
Can CF session management be enabled only in certain subfolders?

If I'm building a high-traffic site, and I don't want to use session for the front pages. Is it possible to enable session only for pages in certain subfolders, while sharing the same Application scope? Thanks! ...

determining if a new week in coldfusion

I need to determine if a set of dates contain two different weeks. For example: When returning a set of records from a database that contain a date, there needs to be something to distinguish between the different weeks. <cfloop query="datesExample"> <cfif DateDiff("d",DateFormat(lastDate),DateFormat(OriginalDate)) GTE 7> ...

TripleDES Encryption - .NET and ColdFusion not playing nice

I'm trying to exchange encrypted data between my ASP.NET application and another developer's CF app using TripleDES. Here's his CF code (fictitious key and IV of course): <cfset variables.theKey = "rpaSPvIvVLlrcmtzPU9/c67Gkj7yL1S5"> <cfset variables.theIV = BinaryDecode("password","Base64")> <cfset variables.theAlgorithm = "DESEDE"> <...

Coldfusion Process Name

This is just an edit to help people from google out a bit later on. What is the ColdFusion Process Name? Answer is below. OLD QUESTION - Found the answer, but renaming for Google purposes: Hi All, I am attempting to get the Virtual Memory and Memory Usage from a Windows Service that is not listed in the process list. If it were, i...

How to prevent Coldfusion from injecting cfform.js into the head section?

An HTML template is passed to Coldfusion. The head tag of the template has additional attribute: <head profile=""&gt; The issue is that when generating the output based on this template Coldfusion injects its scripts inside the head tag: <head <script type="text/javascript" src="/CFIDE/scripts/cfform.js"></script> <scri...

Coldfusion equiv of PHP strtotime() ?

I'm relatively new to CF / Flex3 and I've been tasked with making mock applications in order to get my knowledge of the 2 languages up. I'm creating an application where I require data back 1 week (strtotime equiv '-1 week'). So that the result is always 1 weeks worth. Whats the comparable equivalent if any for coldfusion? If none, h...

Can I ignore application.cfc in subdirectories and only use the one in root

It is pretty publicized that an ColdFusion will look up the directory tree from child to parent directories for an application.cfc file. This allows all cfm files to be "Locked" unless the application.cfc file that is first found allows the processing of the files. Is there a way to tell ColdFusion to NOT stop at a sub directory and AL...

input type="image" vs type="submit"

I programmed for a long time checking for StructKeyExists(form,"Update") until I change my input from type="submit" to type="image". IE doesn't send the name of the control back when type="image", but instead sends Update.X and Update.Y. <form method="post"> Old Way:<br /> <input type="submit" value="3" name="Update" /><br /> <input ty...

EXECUTE permission denied on object, database , owner 'dbo'.

I successfully executed a stored procedure on a SQL2005.When I wanted to populate the results in a form via CFSTOREDPROC , I am getting the following error. [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]EXECUTE permission denied on object 'GetPSRreportStock', database 'CGTSP_GET', <cfstoredproc procedure="FP_Get..GetStartStopTota...

Trouble parsing remote RSS feed using ColdFusion

I'm having a vexing time displaying a remote RSS feed on an intranet site. I'm using the MM_ XSLTransform.cfc version 0.6.2 to pull in the feed and a basic xsl to output. The feed url is If you open it in a browser, you'll see it appears to be an ordinary RSS feed. But when ...

Using cfcontent in ColdFusion 7, how do I output an MS Word doc in landscape mode?

The title is pretty self explanatory. I'm using cfcontent in ColdFusion 7 to output a page as an application/msword file type and I want to know how to make it default to landscape mode without resorting to downloading a third party library. ...

How to set up a ColdFusion MySQL datasource over SSL?

Is there a way to set up a ColdFusion data source to connect to a MySQL server over a secure connection using SSL? I don't see any obvious option to enable a SSL connection on the data source in CF administrator. The only option I can think of is to use the "connection string" field. This is for a current configuration that is set up....

'Unexpected' behaviour when calling ColdFusion code (server-side code) from javascript event handlers

I have a simple YUI dialog with 2 buttons - Accept and Decline. I would like to call ColdFusion code together with JavaScript code when each of the buttons is clicked. When I introduce CF code together with JS code unfortunately both CF code present in each of the functions get triggered. All the code is shown below: <script type="tex...

Coldfusion logging issue

Hello, I have an error that keeps popping up in my application log file every now and then. "Error","jrpp-2297","09/30/09","07:40:07","appname","Invalid data for CFSQLTYPE CF_SQL_BIGINT. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: E:\inetpub\wwwroot\a\viewReport.cfm, line: 56 " Is there any way that I can trap all param...

Why do you need a &nbsp; in IE for this break to work?

I wrote this bit of code because I wanted images to appear in the same place regardless of how many bullet points the user fills out in the CMS. IF they don't fill in a spot for a bulleted link or text, it just puts a break rule. What I don't get is why IE requires a   before the break rule for the break rule to take effect. It worked fi...

Extending Application.cfc

My site requires the user to be logged in via onRequestStart() in Application.cfc. Then there is the registration folder, which has an Application.cfc that extends ApplicationProxy.cfc which extends the root Application.cfc. This way the registration folder doesn't require the user to be logged in. My problem is that the path on my dev ...

Building a Collaborative filtering / Recommendation System

I'm in the process of designing a website that is built around the concept of recommending various items to users based on their tastes. (i.e. items they've rated, items added to their favorites list, etc.) Some examples of this are Amazon, Movielens, and Netflix. Now, my problem is, I'm not sure where to start in regards to the mathema...

Jrun ColdFusion service intermittently fails to start

We occasionaly have a problem where we attempt to start the Jrun service and it fails with the following two errors: error JRun Naming Service unable to start on port 2902 Port in use by another service or process: 2902 info No JDBC data sources have been configured for this server (see jrun-resources.xml) error...

What is the quickest way in ColdFusion to get first and last day of quarter?

What is the quickest way in ColdFusion to get first and last day of quarter? There doesn't seem to be a built in function for this. ...

Socket connection with coldfusion

I tried the below function.This function allows ColdFusion developers to connect to remote hosts through the TCP/IP protocol and transmit messages. Very useful for implementing chat rooms, integrate with third party applications such as merchant carts etc. <cffunction name="easySocket" access="private" returntype="any" hint="Uses Java S...