
CodeIgniter 1.7 Auth Library

Trying to find an Auth library for CodeIgniter 1.7.x but am not having much luck. I originally found this SO post: which listed several, but most were either too simple and/or were designed for CI 1.5.x I've played with FreakAuth, UserAuth, Redux,...

Django or Code Igniter for turn-key web app

Hi all, I was wondering what you guys think about these two frameworks. I'm going to build a turn-key solution for a vertical market and would like to offer both options: software as a service and give them the opportunity to host the app on their own. In other words I'd aim at having similar deployment options as Joel's FogBugz. I'm ...

How do you create multiple instances of a library class in CodeIgniter?

I'd like to create several instances of a class in codeigniter. I have created my class as a library, but cannot figure out the syntax to use to create more than 1 instance. ...

CodeIgniter-Hello World

Hello everyone, i am new to php and CodeIgniter. I am currently studying the tutorials. My controller blog.php is <?php class Blog extends Controller{ function index() { $data['title'] = "My Blog Title"; $data['heading'] = "My Blog Heading"; $data['todo'] = array('clean house','eat lunch','call mom'); $this->load-...

CodeIgniter: URIs and Forms

I'm implementing a search box using CodeIgniter, but I'm not sure about how I should pass the search parameters through. I have three parameters - the search string, product category, and the sort order. They're all optional. Currently, I'm sending the parameters through POST to a temporary method which forwards the parameters to the r...

Code Igniter routes

Hi all, I just moving my first steps with Code Igniter, so please bear with me. I have a application/controller/login.php file containing the following class Login extends Controller { function Login() { parent::Controller(); } function index() { $this->mysmarty->assign('title', 'Login'); $this->mysmarty->ass...

Kohana or CodeIgniter?

I'm looking for a PHP framework. I did a research here and found CodeIgniter would be best for me. But then I discovered that there is Kohana based on CodeIgniter. And I'm annoyed, because since Kohana is based on CodeIgniter, it should work similar, but it is optimized for PHP 5, so it should be faster in a PHP 5 environment. I was goi...

redirect with code igniter

can anyone tell me why my redirect helper doesn't work the way i'd expect. i'm trying to redirect to the index method of my main controller like so: if($provider == '') { redirect('/index/provider1/', 'location'); } but that takes me when it should go to does that make sen...

Codeigniter: MySQL where clause, and quotes

Here's my query in Codeigniter: $this->db->select('comments.created_at, comments.section_id, comments.submittedby_id, users.username, comments.text,'); $this->db->order_by('comments.created_at', 'desc'); $this->db->where('comments.submittedby_id', 'users.user_id'); $this->db->where('comments.section_id', ''); ...

Best-practices for processing errors from database in codeigniter

I have a table with a unique key (date + userid) in my webapp database. When i try to insert record with existing date and userid, i'm getting error "dupicate key in table". I turn on database debug in application config, because i need use mysql error number and message. And now i need processing this error. I can use hard coded constan...

JSONP in CodeIgniter

Hello. I have a problem with using the jQuery JSONP function $.getJSON in CodeIgniter. The url from which the json is grabbed from is: Now, the problem, is that I have a demo.html file that runs the $.getJSON function and grabs the data from the url I denoted above. DEMO.html l...

how do I add a class to a CodeIgnitor anchor?

I have the following: '.anchor('','Home').' and I want to add the following CSS class to it: class="top_parent" so that when its rendered in the browser, the code will look something like <a href="#" class="top_parent">Home</a> Thanks in advance. Any help is hugely appreciated. Tom ...

Creating a Social Networking Website in PHP

What's the best PHP Social Networking Framework (opensource) ASAP (Working prototype in 4 hours!)? I'm looking at something that can handle profiles, where each profile can make multiple posts, and each post can be rated by the community? I'm looking at BuddyPress with WP MU? Is it possible? Should I go with CakePHP or CodeIgniter? Any...

What defines the traditional "page" concept in MVC?

I currently use CodeIgniter as my framework of choice when using PHP. One of the things I am wrestling with is the idea of a "page" and how to represent that properly within MVC. To my knowledge, CodeIgniter has a front controller that delegates to page controllers. So in my thinking, each page would have it's own controller. But all...

CodeIgniter or PHP equivalent of Rails partials and templates

In CodeIgniter or core PHP is there an equivalent of Rails's view partials and templates? A partial would let me render another view fragment inside my view, like have a common navbar.php view that I could point to inside my homepage.php view. Templates would let define the overall shell of an HTML page in one place, and let each view ...

Codeigniter project starter

I am wondering if there are any sort of tools that you guys use to kick-start a codeigniter project? Something similar to how ROR does? ...

Codeigniter:$query->free_result() when using active record?

after i have finished with my result set from a active record query in a codeigniter model, should i use $query->free_result() or does activerecord automatically do that? ...

Ignorance OR bug on PHP's "foreach" construct?

I have a dataset obtained from MySQL that goes like this: Array ( [0] => Array ( [views] => 14 [timestamp] => 06/04 [views_scaled] => 4.9295774647887 [unix_time] => 1239022177 ) [1] => Array ( [views] => 1 [timestamp] => 19/04 ...

insert multiple rows via a php array into mysql

I'm passing a large dataset into a mysql table via php using insert commands and I'm wondering if its possible to insert approximately 1000 rows at a time via a query other than appending each value on the end of an mile long string and then executing it. I am using the codeigniter framework so its functions are also available to me. ...

Best PHP Framework Training Resource?

Hi, I'm interesting on learnig and dominate any kind of the most popular PHP framework, like CodeIgniter, ZendFramework, CakePHP, Symphony. I 'll choose my own Framework based on the support training behind. And it will be better if it has training lessons delivered in video format. Does anyone know which is the best PHP Framework to s...