
Combine files on commit in Mercurial

I've got a project with 2 files I want to source-control using Mercurial: A SCX-File which is a binary (database) file A SCT-File which is a text file My filter: [encode] **.scx = tempfile: sccxml INFILE OUTFILE 0 [decode] **.scx = tempfile: sccxml INFILE OUTFILE 1 Problem sccxml only receives the path to the SCX-File The SCX-Fi...

how combine multiple arrays into a single associate array using the arrays as keys

I have 2 arrays that i would like to loop through and combine into an associative array. I would like to use the 2 arrays as the keys for the new associative array. I am new to php so any and all help would be appreciated. $id = array( 2, 4); $qty = array( 5, 7); array('id' => , 'qty' => ); Thanks in advance I would like to output...

php array combine

I have the next array: Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 160 [payment_period] => Monthly [plan_payment_type_id] => 171 [payment_type_id] => 4 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 160 [payment_period] => Monthly [plan_payment_type_id] => ...

Combining files in Notepad++

Is there a Notepad++ plugin out there that automatically combines all currently opened files into a single file? Update: Yes, I am very aware of copy and paste :) I'm working with lots of files, and I want a solution that makes this step in the process a little bit faster than several dozen copy and pastes. I'm aware of utilities for c...

JS Combine Arrays

Im trying to combine 2 arrays in javascript into one. var lines = new Array("Line1","Line2","Line3"); lines = new Array("Line5","Line6","Line7"); This is a quick example, i want to be able to combine then so that when the second line is read the array can be used as lines['4'] (returning "Line5") How would i do this? ...

How do I combine a string with a variable in Bind() in an .aspx file for a DataList?

I've searched for this, but maybe I'm using the wrong keywords. I have a DataList containing an ImageButton whose ImageUrl property I want to set by combining it with a string returned from a codebehind file property and a database value. I have a protected property in my codebehind called strPath. I want to combine it with a database...

Deep combine NSDictionaries

I need to merge two NSDictionarys into one provided that if there are dictionaries within the dictionaries, they are also merged. More or less like jQuery's extend function. ...

Difficulty in creating filename

Hey guys. I have some difficulty in creating a filename. okay, here is what I want to do: a matlab function called file_save(filename,input_data) is to save data into a xml file. so in a for loop, I want to create xml file with sequential filename eg. output1.xml output2.xml output3.xml I guess there are some way of combining filename? ...