
Which is the Best Book for .NET coding guidelines?

Which is the best book for .NET coding guidelines? ...

Does your team have its own coding guidelines?

Does your team develop its own coding guidelines? How long is the document? How often do you read/need it? How often do you make mistakes by not abiding to the guidelines? Who has permission to edit it? ...

Using "Base" in a Class Name

Is it acceptable to use the word 'Base' in a class name which is a the bottom of the inheritance tree? I have always found this a bit of a cop-out, just wondering if anyone agrees with me. For example, if I am refactoring certain elements from MyClassA and MyClassB into a common base class, I'd be tempted to create a MyBaseClass from w...

Ruby function in onclick event

can we def some ruby function (other than javascript) in onclick event for radio button in rails.. for example <%= radio_button(count, voting.vote_count, :onclick => "if voting.nominees.eql?(selected.nominees) voting.update_attribute('vote_count',voting.vote_count+1 )") can i use like this.. ...

Guideline: while vs for

Disclaimer: I tried to search for similar question, however this returned about every C++ question... Also I would be grateful to anyone that could suggest a better title. There are two eminent loop structure in C++: while and for. I purposefully ignore the do ... while construct, it is kind of unparalleled I know of std::for_each and...

Microsoft Coding Standard Document

Is There a Coding Standard document available for download from Microsoft ? I want to use their standards. ...

Loose-coupling patterns for embedded systems programming

Where can I find some good, proven guidelines or examples on writing extensible, modular, loosely-coupled code in C (if possible)? Background of our problem is that we are maintaining large plain C, legacy code project for a low-cost microcontroller with limited computing and memory resources. Due to the fact that the system must be ex...

BlackBerry application similar like viigo? Need right Approach and Guidelines.

hi Everybody. I am a newbie and developed a sample application for BlackBerry with Multiple Screens, following a book. I wanted to develop a application similar like Viigo What are the controls i should use? Does it require custom control development? I have designed a login form, and i want to authenticate it thro...

StyleCop XML Documentation Header - Using 3 /// instead of 2 //

I am using XML documentation headers on my c# files to pass the StyleCop rule SA1633. Currently, I have to use the 2 slash commenting rule to allow StyleCop to recognize the header. for example: // <copyright file="abc.ascx.cs" company=""> // All rights reserved. // </copyright> // <author>Me</author> ...

IDisposable: is it necessary to check for null on finally {}?

In most examples that you find on the web when explicitly not using "using", the pattern looks something like: SqlConnection c = new SqlConnection(@"..."); try { c.Open(); ... } finally { if (c != null) //<== check for null c.Dispose(); } If you do use "using" and look at the generated IL code, you can see that...

Suggestions for Android project guidlines

Im trying to prepare a set of guidelines and project template for my future Android projects. Im already implementing the basic MVC architecture modularity. Im trying to have add more advanced level of design to my Android projects to make my development easier and maintainable. For example can someone suggest me a way to make Intent ca...

Checklist for Launching public beta

I am developing a web app that is about to be opened for public beta. Does anyone know of or has prepared a checklist of the various steps that one needs to take to ensure a smooth beta implementation? The web app is coded using Java, MySQL on the server side and HTML, Javascript on the client side with a little Flash in one or two scre...

Multi-threading guidelines: Can't remember my source

Hi, I'm trying to track down the source of a particular piece of coding advice I once read. I'm currently working with a class that has a lot of threading around a single shared resource, controlled by a mutex. I just spent a week trying to debug the damn code, because it's difficult to spot sub-functions which don't self-lock, and...

What is the preferred way to check for a Null pointer in C++?

Options A: if (NULL == pSomethingColumn) // Yes, we use Yoda conditions if (NULL != pSomethingColumn) Or if (pSomethingColumn) if (!pSomethingColumn) I am looking for references explaining the reasoning as well. I have heard some people say that technically NULL does not have to be defined as 0, but come on! if that was the case, ...

CheckStyle-like Eclipse-plugin for CSS and JavaScript?

I'm currently writing on some coding and style guidelines regarding JavaScript and CSS parts of projects. Eclipse offers some basic functionality in this area for situations where code is generated but is there also something en-par with CheckStyle for at least marking guideline-violations as warnings/errors? Or how do you handle coding...

usage of property vs getters/setters in business classes

When dealing with buisness classes, like the typical Customer and Employee classes, is it better to use getters and setters only or to use properties? I am translating to Delphi (for self learning) some OO examples from java books, in those examples there is always GetName() and SetName(), properties are not used. Now, I can see that i...