
Flex ComboBox in a Datagrid loses values when I scroll horizontally

Hello, I have a very strange problem in a Flex 3.4 Datagrid. One of the columns is a ComboBox - I have my own custom renderer for the ComboBox. I use it to select my data and then make a "save" to the db. Upon return the comboBox loses its value. Even stranger is that when I scroll the datagrid area to the left (by moving scrollbar righ...

WPF DataGridComboBoxColumn

Hello I'm using the WPF DataGrid and I'm trying to get the ComboBox Column to work. <tk:DataGridComboBoxColumn Header="GroupLevel" DisplayMemberPath="Type" SelectedItemBinding="{Binding Path=GroupLevel}" > <tk:DataGridComboBoxColumn.EditingElementStyle>...

DHTMLX Combo inside Ajax Panel in ASP.NET

Hi, I'm trying the combination of DHTMLX Combo and ASP.NET AJAX, but since it's simply a javascript and not .NET native it will post back ignoring the update panel. I need it working with AJAX, so what could I do? If I could do that AJAX call manually it would help, but how? Thank you. ...

How do I allow the user to select data from a combo box in a Query

I have a database which lists students who have went on exchanges from 1986 onwards to about 30 institutions. I have set up the file as follows: File name: 1986 onwards Table: Incoming Students Field: Institution I set up the query with the following parameter: [Enter Institution] - the problem is the institution can be spelt in vari...

Display a Default value for a Databound WPF ComboBox

I have a databound WPF comboxbox where I am using the SelectedValuePath property to select a selected value based on something other than the object's text. This is probably best explained with an example: <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Items}" DisplayMemberPath="Name" SelectedValuePath="Id" SelectedV...

WPF Editable Combobox IsFocused problem

I am developing a Watermarked Combobox by modifying Combobox Control template. everything is fine when combo box is not in editable mode. but when i change edit mode to True, isFocused property never set to True. this is because in edit mode, combo box is using a Text Box. This is exact copy of this StackOverflow question: . there are no...

Extended Combobox in SWT

I looking for Commbobox in which I can change Font property for some items. Example: First item: bold, font colour: red Second item: italic, font colour: dark Or: How to use org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo widget to do this? ...

Data bound WPF ComboBox with choices defined in XAML?

On my viewmodel I've got an int property and I want to expose it for editing with a ComboBox, with a limited set of choices, such as 16, 8, 4 and 2. Is there a way to specify the choices in the XAML, while still binding the value back to the viewmodel? I'd want to do something like this: <ComboBox SelectedValue="{Binding MyIntProperty}"...

OwnerDraw ComboBox with VisualStyles

I have a ComboBox that I have set DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed. Then I handle the OnDrawItem event and everything works perfectly. However, it looks very different from a standard ComboBox because mine doesn't seem to be rendered using VisualStyles. Do I need to do something to specifically enable VisualStyle rendering for my owner...

How to expand combo box on focus event?

Hi, I want to automatically expand Combo box on focus event. I have set the Droppeddown = True in gotfocus event, but this has a side effect. When click event gets fired, it expands dropdown and closes immediately. How can I avoid it? Here is Code: Private Sub cmbElectLoadPS_gotfocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)... combobox different style to C# combobox

When creating a combobox on the design surface of a VB.NET app in VS 2008 it is white and when creating it in C# it is gray. How do I create a combobox in C# that looks just like the VB.NET one? (Style wise) ...

Embedded font looks different than supposed to

When an embedded font is used for a label it looks correct, but when the same font is used for a combobox, the selected item font looks different from the dropdown and label font. @font-face { src:url("/assets/fonts/Helvetica.TTF"); fontFamily: "Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed"; fontStyle: normal; fontWeight: normal; } ...

Bi-directional cascading combo boxes in Silverlight

Hello, I'm interested in creating combo boxes that represent many-to-many relationship. That is if one combobox changes selection that would trigger the other combobox to change content, and vice versa. Anybody knows how to do it in Silverlight? I tried it, but I either get SelectedItem reset in the second combobox when I change the v...

Using Windows Forms Combo Box with List<KeyValuePair<UserEnum,String>> as DataSource - C#

I'm currently working on a Windows Forms GUI and I have a Combo that I need to display a list of string values as the DisplayMembers and use a list of user defined enum values as the ValueMember. I'm currently returning a List> from my database access function and I would like to bind this to my Combo box. I've tried assigning the list t...

Combo box's default combination

I have two combo boxes, one for 'order by' and the other 'direction' (ascending, descending) I am wondering what is the simplest way to have a default combination... e.g order by A-Z I would want ascending by default and order by views I would want descending by default. I guess, onChange on the order combobox calling a JS function to ...

UnitConverter action problems

I have three ComboBoxes on my form. What is the event so that if an item in Combobox1 is selected, the options in ComboBox2 and ComboBox3 change. ...

xaml: Is there a way to simulate IsPressed with a ComboBoxItem?

I want to simulate a Button IsPressed event for a ComboBoxItem. Is this possible strictly in xaml? I know how to in code-behind as well as changing the Style or Template but I was hoping to accomplish this in xaml with a Standard ComboBoxItem. TIA ...

Alternative to writing many if statements?

Here is my method: private void ConvertValues() { txtResult.Text = angles[cmbUnits1.SelectedIndex]; double value1 = Convert.ToDouble(txtValue1.Text); double value2 = Convert.ToDouble(txtValue2.Text); int unit1 = cmbUnits1.SelectedIndex; } What I want the method to do is to get the selected of the ComboBox...

WPF Combox.FindName() doesn't work

Hi, I've got two comboboxes. The items of the first one i'm filling in Xaml with: <ComboBox Name="ddl_pageType" Width="200" BorderThickness="5"> <ComboBoxItem Name="Website" Content="Webseite"/> <ComboBoxItem Name="CNIProg" Content="Seite"/> </ComboBox> and the function ddl_pageType.FindName("Website")...

Filter columns in flex datagrid using CheckBox

Hi, I have a flex datagrid with 4 columns.I have a comboBox with 4 checkboxes,containing the column names of datagrid as its label.I want the datagrid to display only those columns which are selected in combobox.Can anyone tell me how this filtering of columns in datagrid can be done? Thanks in advance. ...