of inspect.stack(), is it possible to get the function objects from anywhere from the stack frame and call these? If so, how? (I already know how to get the names of the functions.) Here is what I'm getting at: Let's say I'm a function and I'm trying to determine if my caller is a generator or a regular function? I nee...

Using chrome for web development - how to dock the inspector?

I know Firebug is the standard, but I find myself using Chrome a lot (screen space, speed, etc.) Anyway, I think their inspector is pretty good, too. Certainly good enough that I don't want to fire up FF and navigate thru a site every time that I want to take a peak at the DOM. However, probably the most annoying part is that I can't do...

Issues with when used inside Jython

Hi, I am using an application developed in Jython. When I try to use the in that, it shows error message. My code goes like this import inspect,os,sys,pprint,imp def handle_stackframe_without_leak(getframe): frame = inspect.currentframe() try: function = inspect.getframeinfo(getframe) print inspect.g...

Listing builtin functions and methods (Python)

I have came up with this: [a for a in dir(__builtins__) if str(type(getattr(__builtins__,a))) == "<type 'builtin_function_or_method'>"] I know its ugly. Can you show me a better/more pythonic way of doing this? ...

Inspect with limited recursion

I'd like to run inspect on some object, but unfortunately it's either linking to some really big objects, or has a circular reference. That results in many pages of output. Is there some way to limit the level of recursion that inspect is allowed to do? ...

Introspecting a given function's nested (local) functions in Python

Given the function def f(): x, y = 1, 2 def get(): print 'get' def post(): print 'post' is there a way for me to access its local get() and post() functions in a way that I can call them? I'm looking for a function that will work like so with the function f() defined above: >>> get, post = get_local_func...

Ruby Configure IRB to Pretty_Inspect by Default

Hi Guys, I'm fairly new to ruby, and am configuring IRB. I like pretty print (require 'pp'), but it seems a hassle to always type pp for it to pretty print it. What I'd like to do is make it pretty print by default, so if i have a var , say, 'myvar', and type myvar, it automatically calls pretty_inspect instead of the regular inspect...

Python: Get list of all classes within current module

I've seen plenty of examples of people extracting all of the classes from a module, usually something like: # class Foo: pass # import inspect import foo for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(foo): if inspect.isclass(obj): print obj Awesome. But I can't find out how to get all of the classes from the cu...

How to inspect an element in c# like firebug does?

Is there a way to inspect/spy elements in a web browser like firebug does when we move the mouse over the webpage? How to to it in c#?? EDIT: Actually I just want to get the HTML source code from the tagged element. Best regards. ...

See What Line a Function Was Called From in Python Decorator

Given something like this: @my_decorator my_function(some, args) Is it possible for my_decorator to discover the file and line number my_function was called from? Thanks ...

launch gdb and print out variable value using ruby

Hi , I want to write a ruby program that could inspect the variable value of a program by launch the gdb and then print that value. How could I achieve this? If I were in the shell, I would do this : shell > gdb test [...gbd started] (gdb) p variable $1 = 20 (gdb) I also like to hear other ways that can achieve the same g...

How can I programmatically inspect an ActiveXObject at runtime, using Javascript?

I am looking to create a Javascript library for ActiveX objects, enabling chainability. For example, I am looking to replace this: var dbEngine=new ActiveXObject('DAO.DBEngine.36'); var dbs=dbEngine.OpenDatabase('D:\\Todo.mdb'); var rs=dbs.OpenRecordset('SELECT * FROM ListItems'); with something like this (a la jQuery): var rs=AX('...

How to invoke a method that has been discovered through inspect.getmembers?

import re import sys import inspect import testcases testClass = re.compile(r'.*Case$') testMethod = re.compile(r'.*Test$') for class_name, class_obj in inspect.getmembers(testcases, inspect.isclass): if testClass.match(class_name): for method_name, method_obj in inspect.getmembers(class_obj, inspect.ismethod): ...

Do the Clojure Inspector (inspect) ui buttons do anything?

Clojure comes with some basic ui apps that let you inspect objects. The generic "inspect" ui has buttons on the top for List, Table, Bean, Line, Bar, Prev, Next, etc but as far as I can tell they don't do anything. I looked at the source and they seem functionless from the code as far as I can tell. Am I crazy? (use 'clojure.inspecto...

Any way to set or overwrite the __line__ and __file__ metadata?

I'm writing some code that needs to change function signatures. Right now, I'm using Simionato's FunctionMaker class, which uses the (hacky) inspect module, and does a compile. Unfortunately, this still loses the line and file metadata. Does anyone know: If it is possible to overwrite these values in some odd way? If hacking up a c...

How can I detect if the caller passed any variables to my function in Python?

I guess the subject sounds pretty stupid, so I'll show some code: def foo(**kwargs): # How can you detect the difference between (**{}) and ()? pass foo(**{}) foo() Is there any way to detect inside of foo, how the method was called? Update 1 Because there were some comments why you possible want to do something, I'll try to...

How read method signature?

From method name I would like know its signature i.e. def myMethod(firt, second, third='something'): pass from myMethod name is possible have samenthig like that myMethod(firt, second, third='something') ...