
Any good cfml Shopping Cart app?

Any good cfml Shopping Cart app? Tried using one? What's your experience with it? ...

Transfering file using WCF

I'm trying to write a WCF service that allows PCs and Windows Mobiles to download certain files. For the PCs I used MTOM to stream the data to the clients but it seems that Windows Mobile does not support MTOM. How can I implement a single service to download files? The file sizes vary from 100KBs to 10MBs. ...

How do I create Search Engine Safe URLs in Fusebox 5.1 noxml?

How do I create Search Engine Safe URLs in Fusebox 5.1 noxml? For instance, I want this: Instead of this: Fusebox 5.1 is suppose to be able to do this. I've read this article, but it only applies to the xml version. I know so little, I am...

What's the difference between Coldfusion Developer Edition and Enterprise Edition?

I'm trying to test Coldfusion for learning purposes, but I really don't know what is the aditional features that the non-free Enterprise Edition add to the free Developer Edition. Thanks! ...

ColdFusion: How to use SharePoint's getListItems() with ColdFusion

Hi, does anybody know, how i could get all items from a SharePoint-List? It should be possible to call the function getListItems() with 4 parameters. One for the list where the information is stored in. one for the query. the third for the displayed fields. and the fourth that specifies the number of rows to return. My code is: <cfob...

How to work with ImageMagick from Coldfusion

Hello everyone, Coldfusion has great cfimage tag that works perfectly. However, it not allows vector formats to be manupulated. This makes me searching for 3rd party tools to do some image magic. I decided to try ImageMagick with Coldfusion. I've read couple of posts that was saying 'I used to work with ImageMagick from Coldfusion for ...

ColdFusion auto select option

What is the best way to automatically set a selected item for a select/option element on post-back? Here's the way we're currently doing it: <select id="grade" name="grade"> <option value="A"<cfif form.grade = 'A'> selected="selected"</cfif>>A</option> <option value="B"<cfif form.grade = 'B'> selected="selected"</cfif>>B</option> ...

What is the career value in learning ColdFusion?

ColdFusion is a language I encounter rather infrequently, however it does turn up from time to time either in job adverts or as .cfm file extensions in URLs. There are possible job opportunities near to where I plan to live for ColdFusion developers. It might be in my interests to have a look at ColdFusion. ColdFusion appears, to me, t...

Making an ASP.NET ASMX web service easily callable by ColdFusion web clients

I've written an ASP.NET webservice (.asmx style rather than WCF) and I have the main web methods working now in my prototype enviroment. Now I need to add several new parameters to one of the webmethods but, more significantly, I need to make my webservice as "consumable" (callable) as possible from a ColdFusion web application. I'm conf...

How do I test to see if a variable exists in a ColdFusion struct?

I would like to test: <cfif Exists(MyStruct["mittens"])> </cfif> If the "mittens" key doesn't exist in MyStruct, what will it return? 0, or ""?? What should replace Exists function? UPDATE I tried, <cfif IsDefined(MyStruct.mittens)> Which also throws the error Element Mittens is undefined in MyStruct. ...

Flex Coldfusion CFC location

I'm a Coldfusion developer looking to break into Flex. I have a couple test Flex applications i'm working on, but am having problem connecting to my CFC's. I've tried creating mappings in CFAdmin, putting the CFC in the same folder as the Flex app, putting the CFC in the C:\Coldfusion8\Gateway\CFC folder, all to no avail. Each time, I...

A CFML variable name cannot end with a "." character error

I get this error when posting a form. The strangest thing, though, is that this error only occurs in Chrome and Safari. FF, IE and Opera all post the form without a problem. The Stack Trace does not point to a file to where this error occurs. A cfdump of cfcatch gives me some insight as to what the problem is, but I can't find any insta...

Changing filename of attachment in CFMail

Hi there, I'm trying to use coldfusion to send out emails containing attachements stored on our server. To manage these attachments we call them 1.jpg, 2.doc, ... n.ext ... where n is a key in a database where we hold other information about the file such as it's original filename. I can use the code <cfmailparam file="c:\path\1.doc"...

ColdFusion Query to java.sql.ResultSet

I've looked in the "undocumentation", and I can see how to create a coldfusion.sql.QueryTable from a ResultSet, but not the other way around. So, how can I extract the java.sql.ResultSet from a ColdFusion ( coldfusion.sql.QueryTable ) query object? ...

What is the best way to reload ColdFusion with Fusebox without getting parsed file or directory not found errors?

I have a site using CF8 and Fusebox 5. Anytime I need to add a new feature to the site, I usually have to add a new fuse to circuit.xml.cfm for either the controller, model, or view, or all. To enable these new features/pages, I go to the following url: ?fusebox.load=true&fusebox.parse=true&fusebox.password=password&fusebox.loadclean=tr...

Best Way to Determine if *.doc File is RTF with Java or Coldfusion

So I have about 4,000 word docs that I'm attempting to extract the text from and insert into a db table. This works swimmingly until the processor encounters a document with the *.doc file extension but determines the file is actually an RTF. Now I know POI doesn't support RTFs which is fine, but I do need a way to determine if a *.doc...

How to Use getViewableIterator in POI

I'm currently using POI to attempt to extract text out of a batch of Word documents and I need to be able to determine what entries a document contains. I've been able to get as far as pulling the document root and pulling the first entry but I want to be able to view all entries. the getEntries() method seems to provide this functiona...

CFINVOKE vs java.lang.OutOfMemoryError in ColdFusion

I'm having issues with ColdFusion's heap. Here's a little example application I'm experimenting with. I thought after cfinvoke calling the init method it destroys all variables local to the component. But apparently it's not the case. The application works as it is below but if I add a zero to the loop in index.cfm it breaks. What's stor...

How to handle timezones in CFML?

How to handle timezones in CFML? So far all apps I've wrote just use the default timezone of the CF server and/or SQL server. What do you guys usually do? Do you store all dates in GMT with GetTimezineInfo() and then DateAdd(), and translate all time to the correct timezone based on logged in user's preference? Or do you guys use any...

upgrading the jre used by coldfusion

i i have a coldfusion 8.1 application. it gets heavy use and i see jrun.exe getting very high memory usage in the task manager. this is a 32-bit windows 2003 server. when jrun gets around a gig of memory usage coldfusion will stop responding at some point. the logs are a little vague, but i start to see garbage collection and heap errors...