
Incorrect layout being rendered when accessing a page the first time - Page is displayed with a lot of blank spaces

We have a simple ColdFusion page that is outputting basic HTML to the browser. The output consists of a table and inside the table there is a row which has a div section. Sometimes, when I access the page for the first time, the page is displayed with a lot of blank lines. However, when I access the page the second time the page is alway...

Unable to open coldfusion Administrator

when i try opening I get 500 There is no web application configured to service your request There is no web application configured to service your request when i try opening I GET THE same error Kindly guide me to solution. ...

Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

i had a stored proc for which i made changes and added 2 new form fields to a stored proc and then ran it successfully now when i revoke the stored proc and run , it runs successfully but in the coldfusion it gives the error [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not m...

[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver]

when i executed the code taken freshly the following was the error ...

Internship in ColdFusion?

I am a programming student in college. A company that uses ColdFusion has offered me an internship. Would it be a wise move, career wise, to take this internship? ...

Save file in MySQL using Coldfusion

I'm trying to save a file (pdf or image) uploaded from a form into a MySQL database using Coldfusion. I'm saving the file as binary data into the database which has a column setup as a BLOB but having trouble writing the file back to the screen. What is the correct way to save a file in a database and then retrieve the file in Coldfusion...

mozilla link does not get updated

I am unable to see the updated CF fiel on mozilla , where as it works fine on Windows. Working on a coldfuison 'MX. In the folder ,the page "testGuide.cfm" exists.In it the values have been defined as <cfset TestGuide = "#appDirMisc#testGuide.html"> <cfset TestexZip = ""> <cfset TestGuideEx = "#...

ColdFusion or PHP Shopping script

Hello what I want to do is include a shopping cart on CF site. There are only 10 products but they want it to have their same look. Is there a way to have an include that would render a mini shopping cart inside their pages, but use outside shopping cart program. I'm not sure if there is anything like this so any suggestions would ...

Switching to ColdFusion?

Hello, I am currently building an Adobe Air desktop app for a medium sized company and I truley believe that I could use this same app for many other 'like-companies'. It will greatly improve their efficiency and save them money; and hopefully make me some money too! :) I am in the process of designing the database structure and the lay...

Consuming SOAP + Attachement in CF

I'm making a SOAP request with cfhttp due to SSL certificates to retrieve a document. We have limited access to the server, so I'm not sure if we can adjust the server to get the certificats added to the CF keystore. ( The responseBody returns a ByteArrayOutputStream which hol...

ColdFusion DrawImage Antialising still hard edgy

I know hard edgy is the wrong word. I think pixalated? But w/e the word is, i hope you cna understand that. Basically if i draw the text onto an image in Coldfusion without anti alising the text looks pixely and not smooth like it would in flash or something (i do understand flash is vector based hence the smoothness), however with AntiA...

Using relative paths within cfinclude'd files

I'm somewhat new to ColdFusion and I'm trying to understand the best way to use cfinclude'd files. The thing that I find limiting is that files are included in-line as if they were part of the including template. That's nice and simple but that means that any relative paths inside the included file are resolved relative to the includer, ...

How to stage deployment of an app on same server as production?

I've just inherited a CF app from a customer who uses a shared CF hosting provider. I'd like to introduce better processes including the ability to stage app changes that I make for their review. (In the past, they would upload changes and cross their fingers.) Their app lives in a folder under the webroot. Let's call it "/app". I'd lik...

displaying date field in the value of a datefield form

I am using CF8 and MySQL 5. I have a form with several date fields (one for each day and the form may have 10+ days of data on it) that the user can select different dates for and they all have different var names within a loop. The default values for these date fields is null in the DB. I can insert a date into a DATE column in MySQL ...

Parsing Tweets in ColdFusion

Hi guys, I have an RSS feed that I am working on in ColdFusion 8. What I would like to do is parse the entire RSS feed and pull out trending words. I would like my output to display how many times each word is used. Much like a word cloud. Thanks! Mike ...

Java or Coldfusion?

Im not trying to debate which language is better, I'm just hitting a brick wall. I'm building an Adobe Air desktop app for several companies. I came to the conclusion that ColdFusion was better than PHP for this (I need the 'push' feature). But now I have hit a brick wall. In order to use ColdFusion, I must learn it first. When I look...

ColdFusion links redirection to Joomla

I need to keep my old coldfusion links in my new joolma site. I need to add a redirect mechanism in joomla like All urls like /search/commission.cfm?commID=456?t=2 should redirect to /sale?id=456 How can i do this? ...

Error opening PowerPoint file using cfcontent

I can't seem to open a powerpoint(ppt) doc using cfcontent. My code has no problem opeing other types of office docs. Below is the code: <cfheader name="content-disposition" value="attachment; filename=#qry.clientFile#"/> <cfcontent type="#qry.contentType#/#qry.contentSubType#" variable="#qry.documentData#"/> qry.clientFile = Presen...

Some Developer Advice

I am currently working on a program that I really think is a good idea (at least I sure hope it is). For the program I am building I am using (after some very long consideration) ColdFusion - Flex - Adobe Air. However, I have to learn ColdFusion to do this. I am an independent developer that for the most part uses PHP to build my client...

Kill Missing form variable in Session , and redifne it .

The Form variable in my form is being passed /retrieved via Session. I have a troublesome Form variable(formField1) that was NOT DEFINED properly in the Session. But the whole form was put into use.Then this particular Form variable(formField1) was filled , and used .Hence this undefined Form variable, got trapped in the Session, as ...