
Adding a combo box or drop-down list to UIView

I need to add a combo box or drop-down list to a UIView. I did not find such an object in the "Library" of the interface builder. How do I add this object to my UIVIEW? Do I have to inherit it from another object (which one?) or do I have to create it from scratch programmatically? Please help !!! ...

C# ASP.NET - Populate a combobox to display two values from a datasource?

I have a combobox, but I'd like it to show two different column values from the datasource. So instead of simply filling it with "rowid" (possible values "1","2","3" etc) I'd like it to show "letter" ("a","b","c") column as well, but in that same box. The actual value that it sends can just that rowid value, but for user friendly purpo...

Showing a tooltip on a combobox from the itemtemplate (WPF)

I have a ComboBox with a DataTemplate. The DataTemplate has two controls, each of which has a ToolTip attached to it. The list of items of the ComboBox has the tooltips as expected when you hover over each control. But the selected item area on top of the ComboBox does not display the tooltips, though the controls are rendered as expecte...

How do you get a list of MS Access data types?

Hello! I am trying to list data types from Microsoft Access 2000-2007 (depending on the MS Access database version) in a combobox for a C# program. How can I achieve such a thing? ...

Bind WPF ComboBox SelectedValue-property to multiple objects

Let's say I have a list of Customers (List) and each Customer has a State-property. Is it possible to bind the SelectedValue of a ComboBox, so that it shows (has a SelectedValue of) e.g. "WA" if all Customers have WA as their State? If the customers have different State-values nothing is shown. But if I then choose OR, then all Custome...

WPF combobox selected item

Hi I have a combobox with few items displayed as image and text (placed side by side for each item). Now when i select an item from the combobox list i want to display something else (instead of same image and text) maybe another text or another image on the Combobox selecteditem area. Is there a way i can achieve it. ...

redraw combobox items when expanded

I have a .net 3.5 windows application with a bound combobox. I have overridden the DrawItem event to color the background of individual items based on certain conditions. I have asynchronous threads running which update the condition values and call Invalidate() to get the combobox to redraw. This all works very well, except when the co...

combobox in C# not getting populated

Hi, I have a windows forms app in C#. Platform is vS 2005. Following is the piece of code: namespace HostApp { public partial class Form1 : Form { private void comboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { comboBox2.Items.Add("Apples"); comboBox2.Items.Add("Ora...

WPF ComboBox update source question

I have a ComboBox with country codes and phone numbers (+43.., ..) The ItemsSource is a list of Country objects with many properties (Code is one of them.) The DataContext in which the ComboBox is located is an object with the PhoneNumber property. When user selects a country in the list, I want to update the source PhoneNumber Property...

WPF ComboBox with empty item?

Hi! Suppose we have a DataSource bind to a collection from Database. There is no null item of course. How to add a void item into a ComboBox, so that at first load user would see an empty string. I don't want to add a dummy/void object into the Collection. Optimally in XAML. Any proposals? ...

WPF: Bind DisplayMemberPath in a combobox to the Item

Ok, this is kind of odd but this is basically what I need to do. I have a WPF control that is bound to a Document object. The Document object has a Pages property. So in my ViewModel, I have a CurrentDocument property, and a CurrentPage property. Now, I have a combobox that I have bound to the CurrentDocument.Pages property and updates...

WPF Combobox validation

Hi. I have a ComboBox with Sex(male, female..):And I demand from user to select a value (the ComboBox has no value by default.) <ComboBox ItemsSource="{x:Static Member=data:Sex.AllTypes}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=Sex.Value, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, NotifyOnValidationError=True}" VerticalAlignm...

Silverlight 3 Combobox Ui Virtualisation

Hi, I have added UI Virualisation to my combobox with 1000 items in it. <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding}"> <ComboBox.ItemsPanel> <ItemsPanelTemplate> <VirtualizingStackPanel /> </ItemsPanelTemplate> </ComboBox.ItemsPanel> </ComboBox> The scrolling is now superfast :-) but the initial "open" is stil...

How to use/fill a combo box with Ruby/Glade 3

Hey guys, I am trying to make a gui with Glade 3 (gtk) and ruby but cannot figure out how to actually populate a combo box dynamically with say a list of strings. I get the xml .glade file after i visually make my gui in Glade, and use ruby-glade-create-template to generate my .rb file but have no idea where to go from here. I cannot fi...

WPF DataGrid ComboBox Column: Propagating Header Combobox throughout column...

Hey there! Here's my question: I've got a Datagrid in WPF and I have a first column that is a DataGridComboBoxColumn. What I'd like to do is to have a header for that column also with a combobox: altering the header with propagate throughout the column. I can get this done visually, but when I submit the data, the list that is bound w...

How do you increase Internet Explorer 7's "Select as you type" timeout for comboboxes?

In Internet Explorer 7, you can select options from comboboxes by typing the first few letters of the value you're looking for. However, some people in our organisation are a bit slow and can't type their selection quick enough, with the result that the timeout is triggered and the "select as you type" process starts all over again. Exa...

Autocompleting combobox in ASP.NET MVC?

I'm trying to convert an app that I had previously written in ASP.NET Web Forms to MVC and am stuck on the problem of implementing an autocompleting combobox. Previously, I had used Telerik's RadComboBox, but I'm not sure how to make this work in MVC or if it even can be made to work. Here's the markup code I was using: <telerik:RadComb...

Combobox SelectedItemChanged event in a User Control

I have a user control consisting of a combobox and a label. In my application I need to enable or disable some other controls based on the selected value in that combobox. How do I access the SelectItemChanged event from the application? ...

Flash ComboBox component selects the wrong value in Web Browser (works fine in IDE)

I added a standard Flash ComboBox component to my CS3 (AS2) project. It is part of one of my library symbols, not created on the stage. I did not make any changes to the skinning, source code, etc. of the ComboBox. When the user clicks on the ComboBox, the list drops down, the user uses the mouse to select an item, and that item is pas...

WPF Master-Details view with Listbox and Combobox with Binding

I've been looking around for an answer to my question for a few days now, but am not able to find a solution. The problem is that the combobox updates the Test object in User class with the the previous selected Users'. i.e. you select user2 and user2 has test2, you then select user5 that has test5. Now if you select user2 again, it w...