
How to auto-size column-width in Excel during text entry

I usually try to avoid VBA in Excel, but it would be convenient to be able to type text into a cell, and have its column get wider or narrower to accommodate the text remaining as it's entered or deleted. This would be subject, of course, to the lengths of the text in the other cells in the column. 'Auto-fit as you type', I guess you m...

ColumnDefinition doesn't expand until resize

Hi, I have a grid where one columnwidth is defined as *. The other columns are defined as Auto. The column with the *-definition contains a usercontrol derived from Panel that also implements IScrollInfo. During this control's MeasureOverride visibility is set to visible on a RepeatButton in another column (the RepeatButton's visibility ...

css display:table first column too wide

I have a css table setup like this: <div class='table'> <div> <span>name</span> <span>details</span> </div> </div> The css for the table is: .table{ display:table; width:100%; } .table div{ text-align:right; display:table-row; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0px; } .table div span:first-child { text-align:righ...

Can I set auto-width on an Open XML SDK-generated spreadsheet without calculating the individual widths?

I'm working on creating an Excel file from a large set of data by using the Open XML SDK. I've finally managed to get a functional Columns node, which specifies all of the columns which will actually be used in the file. There is a "BestFit" property that can be set to true, but this apparently does not do anything. Is there a way to aut...

Common coding style for Python?

Hi, I'm pretty new to Python, and I want to develop my first serious open source project. I want to ask what is the common coding style for python projects. I'll put also what I'm doing right now. 1.- What is the most widely used column width? (the eternal question) I'm currently sticking to 80 columns (and it's a pain!) 2.- What quot...

Compute column widths in a HTML-like manner (based on cell contents)

Hi, I have a grid of data that I want to export to RTF, PDF etc. using various (and not perfect) PHP converters/generators. What I am missing most is the HTML table automatic adjustment of column widths based on the lengths of strings in the cells (strings contain line breaks which complicate things a bit, as they should be preserved)....

How to set width in Ext.grid.ColumnModel in percentage terms?

How to set width in Ext.grid.ColumnModel in percentage terms? ...

How can I keep columns of a JTable from resizing when I resize the JFrame?

This code puts a JTable into a JFrame (sole component of the whole UI): JFrame frame = new JFrame( "Title"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JTable table = appender.createTable(); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table); table.setFillsViewportHeight(true); frame.getContentPane().add...

WebKit and overflow: hidden affecting width

Hi! I'm having a problem with overflow and width in Google Chrome/Webkit. This is a follow-up question on this question, there you will find the CSS. I need to have visibility: hidden to fix the problem in the first question. The problem is visible in the screenshots below. Why does this attribute affect the width in Webkit? Can I solv...

C# iTextSharp AutoAdjust column widths

Is there a way to adjust columnwidth automatically to fit as much content in them as they can (sort of like double click a column width is a grid control). At the moemnt I am setting them as percentages, but as there is different content dependign on search criteria, I would like the column width to adjust approprietaly. I am currently...

chrome vs FF/IE/Opera in calculating table cell width ? (table-layout:fixed)

I've searched now for almost half a day... but I couldn't find out why chrome6/7 seems to be the only browser in comparison to IE8/FF3.6/Opera that does not add the padding to the specified width of an table cell. Of course this becomes crucial if you're working with table-layout:fixed, due to the fact that all of a sudden they have to...