
Problem with SOAP response structure from Coldfusion webservice

I have a problem with a Coldfusion webservice I've created. The service accepts XML data, BASE64 encoded, and then writes it to disk for archive purposes. This file then undergoes a basic schema check and any errors are reported back to the user as follows: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" ...

Are there any gotchas for url re-writing a ColdFusion site with ISAPI_Rewrite v2?

I've been asked to help out with some ColdFusion development and one of the tasks will be to undertake url re-writing, mostly turning url parameters into a cleaner url. The site is on a hosted service with cf8 running on iis, with Helicon Tech ISAPI_Rewrite v2. Are there any things I should look out for? Thanks. ...

Storing strings and integers in a single GWT array

It seems like this should be relatively simple, but apparently not so much. I can't figure out for the life of me how to store strings and integers in an array in GWT. What data type do you use? If I use JsArrayString, it throws an IllegalArgumentException when retrieving an index containing a number. I obviously can't use JsArrayInt...

Coldfusion - What's an efficient way to search an array of structs?

I have a semi-large (hundreds of records) 1-dimensional array in Coldfusion. Each item in the array is a struct with several properties. I want to search the array for a struct that has a specific "name" property. I know that for an array of string values I could use Java methods like so: <cfset arrayIndex = myArray.indexOf("WhatImLooki...

Calling ColdFusion function inside XML Transform with value of attribute

How can one call a ColdFusion function, passing in attribute values as arguments, inside an XML transform template statement. For example, something like: <xsl:template match="date"> <cfoutput>#DateFormat(now(), <xsl:value-of select="@format"/>)#</cfoutput> </xsl:template> Such that the following XML: <date format="mm/dd/yy" /> ...

Is it possible to test an object against a component type and/or inherited type?

What I am trying to do is test an object in ColdFusion to see what type of component it is. Something like... <cfif isValid( "", currentObj)> something specific with dog objects... </cfif> I thought this was possible but receive an error saying the type I am passing does not correspond to one in the valid list of ...

How to do a cfdump inside a cfscript tag?

Hi In order to debug I would like to dump certain variables on to my web page. How to do that from inside a cfscript tag? I tried the following but it ain't work- <cfscript> ... <cfif cgi.REMOTE_ADDR eq "IP"> <cfdump var="#var1#"><br/> </cfif> ... </cfscript> Any clues on what can be done? cheers ...

cfgrid boolean column as Yes/No

I have a boolean type column in an html cfgrid. The data is stored in the database as 1/0 and is returned from CF as such. I want the user to see Yes/No instead of 1/0. I tried QuerySetCell, and couldn't get it to work. The form is editable, when you double click the cell, the checkboxes show and it updates as it should. The only ...

Transforming XML to XML with XSLT - ugly ColdFusion export.

I have a following XML structure that I need to transform: <recordset rowCount="68" fieldNames="ITEM,ECL,LEAD_TIME" type="**coldfusion.sql.QueryTable**"> <field name="ITEM"> <string>ITEM_A</string> <string>ITEM_B</string> <string>ITEM_C</string> </field> <field name="REV"> <string>A</string> <string>B</string> <string>C</string> <...

Coldfusion 8 scheduler not rescheduling task

Hi all I have just done a clean install of CF8 on a Windows 2000 machine. I have a scheduled task I need to run every 15 minutes on this machine, and the machine does little else. The task is set up as normal through CF admin, but for some reason, when the task takes about 5 minutes to run it will complete fine (I can see this from d...

How do you use cfqueryparam in the ORDER BY clause?

I'm trying to be a good CF web developer and use <cfqueryparam> around all FORM or URL elements that make it to my SQL queries. In this case, I'm trying to allow a user to control the ORDER BY clause dynamically. <cfquery datasource="MyDSN" name="qIncidents"> SELECT IncidentID, AnimalID, IntakeDate, DxDate, OutcomeDate FROM Incide...

Preserving input value of type="file" in Coldfusion on postback

Hi everyone, I have a form in Coldfusion that initially has 5 input fields for file uploading. Should the user realize they have more than 5 files to upload in the process of attaching them, I would like the form to preserve the values when it submits itself for the change in # of fields. Using the <cfform> tag with the preservedata="...

Fusebox installation without access to webroot

Previously (and locally) I've placed the fusebox5 directory in the web root, and then applications from anywhere in the tree have been able to access it. I'd previously also used Application.cfm rather than .cfc. In this environment I don't have access to the webroot and the FB files don't really need to be that far down anyway, so I h...

NTLM Authentication in ColdFusion

Is there a recommended (and preferably free) way in ColdFusion to access a remote file that is protected by NTLM authentication? The cfhttp tag appears to only support Basic authentication. ...

How do I binary serialize a object using Compact Framework?

I have a object struct _NETINFO { } and I want to convert it to a Byte[] using Compact Framework, I tried the following without sucess: _NETINFO info = new _NETINFO(); byte[] buffer = (byte[])info; And it doesn't work! The only other sugestion I found is to use the BinaryFormatter which isn't available in CF! Any other sugestions?...

Webmail Contact List Importer

Does anyone know of a Webmail Contact List Importer scripts (ColdFusion, PHP etc) like those used on Twitter and LinkedIn ? I've found some but they are paid for and I want some more bespoke & open. To clarify a little more I'm not looking for a way to process .csv files :) I'm looking for a bit of code that can logging into gmail, yaho...

ColdFusion Reports

Is it possible to run reports generated by ColdFusion Report builder on CFMX7? More explicitly, is it possible to change the report generation engine in CF7 to CF8? ...

How to protect access="remote" funcitons in CFCs from snoopers?

One of the great features of CFCs is the ability to reuse the code for both a straight .cfm page and for Flex apps. One such app that I devleoped uses Flex for it's charting capabilities and needs access to a 'getResults()' function in the cfc. All of this content is behind an authentication mechanism, but since the cfc will open itsel...

Decorator Design Pattern Use With Service Objects (wSingleton)

I'm working on a project where I need to add some functionality to a service object and using a decorator to add it in seems like a good fit. However, I've only ever used decorators with simple beans, never on a singleton like a service object. Has anyone ever done this before and what are the pros and cons? In this case I don't think cr...

cffunction Access=

If I use access="remote" for binding a cfselect to a cfc, then I lose the ability to have an Init() constructor. <cfselect name="CityID" bind="cfc:Components.City.View1({StateID})" value="CityID" display="CityName" bindonload="yes" /> I'm used to passing the datasource name to the Init function when I instantiate a component, like so:...